View Full Version : Issues posting pics

12-11-2022, 06:23 PM
Both from laptop or phone. It does not give me the option of choosing off my picture file anymore. Seems I've done it not long ago. Have I pushed a deactivate button somewhere?

12-11-2022, 06:35 PM
More details. It appears I can reply to myself here and add a pic there. I'm having problems posting a pic in a PM. There may be a rule disallowing that. If so, I hadn't seen that rule.

12-11-2022, 07:57 PM
you can't post a picture in a PM unless it is hosted off site.
There is a button but it will ask you for a URL to the picture off site

hope this answers your question


12-14-2022, 09:15 AM
you can't post a picture in a PM unless it is hosted off site.
There is a button but it will ask you for a URL to the picture off site

hope this answers your question


Yup, purdy much what I was seeing. Post from pics on phone or puter anywhere else, PMs are different.