View Full Version : Chickens, how many have them?

01-26-2023, 08:39 AM
I had chickens when I was younger. I've wanted chickens since we moved out of town, but my wife was against(city girl). Well she finally gave in. I built a coop and run and have chicks that are a week old as of today. I didn't get back into them because of Eggs, I just enjoyed having chickens in the past. So I was just wondering how many here have them?

01-26-2023, 08:59 AM
Same story here, I had chickens when young & then life got involved, now retired and have had my chickens for five years or more, and I absolutely love my ladies.
Have nine ladies at the moment, one recently died & will be replaced soon.....

01-26-2023, 09:01 AM
I killed all of them last fall because they were too old to lay well. They will be replaced soon.

01-26-2023, 09:23 AM
I ordered 30 chicks after returning from the store with $5 eggs, that was during the Spring of 2020 while there was talk of coming lock downs.After attacks by a dog, possums, coon, and hawks, there are less than half left. This summer when they get broody, I need to get some fertilized eggs to put under them, and raise a new batch.

01-26-2023, 09:38 AM
We currently have 15 Wellsummer chickens. 14 Hens, and one Rooster.
Best breed I've ever had.

01-26-2023, 10:23 AM
We got eight girls on 3/5/22 from Tractor Supply. My GF picked them out and when I asked what breed they were, she just smiled and said four yellow, four black :groner: They are fun to watch and they are very curious when I am in their area doing anything. We are still getting decent egg production. Only two yesterday, but the two days prior were six each day. Normal seems to be four or more so far this winter. Our girls are a bit spoiled (solar panels, indoor light via remote, camera, automatic door opener with remote). They love wild bird feed too along with kitchen scraps. We also mix oats with bacon grease after making bacon. They go nuts over it. One of these days I will give them meal worms. I started a lil growing thing with the three drawer dresser. Had it for about six months now and keep forgetting about it. I toss in potatoes when I remember (for them to drink) and last I checked there were quite a few.
Get some, just make sure they have a secure area. My coop was originally supposed to be mobile, but the cheap HF wheel hubs broke so it sits where it died and I built an area around it. I also use the 2" netting above and we have had zero security issues.

Randy Bohannon
01-26-2023, 10:24 AM
Neighbor bought 50 chickens last spring He’s getting 50 eggs a day now, beautiful brown eggs with orange yolks. He sells them for $4.00 a dozen.

Outer Rondacker
01-26-2023, 11:53 AM
Kids grew up and moved out and had made me grandkids. Wife was getting crazy with trips to see the grandkids so I brought home 50 chickens about six years ago. We now have 17 birds and 7 ducks. Kids bring the grandkids up here to see the flock. Less trips for ma and keeps her from that empty nest syndrome feeling. We have so many eggs its crazy. Now she wants to build a larger barn style coop. Wants to up the flock to 50 birds and ditch the ducks. Guess I have some work to do this spring.

01-26-2023, 01:13 PM
Before we moved 2 yrs ago we were up to 32 hens. 28 were layers and the others were to young.
Our Australian Shepard puppy enjoyed playing with them. Grab em by the neck and shake them till they stoped playing, then catch another ! So we couldn’t break her of her killing and kept her separated from them.
Several days later the wife found a large snake in nesting box and with in 2 days we got rid of the rest of the 27 chickens. She said 1 heart attack was enough !!!!
In the hot Sumer, I really could not stand the acrid smell. I would have gotten a snake sooner if I knew she would want them gone.
I did enjoy the eggs and playing with them.


01-26-2023, 01:45 PM
My Uncle in East Texas had about 100 chickens , small semi-commercial operation for extra income and something for us kids to learn and help keep us out of trouble ... he had a few head of beef cattle and raised hogs ... Mom sent me over to get an education in what Farm Living was like every sommer ... I was supposed to be working for him .

Chickens aren't real bright ... they peck the ground and that's about it ...
I classify them as Vegetables with eyes .
They are birds , with wings but don't know they can fly when a fox or dog comes for them .

I don't eat enough eggs to warrant keeping chickens around .
Since they outlawed Cock Fighting in Louisiana a few years ago ... the Cock-Pit is now closed ...
there isn't no use raising Fighting Cocks anymore .

01-26-2023, 01:56 PM
I'm Super fortunate. I have 2 neighbors each having 50+ Hens each. They keep me and the missus in eggs. Golf cart delivery. They won't take a dime. We are very rural. 16 miles round trip to a Dollar General, 43 miles round trip to nearest Walmart. Heck, I would buy them in the store if I had to, But same day laid, free range, they taste to good. There's a big difference. Plus we deliver back to them my wife's Oatmeal, raisin, pecan cookies regular. If I don't eat them all.......

01-26-2023, 02:10 PM
I do not have any chickens. Yes, I could build a chicken coop, but I'd have to buy every drop of feed that the chickens would eat. I'm pretty sure it is still less costly to just buy eggs from the store.

01-26-2023, 02:16 PM
Thinking about it.

01-26-2023, 02:25 PM
We have 30 hens and five ducks to tell you the truth the duck eggs are much better. They are all free range the yoke are dark orange not yellow like the store bought..

Outer Rondacker
01-26-2023, 02:39 PM
I do not have any chickens. Yes, I could build a chicken coop, but I'd have to buy every drop of feed that the chickens would eat. I'm pretty sure it is still less costly to just buy eggs from the store.
I do not use much feed at all in the summer months. I spend around 100 bucks for the entire winter months. I grow fodder from cheap seed. They get scraps from left overs. Very little chicken feed. Last we have a very large composting pile right next to the coop. They dig and peck getting bugs all winter long out of the pile. Keeps me from having to flip it to much also. I live in upstate NY and no the large compost pile does not freeze.

01-26-2023, 02:40 PM
All my chickens are steel. No eggs here

01-26-2023, 03:03 PM
You want chickens? Come to Hawaii! There is an infestation if feral chickens on Oahu and Kauai. Being of bleeding heart politicians you can't hunt them, you can trap them (with a permit), and they are considered free range feral birds. You can go to ANY large shopping complex, park and see them. I just have to look out the window of my apartment and watch them in the parking lot.

01-26-2023, 04:19 PM
We bought 4 in the spring and put a coop in the back yard. More than enough eggs for the wife and I, but they're more for the wife's entertainment than anything else. She enjoys them, and they're pretty low maintenance. Even with just 4 birds we give away plenty of eggs.

The best/worst part is my habit of over-engineering everything I do. I almost had to take out a second mortgage when I built the coop. With what I spent on materials for the coop I doubt the chickens will live long enough to break even. If store-bought eggs go to $10 a dozen I might come close.

01-26-2023, 07:37 PM
The wife decided that she wanted chickens so we went to the local feed store and bought 8 chicks. The guy asked what kind we wanted and I told him hardy chickens that will lay some eggs but I'm not concerned how many. He grabbed 8 and put them in a box. I think there are at least 4 different kinds. They started laying around Sept making 1 or 2 a day. Now we are up to 7 or 8 a day.

I got plans off the net for a mobile hen house with a built on run but it's been parked since the snow hit. I have a sawmill so the wood for it was free. I think I have about $100/$150 invested in hinges, bolts, screws, shingles, chicken wire and such. This project wasn't done to save money although with the cost of eggs lately, it might workout that way.

Chickens are the dumbest critters I have ever been around.

Outer Rondacker
01-26-2023, 07:53 PM
Chickens are the dumbest critters I have ever been around.

Ya but fun as heck to watch.

01-26-2023, 08:12 PM
We have em. Just ordered more. 20 more to go with the 10 we have. Some breeds are smart, some not. Smart ones escape and roost where I dont want em to. Then lay eggs where I dont want them to. Soon they will have a bigger pen. The ones that escape go to the POT!

01-26-2023, 08:24 PM
I had chickens when I was younger. I've wanted chickens since we moved out of town, but my wife was against(city girl). Well she finally gave in. I built a coop and run and have chicks that are a week old as of today. I didn't get back into them because of Eggs, I just enjoyed having chickens in the past. So I was just wondering how many here have them?

No need. The farm across the road has 100 chickens and we get all we need for eggs and meat birds. Organic, too. The girls are on strike now but they should start back up soon.

01-26-2023, 09:07 PM
I don't...My Neighbor...only a mile or two, has Free Ones!!!
They Call 'em Range Chickens or some such.. IDC... that is Nice of them to provide for this part of the Rhubarb Patch!!!

01-26-2023, 09:59 PM
We have a 12 or so chickens ,ducks, guineas and 8 or 9 peacocks.

01-27-2023, 05:57 AM
Ten hens, one rooster. Favorite hen breed is Ameraucana. Ours are free range in our fenced in back yard. Rooster forages / calls hens when he finds a tasty morsel. He also watches out for predators.

01-27-2023, 08:50 AM
I kept 8-10 at one time but the local fox has dwindled me down to a single hen. Hopefully, I can get some more chicks but even that is proving difficult due to the avian flu epidemic.

01-27-2023, 09:57 AM
We bought 4 in the spring and put a coop in the back yard. More than enough eggs for the wife and I, but they're more for the wife's entertainment than anything else. She enjoys them, and they're pretty low maintenance. Even with just 4 birds we give away plenty of eggs.

The best/worst part is my habit of over-engineering everything I do. I almost had to take out a second mortgage when I built the coop. With what I spent on materials for the coop I doubt the chickens will live long enough to break even. If store-bought eggs go to $10 a dozen I might come close.

Same boat. Solar, gable vent turns on when it's hot, automatic door open/close, water and food inside, remote light plus auto lights, solar activity lights,etc. All good

762 shooter
01-27-2023, 10:37 AM
I've got 8 ISA Browns. 7 to 8 eggs a day.

The only pet that provides breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The only problem was coons pulling them through the chainlink fence piece by piece.


01-27-2023, 07:49 PM
we have had em for years.no pen. expect to lose a few. everything likes chicken !

01-27-2023, 08:13 PM
i have 11, 10 hens one rooster. We are still learning but they are all healthy and happy and laying more than we can use. We lost a few to sudden death but replaced them. Some predators like possum and coon became tests for my varmint loads.

01-27-2023, 08:54 PM
I run a hundred hens in four coops with roosters. I bred my own line out of of Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Red Star sex link, and Brahma's. I get eggs every day. And the roosters dress out fat and chunky. I replace my hens on a rotation of 2 years per coop. Brood Roosters every 3 years.

01-27-2023, 10:27 PM
We have 10 currently, one rooster. These are from eggs we hatched 18 Months ago - their parents have have departed via the Roaster. Getting 3 to 5 eggs this winter; coop light is on a timer coming on at 0800 and going off at 19:00.

We will be getting the incubators out late Feb or March. Will put up a sign selling chicks - maybe $5.00 per chick unsexed. Will target another 10 or so for laying hens this next fall/winter.


Fox Business this morning had throughout the morning coverage of one of their field reporters on the "RENT A CHICKEN" craze that seems to be expanding in the Suburbs. They are reporting $4.00 to $6.00 a dozen for eggs; so people are "Renting" a small coop on wheels and 4 hens. The rental period is for 6 months; at a cost of $500.00 per session, and the Renters are required to furnish feed. The 4 hens are producing about a dozen eggs per week according to the Fox reporter. .So; it was business channel but no one assessed the bottom line. Cost of rental is about $21.00 per week. Retail cost of eggs is up to $6.00 per dozen - so the Renter is only loosing $15.00 per week on the deal.

01-27-2023, 11:03 PM
Always enjoyed chickens, never raised any, neighbor kids have them, 4-H, county fair and such BUT they do eat little rattle snakes, and provide lots of bait for every predator out there. Raccoons, possums, fox, skunks, coyotes, red-tailed hawks, Cooper's Hawks, Golden Eagles, a few other hawks have all snacked on their chickens while the bull snakes will steal the eggs. Can't shoot the birds and try not to kill the bull snakes but do help with the raccoons, skunks and coyotes. Hear their roosters every morning when their lights go on, just entertaining. I have done the numbers, home grown eggs can be VERY expensive.

01-27-2023, 11:43 PM
We have 30 hens and 2 roosters. 32 quail hens and 8 roosters. 9 rabbits and 2 dozen cows. Now if I could just find a place for that hog pen .

01-28-2023, 10:28 AM
I do not use much feed at all in the summer months. I spend around 100 bucks for the entire winter months. I grow fodder from cheap seed. They get scraps from left overs. Very little chicken feed. Last we have a very large composting pile right next to the coop. They dig and peck getting bugs all winter long out of the pile. Keeps me from having to flip it to much also. I live in upstate NY and no the large compost pile does not freeze.

I do not own sufficient land to grow anything for chickens to eat, and because of coyotes, neighbors dogs, chicken hawks, etc., letting the chickens run free range is totally out of the question.

Outer Rondacker
01-28-2023, 10:38 AM
I do not own sufficient land to grow anything for chickens to eat, and because of coyotes, neighbors dogs, chicken hawks, etc., letting the chickens run free range is totally out of the question.

I do understand that.

01-28-2023, 12:05 PM
Years ago my SIL got a brood of chickens to free range In her yard. She and her husband went out one day and came home to their dog proudly sitting on a pile of dead chickens. Suprisingly the dog survived.

01-28-2023, 02:00 PM
Just checked...
Have about 5 chickens...all cut up in pieces in the freezer.

01-28-2023, 05:06 PM
Just checked...
Have about 5 chickens...all cut up in pieces in the freezer.
Well Played

Eddie Southgate
01-28-2023, 06:13 PM
I got rid of mine a few years back cause I could buy eggs cheaper than I could raise them, looks like I'm gonna get back into raising my own now that they are $6 a dozen at WM.

Silvercreek Farmer
01-28-2023, 08:55 PM
Got a few, but they are barely laying.

01-28-2023, 09:24 PM
You know why the eggs are so expensive an hard to find . Because all the hens are now identifying as rosters.

01-29-2023, 10:34 AM
I do not own sufficient land to grow anything for chickens to eat, and because of coyotes, neighbors dogs, chicken hawks, etc., letting the chickens run free range is totally out of the question.

Look up a chicken tunnel run. I used chicken wire for the sides with an extra portion forming an "L" at the base so about two feet go beyond the fence to discourage predators digging. The 2" netting on top makes a huge difference. I do need to reconfigure my setup as that severe ice storm we had bent all my support poles in half - 1 3/8" fence top rails like they were nothing.
My eight girls gave us four eggs yesterday, seven the day before, and two days of five each day. Guess they don't realize it's winter and we don't use lighting in the coop other than to let them know when to go in to sleep.

01-29-2023, 08:33 PM
You know why the eggs are so expensive an hard to find . Because all the hens are now identifying as rosters.

I needed that little bit of humour this morning with all the **** going on in the world today......thankyou......:p:p:p

01-29-2023, 10:02 PM
My wife had about 10 as pets until she gave 9 of them away. The eggs would rot before anybody ate them, except we’d cook a few dozen at a time for the dogs.
Chickens like to kill anything weaker than themselves. If one chicken got sick, they would gang up and kill it. If I was working in the yard and got hit in the head, I’m sure they would encircle me and peck my eyes out. They must have one thought for everything they look at: “Can I kill it?”

01-30-2023, 06:14 AM
We have around a dozen and they lay eggs all year round. Half as much in winter, but we still have all we need. In the summer we have to give some away. We supplement their diet with lots of kitchen scraps and meat and fat scraps from our butcher. They are happy girls.

01-30-2023, 07:45 AM
My wife had about 10 as pets until she gave 9 of them away. The eggs would rot before anybody ate them, except we’d cook a few dozen at a time for the dogs.
Chickens like to kill anything weaker than themselves. If one chicken got sick, they would gang up and kill it. If I was working in the yard and got hit in the head, I’m sure they would encircle me and peck my eyes out. They must have one thought for everything they look at: “Can I kill it?”

I was telling my wife (the city girl) that we called them "barn yard buzzards" growing up for a reason!

01-30-2023, 10:48 AM
we run a chicken retirement home, I think we are down to 5 hens at this point. we have one hen we call Grandma that is 15 years old now ?????????? Don't get many eggs now but the girls are just pets.

01-30-2023, 01:05 PM
Currently have 19 hens. Have a light on a timer that comes on each morning at 4. Waterer that is also plugged in to keep from freezing. Average 14 eggs a day. Only lost two in the 7 years we have kept chickens as a mountain lion scaled our fence and dined on a chicken and startled a second chicken nearby that broke her leg. Thankfully the lion was just passing through and never returned.


Outer Rondacker
01-31-2023, 02:34 PM
As of last night we are one duck less. Set a trap and looked out the window with the hi powered flashlight to see eyes. Then he bounced off with the bate. Dang trap froze. I hate weasels. Going to rebate and set the trap again this time putting a large box over it so the freezing rain slash snow does not freeze it up. Its always fun getting the critters that get my food supply.

Milky Duck
01-31-2023, 06:57 PM
we have 5 in our backyard coup..... 4-5 eggs most days,3 on a bad day..the ycost us $3 each from commercial farm..they have done a full season so get onsold to allow new fresh chooks on farm.... hi lines great chooks and at the price,when they stop laying,they get wee holiday then as the old Queen used to say "off with their heads" and into compost bin .