View Full Version : safe food

01-25-2023, 10:55 AM
I like orange juice and having spent many years in florida, and experiences picking the oranges an even having my own trees to squeeze them for myself I know what good orange juice is. but now no longer living in florida I have to depend on what is available at the grocery store and this story really was an eye opener.

Through my neighbor I have heard horror stories of what havoc these PFAS chemicals have caused to the people who worked at and lived anywhere near the DOW factory in West Virginia where teflon pans were made.
just makes me really question just what our grocery store foods contain

01-25-2023, 11:11 AM
There used to be a song about the old hippie who gardened in self defense. It's not a joke any more. Anything that I don't grow, forage, or shoot I hold in great suspicion.

01-25-2023, 11:32 AM
We probably don't want to know what we eat sometime!

01-25-2023, 01:17 PM
Soylent Green!!!

01-25-2023, 02:16 PM
Soylent Green!!!


01-25-2023, 04:46 PM
Most city grocery stores, the closest thing to real, is the sign. Bad thing is most of the wholesale grocery houses and wholesale distribution sell the same things.
We here have several local outlets where we can buy off the farm items if needed. I have had several gardens, but the deer and birds here are pretty thick, takes a tall fence and triple electric wires, gets less expensive to go to a bigger farm and buy produce from them

Mr Peabody
01-25-2023, 08:06 PM
Try and imagine how many foods grown in the good ole USA contain Glyphosates', Roundup is in most of the foods we eat

01-25-2023, 08:14 PM
Soylent Green!!!

Look up hek 293

Plate plinker
01-25-2023, 09:39 PM
[I thought the FDA was on the job to save us from unsafe food!

01-25-2023, 10:06 PM
I know what you mean about oranges. Had a friend that was on vacation in Florida, knew I liked oranges so he brought me a sack of tree ripened ones. Same thing with a stalk ripened pineapple, good heavens.

01-26-2023, 03:48 AM
soylent green!!!

aka spam

01-26-2023, 08:29 AM
It's based on a class action lawsuit. So, I'm not sure if I trust lawyers anymore than Big Ag

01-26-2023, 09:13 AM
I read an article yesterday where the EU approved crickets and meal worms to be used in human foods.

01-26-2023, 10:17 AM
Simply Contaminated!

01-26-2023, 03:01 PM
I used to work for a Fortune 50 company that packaged juice products. I worked on the juice box line. If you were to read the side of the package that contained apple juice you would find that the juice therein came from a long list of countries, including USA, Great Britain, several South American countries, and last on the list was CHINA!

Now, if you think that the apple juice was blended from juice from all of the above countries you are only about .0000001% correct. Virtually all of the apple juice concentrate came from CHINA!
We would mix a batch of 2500 gallons of juice from Chinese concentrate, and pour in 6oz of juice blended from the rest of the countries listed on the box .

01-26-2023, 05:04 PM
I used to work for a Fortune 50 company that packaged juice products. I worked on the juice box line. If you were to read the side of the package that contained apple juice you would find that the juice therein came from a long list of countries, including USA, Great Britain, several South American countries, and last on the list was CHINA!

Now, if you think that the apple juice was blended from juice from all of the above countries you are only about .0000001% correct. Virtually all of the apple juice concentrate came from CHINA!
We would mix a batch of 2500 gallons of juice from Chinese concentrate, and pour in 6oz of juice blended from the rest of the countries listed on the box .

Good Lord, Thanks for the heads up.

01-26-2023, 05:26 PM
After working in the food industry in QA and R&D for almost 50 years you would probably not eat anything if you really knew what was in it. There are allowable quantities of any variety of non-food components in pretty much all foods. Even farm grown/sold foods will have trace elements as well as insects or insect parts. Flour has ground up insects and insect eggs (think wheat weevils and flour beetles and Indian Meal Moths. Spices are another whole category (insects, mold, rodent droppings, hair, etc.). People can get all excited but if it's grown in nature it will have nature (as well as atmospheric and soil) contaminants in it. Don't get me started on "Organic"...

01-26-2023, 06:52 PM
Years ago I worked in a well known Top brand name vegging packaging plant. Chopped spinach was the worst. It was dumped into a huge vat of hot water to blanch it right out of the farmers truck. It then moved to a chopper then a conveyor belt about 30 feet long that had 5 or 6 women standing on each side digging through about 4 or 5 inch deep by 18/20 inches wide of product. It then went through a packager and then a machine that wrapped it with a label. Then on to the freezers. Between the label machine and the freezer a lady would come along every so often and pull a few of the boxes of the line, take them to a stainless steel table, open them and separate the non spinach parts. These parts ranging from bird and rat parts to bugs, spiders and such were wieghed. When the non spinach parts got to a certain %, they stopped the line and put a new roll of lesser brand labels in the label machine. When the quality dropped to far or the bug count got to high they started packaging as institution grade a, b, c, or d.

There is a reason why some brands sell for much lower than the top brands.

01-27-2023, 12:54 PM
I don't know if the laws have changed, but back 50 years ago working at a packing plant, 3 rats per hundred pounds of ground meat was acceptable.

01-27-2023, 01:19 PM
I learned long ago that our technologies to measure contaminants far exceeds what is biologically relevant for many things. This is a very useful concept for the tort bar (lawyers) talking to juries educated in the government schools. Nevertheless, I read labels carefully and prefer to catch, grow, and shoot my own food.

01-27-2023, 02:22 PM
Where I grew up here in upstate NY (and still live here) there were hundreds of small dairy & chicken farms. Now there's only about a dozen dairy and one chicken farm left. All the rest have packed it in and gone out of business, the land subdivided and developed by city people. That land will never grow another crop of food again. That's unconscionable to me. As American farms are going out of business, we're importing more & more food. Chemicals that have been outlawed here 40 years ago, are being poured on crops in foreign countries.

But some of this is the fault of the consumer. For example, people want perfect fruit & vegetables. God forbid there's a worm in an apple or ear of corn. The only way to grow that perfect crop is to use fertilizer & chemicals. But it should be used prudently. When I see a worm in something I'm about to eat, that tells me it's free of chemicals.