View Full Version : Happy Dog

12-25-2022, 07:59 PM
I have three adult Rottweilers and one puppy. I’ve noticed that they have a happy pant. They will pant when they are happy, even when there is no reason for them to be hot.
Another thing is that when they are low on physical affection they will misbehave the same as when they are low on exercise. I have seen the boy spazzing out several times and he calmed down and behaved well after I pet him for a few minutes.
They also really like to be hugged. My wife was leery for a while, because generally you should never have your face in a cat’s face nor a dog’s face. I tell myself I would know if my dogs did not want to be hugged, maybe I’m wrong. Anyways, they will climb up and lay on my lap if I stop hugging them too early. (If you’ve never raised a strong dog, you probably should not go hug a rottie after reading this.)
One problem I have created is that my dogs think they can be this physically affectionate with other people. If the other people are strong enough to handle the dog, they’re scared of what’s happening. They will jump up and hug you… unless you’re delivering the mail or showing up unannounced at 2AM - that’s different.
I wish I had one of these dogs in my late teens and into my twenties - would have helped me learn to handle my emotions a lot better.

12-25-2022, 08:09 PM
I had a 95 lb Rottweiler/Shepherd mix. Strongest, toughest most solid dog I've ever seen. But, if you scolded him, he'd sulk. Those Rottweiler eyes looked pathetic until you consoled him. Great breed.

12-25-2022, 08:33 PM
I have two F Great Pyrenees very strong and affectionate, very gentil, love to cuddle, very gentil and good with the grandbabies, one is about 90 lbs and the other is about 100lbs, great big lap dogs, just don't fit, love attention, just don't be something that doesn't belong. They will let you know when there happy, when they are sad, when they are displeased, when they think they should get a treat, for any job well done, very loving.

Winger Ed.
12-25-2022, 08:59 PM
I've had two of them and they were great dogs.

The best way I found to keep any big dog from jumping up on people is when they do it, lightly tap on their back paw.
It breaks their concentration or something, maybe they just don't like it. Usually after a few times, they'll quit.

12-26-2022, 11:50 AM
I have two F Great Pyrenees very strong and affectionate, very gentil, love to cuddle, very gentil and good with the grandbabies, one is about 90 lbs and the other is about 100lbs, great big lap dogs, just don't fit, love attention, just don't be something that doesn't belong. They will let you know when there happy, when they are sad, when they are displeased, when they think they should get a treat, for any job well done, very loving.

Great Pyrenees are phenomenal dogs but do require time and effort. My puppy (well 5 1/2 years old) has been trained to not jump on anyone nor lack them. With my back that was always a concern and he is now over 160 lbs. His last weigh in was two years ago. They are a very smart and independent breed. He will hug me by placing his head on my shoulder and will wake me by gently placing his head on my chest. Best dog I ever owned and he really is a best buddy.