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View Full Version : What scale do you take when shopping Wheel Weights?

02-04-2009, 12:45 PM
At first I was thinking of a hand scale to take along when I stop somewhere to inquire about wheel weights. However, I found that a pail is well over 100#, so perhaps a regular bathroom scale would be best.

What do you take along for a scale?


02-04-2009, 12:46 PM
I took a bathroom scale and glued to pieces of 2x4 on top so you can see the dial with a bucket setting on the 2x4's, more or less I cut two notches in the 2x4 so you can see the dial.


02-04-2009, 12:57 PM
My two places I get ww's at just guess, they are usually on the low side. My main supplier figures that a 5 gallon bucket full weighs 100 lbs. and that works for me!

02-04-2009, 05:27 PM
My two places I get ww's at just guess, they are usually on the low side. My main supplier figures that a 5 gallon bucket full weighs 100 lbs. and that works for me!

I see why you feel no urge to complain about that :-D

I never bring anything along. The place from where I've gotten the most weights, is a scrapyard and they have a scale there. At the other places people just look at the bucket and go "Hmmmm, yeeeaahhh well.... gives us a 20 and we'll make it a deal".

02-04-2009, 05:37 PM
I'd be afriad I'd offend someone with a scale. Today I stopped at a regular spot and he quoted $45 for a small drum of ww. I won't even need any for another 10 years but I paid him and loaded them into 5 gal buckets and it came to three full ones. But I'm not going to go looking for anymore. Unless I see a tire shop that looks ripe. Or if they're too cheap to turn down. I got it bad, I know.

02-05-2009, 08:18 AM
A scale?!!! I wait till the 5 gallon bucket is full and hump it into the truck. I try to drop off doughnuts and stuff. I've yet to pay for WW.

cajun shooter
02-05-2009, 08:24 AM
Well Heck!! Bret4207, At that price and the amounts of WW's you could send or bring them to Louisiana where then people have looked at them as a source of income fo a while now. Come on now send some South to help us poor Southern People out Ya hear

02-05-2009, 08:28 AM
I take MY OWN buckets and pour the ww's from their bucket(s) into mine for two reasons, sort out the broken lug nuts, wheel bearings, spark plugs and other junk AND they keep their buckets.Of course a box of donuts or brownies gets you remembered next time.:castmine:

02-05-2009, 09:10 AM
I weigh them because I have previously agreed to pay them .02 more per lb than the local scrapyard pays. If I am hitting a new spot and the owner states HIS price I do not quibble if it is within reason, I may or may not go back there depending on how that price was.


02-05-2009, 10:42 AM
I've been calling up a few scrap yards today, or 6 to be exact! Only one had any WWs, he had 200lbs he'd sell me for $.50/lbs. No thanks man... 30% is prolly zinc anyway... so I think that's way to pricey..

02-05-2009, 10:54 AM
No scale here. Bucket volume only.

02-05-2009, 11:02 AM
I called 12 of my local scrap yards and only one would sell. quoted me 50 cents a pound.
he can keep it at that price.
when i did pick up a considerable ammount my last time out, the prices rnaged from 1.50$ to 20 cents(what i paid at 2 yards, cleaned one out and went to his buddies yard to get more)
is there nay EPA restrictions on storing saw WW scrap lead before it is smelted?
would i be considered a toxic waste site if i have too much on hand?

02-05-2009, 11:41 AM
is there nay EPA restrictions on storing saw WW scrap lead before it is smelted?
would i be considered a toxic waste site if i have too much on hand?

I wonder the same thing so I keep a truck parked in front of the garage door to block the view. hehe.