View Full Version : Follow-up: 225415 & Bull Plate Lube

01-19-2006, 12:38 AM
I while back I had commented about not being able to get the 225415 to fill out well with linotype. (I think that this is a finicky mould, because the RCBS 22-055 SP I tried a few weeks later cast beautifully the first time out.) BullShop generously offered to send me a bottle of his BullShopLube to cure what ails the mould. I used it as recommended and it did exactly what he said it would. I was able to cast very fast, break the sprue before it got hard, as a result, the mould got hot and stayed hot, and the bases filled out nicely. I confess that I wasn’t using lino this time, but, something a little softer. Still, excellent results, and it was nice to be able to cast so quickly without smearing up the mould. Cutting the sprue was effortless unless I let it go too long, then I had to whack the sprue cutter to get it open. Great stuff! Stan

01-19-2006, 12:44 AM
:coffeecom Howdy, I cast a lot of 225415 with both water dropped wheel weigts and Lino and never had any problem. I dip the bottom of my mold into the pot until it is casting degree hot. That was befor the mold lube from Bull Shop, it is now even better that I have his stuff. Hot enough is the key as far as I am concerned, and I
I like my boolits to drop from the mold just about first stage frosty.
1Shirt :coffeecom