View Full Version : Another icon gone - David Crosby passed away

01-20-2023, 11:08 AM
David Crosby’s contributions to the 1960’s and 70’s music scene and his run-ins with authority made him a legend.
As a member of the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield and CSN his songwriting and vocal range, especially when teamed with Graham Nash, reached a level of harmony un-paralleled in rock music.
Always controversial, he used the musical platform to point out the dark side of big government, including conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK assassination, governmental corruption, gun control and CIA drug trafficking, ironically being convicted on both gun and drug charges.
Whatever your opinion of his beliefs and lifestyle, his singing and songwriting were extraordinary.

01-20-2023, 12:01 PM
Do you suppose he is doing some backpedaling" today, at the Pearly gates?

David Crosby tweeted that heaven is 'overrated,' 'cloudy' a day before his death
https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/david-crosby-tweeted-heaven-overrated-cloudy-day-before-death?fbclid=IwAR2Un0NYSVYout0v3J9zMOc2cJLdYnvGFZE pIKhJSyIbDwxxzPuDnlWsHaw

01-20-2023, 12:14 PM
Fine musician and song writer.
Also a drug addict...seems to be a common problem with wealthy and or famous people.

01-20-2023, 12:22 PM
Agreed, His singing was unparalleled. I am amazed he lived as long as he did given his drug use for all those years. I saw him at Woodstock and several times after that.

01-20-2023, 12:25 PM
Fine musician and song writer.
Also a drug addict...seems to be a common problem with wealthy and or famous people.

What I found interesting was He lived to be 81 yrs old. Now I'm not sure to what extent his "addictions" were? But usually that takes a toll on your health, and living that long is a great exception.

01-20-2023, 12:26 PM
opps, Rick beat me to it.

01-20-2023, 12:29 PM
Given his political bent, kinda hard to grieve his death. CCR was more my liking in music back in the day. I could say "God rest his soul", but that's a real stretch.

01-20-2023, 12:38 PM
Agreed, His singing was unparalleled. I am amazed he lived as long as he did given his drug use for all those years. I saw him at Woodstock and several times after that.

His musical abilities were overshadowed by a hedonistic lifestyle. Perhaps his longevity resulted from adhering to the “better living through chemistry” plan so prevalent at the time.

01-20-2023, 01:18 PM
Yes his vocal ability was simply god given, He was part of the movement of the 60s, I for one did more than my fair share of the red bud. You had to be there. There was a time when a VW bus had a bumper sticker that said, If in need help, do not call a cop, Call a hippy! LOL Will never go back there.

Randy Bohannon
01-20-2023, 01:29 PM
They were relevant in their time despite their advocation for Communism , never saw them as anything but Commies and more popular now than ever.

01-20-2023, 03:22 PM
Randy, Swipe my sig and watch the vid And you will know were I am at. We are not all commies, lost a bunch of family. And I think they where about Communes.

01-20-2023, 06:13 PM

01-20-2023, 06:50 PM
Saw CSN live at a Jacques Cousteau thing as a kid. David Lindley guested on violin (and a ton of other instruments, as I recall) and said "right, turn the amplifier up, I want to burn the enamel off their teeth." I seem to recall it felt like my hair (long, and ocean-bleached at the time) was blown back.

Incredible voice. Mess personally, surprised he lived as long, pissed off a lot of people including seemingly everyone he played with (like Graham Nash). Seems he found some calm in later years. I don't know there will ever be a more natural harmonizing trio ever again.

Grew up on them, and Stephen Stills' music. Huge fan of Stills' voice and acoustic guitar.

Randy Bohannon
01-20-2023, 08:43 PM
Randy, Swipe my sig and watch the vid And you will know were I am at. We are not all commies, lost a bunch of family. And I think they where about Communes.

And Communism, wise up.

01-20-2023, 10:32 PM
So, with Crosby gone, do you think Ted Nugent will finally get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

01-20-2023, 11:02 PM
i would rather Praise the Lord then any of these musical druggies. Yes their music is good, but all else about them stinks of a socialist/communist state selling, "hate America" while they became rich. I see hem as the beginning of destruction to what America has become, and only God can save it now, not our elected officials who are, or become, just like Crosby.

01-20-2023, 11:23 PM

01-20-2023, 11:43 PM
They were relevant in their time despite their advocation for Communism , never saw them as anything but Commies and more popular now than ever.

I don’t recall CSN or Crosby advocating communism, in fact Crosby was a pretty ardent 2A guy. Anti-war yes and as that turned out, they were right. Never heard them go on about overthrowing either. Crosby himself was certain the CIA killed JFK. still a lot of holes in the government narrative on that one. In short compared to their contemporaries they were pretty tame.

01-21-2023, 12:54 AM
I don't reckon that anyone here is qualified to pass final judgment on David Crosby or anyone else. Many of us lived a lot of different lifestyles for these last sixty years or so, and some of us were lucky to live to tell of it. Only thing I know about Crosby, is that he made prettier music than most.

I don't know where he stood with the Lord on his last day, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I get to hear him playing in that heavenly band when I get there. jd

jim 44-40
01-21-2023, 01:33 AM
Just listened to lyrics from the Southern Cross for the first time.Ya right!
A little bit of Buffalo Springfield didn't hurt either.

01-21-2023, 07:25 AM
What I found interesting was He lived to be 81 yrs old. Now I'm not sure to what extent his "addictions" were? But usually that takes a toll on your health, and living that long is a great exception.

Didn't he make it on someone else's liver??

01-21-2023, 11:00 AM
Didn't he make it on someone else's liver??

Yeah, yesterday I heard that he had a Liver swap 30 years ago, and apparently that's when he cleaned up the drug abuse.

01-21-2023, 12:21 PM
My son came in from college all excited about finding a whole new mind blowing book. So he went on and on. I told him to go look in my library, 2nd book case, third shelf down in the middle, the red spine book. He came back holding Coney Island of The Mind, the book he was talking about. The more things change the more they are the same.

So CSN is more an occurrence of the time and the culture, with the music they made being timeless. You recognize the music anywhere you go where the bands or individuals play music near the coast. I had occasion to tie up my boat to a dock or two.

01-21-2023, 12:39 PM
Crosby helped the Dead learn to sing harmonies together. Four way Street is a wonderful evocative album As is Dejavu.

01-21-2023, 01:06 PM
They were relevant in their time despite their advocation for Communism , never saw them as anything but Commies and more popular now than ever.

Randy, what you said makes me think, Were you in the service and by any chance a Vietnam Vet? I am and before I was drafted I had long hair and protested the war. Was I a hippie? Don't know, I hung out with them, went to Woodstock with them. Does that make me a commie? I protested the war outside the Army base fence and gat gassed constantly and you know what? When I got drafted I went in and did my time, got the spare bullets to carry around for the rest of my life along with other scraps of metal in me. Came home and got the same treatment as all the other vets. Called commie baby killers and spit on. Guess that makes me a commie now doesn't it. No, It does not. Do not label people because of their lifestyles 60 years ago. Or what we were forced to do 60 years ago! And most of those musicians cleaned up their drug use many years ago. As did most of the so called hippies.

01-21-2023, 02:45 PM
Randy, what you said makes me think, Were you in the service and by any chance a Vietnam Vet? I am and before I was drafted I had long hair and protested the war. Was I a hippie? Don't know, I hung out with them, went to Woodstock with them. Does that make me a commie? I protested the war outside the Army base fence and gat gassed constantly and you know what? When I got drafted I went in and did my time, got the spare bullets to carry around for the rest of my life along with other scraps of metal in me. Came home and got the same treatment as all the other vets. Called commie baby killers and spit on. Guess that makes me a commie now doesn't it. No, It does not. Do not label people because of their lifestyles 60 years ago. Or what we were forced to do 60 years ago! And most of those musicians cleaned up their drug use many years ago. As did most of the so called hippies.

That's well said Rick. My late eldest brother came back but never really came back, and same with my good friend, who was a tunnel rat. I was a corpsman who missed the war by about 3 years. I'm glad you came back.

It was a long time ago. Their music was and remains an important part of our cultural and historical legacy, in my opinion. Right now I'm literally hearing Stills' 4 and 20, and remember something I saw, I didn't know they came on Dick Cavett the day after Woodstock closed.


They were so young. Their voice belied their years.

01-21-2023, 02:48 PM
If he had been an average Joe, he would never have qualified for a replacement liver. Had a friend who at 35 died while they contemplated his prior alcohol use. He had been clean and sober about 10 years, but they had him at the bottom of the list. Just sain. Yeah, Crosby had a good voice. And that's all I'll say.

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01-21-2023, 03:01 PM
If he had been an average Joe, he would never have qualified for a replacement liver. Had a friend who at 35 died while they contemplated his prior alcohol use. He had been clean and sober about 10 years, but they had him at the bottom of the list. Just sain. Yeah, Crosby had a good voice. And that's all I'll say.

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

I'm really sorry you lost your friend. I will never forget following the story of Erika Zak. A warrior. 1000's were with her.

01-22-2023, 01:01 PM
We’re all products of our own environments, eras, strengths and weaknesses. Frankly I’m amazed more of us didn’t experience worse after effects from the excesses we willingly subjected ourselves to. I accept responsibility for my past stupid choices and the course my life took because of them. More than that I regret the heartache my poor choices caused those around me. Few of us, myself included, were, or are perfect. All of us have redeeming qualities. I can’t undo what I’ve done, only try to make amends for it with the time i have left.
God gave Crosby an incredible gift. I’m glad he managed to dispel some of his demons before going home.

01-22-2023, 08:23 PM
I'm sitting here right now watching a pretty sizable YouTube vid of Crosby doing a full interview called Lyrically Speaking I think. (seven year ago)

He's one on one with the interviewer (Zollo), doing a little guitar and singing, mostly talking and reminiscing.

I've got a little bit of talent -- not enough to do much with it. I thank the Lord that I've got enough talent to appreciate and enjoy folks who are the real deal.

Crosby has expressed his love for our US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, -- all AS WRITTEN.

I'm enjoying it and would recommend it if you're a fan. jd

01-22-2023, 09:09 PM
he left us with a lot of good music. he was a good musician right in the middle of a huge hotbed of talent as he entered adulthood, starting out on a super success career with the Byrds as a hit song writer and cowriter. he was right in the middle of a whole new form of modern music from where Elvis and chuck berry, buddy holly, the Beatles and others started. among the folks he associated with at the time were on the forefront of modern music. Crosby was instrumental in getting Joni Mitchell heard by the right people including Elliot Roberts and David geffen, Jackson brown, cass Elliot and the mommas and the poppas. Elliot along with Crosby who introduced many of the best musicians from San Francisco to laurel canyon to one another including the eagles. as a result a lot of what we heard and hear on the radio came about. at least thats my understanding of it.
no-one lives forever. the man lived a full life. the way this year is starting out we may just lose a lot of other great musicians this year as many of the ones that created the music of our youth are getting up there in the years. may the good lord have mercy on his soul.

01-23-2023, 12:47 PM
If I could only remember my name. His best work ever. That inspired a lot of musicians. Including the first starship recording Blows against the empire. He did a good bit of the back up vocals for them. Yea I can see where people could see him as a commie. Still think it was about the music.