View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Tuesday, January 10

Pine Baron
01-10-2023, 08:27 AM
Good morning all. I love the story of Hosea and Gomer. Have a safe and blessed day.

Loyal Love
January 10, 2023 - Dr. David Jeremiah

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.
Psalm 51:1

Two words summarize the love of God in the Old and New Testaments. The New Testament word is agape—the unconditional, unmerited love of God. The Old Testament word is hesed—usually translated “lovingkindness” or “mercy,” but more literally thought of as “loyal love.” Agape and hesed are like two sides of the same love-coin. If love is loyal, it cannot be cancelled which means it is unconditional. God’s love cannot be earned or negated; it is merciful and loyal.

The greatest story of God’s unconditional and loyal love in the Old Testament is the story of Hosea, in which hesed occurs 6 times. (It occurs nearly 250 times in the entire Old Testament, primarily referring to God’s loyal love for Israel.) Hosea’s unconditional love for his wayward wife, Gomer, was a picture for Israel of God’s forever love for His chosen people: “I will betroth you to Me forever...in lovingkindness [hesed] and mercy” (Hosea 2:19).

God loves you today unconditionally and loyally. Even if you are unfaithful, “He remains faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13). If you have fallen or been unfaithful, take heart: God is faithful to love and forgive.

God’s faithfulness means that God will always do what He has said and fulfill what He has promised.
Wayne Grudem

01-10-2023, 09:26 AM
Amen, God loves us unconditionally without prejudice!

Wayne Smith
01-10-2023, 09:32 AM
All too often we look at Hosea and God in that passage. But Gomer is a picture of how miserable we can be and often are. We don't like to see this, but need to for an accurate understanding of God.

square butte
01-10-2023, 09:41 AM
Thanks for the word & Scripture this morning - I am glad my Wife loves this lesson as much as i do - God Bless