View Full Version : Help with ID of metal

12-09-2022, 09:05 PM

I have a sample to send for analysis, but does anyone recognize this grain pattern.
No fizz when exposed to acid. Low melt point. Specific gravity around 22. Garage analytics.

12-09-2022, 10:14 PM
How low of a melt point? That look's like it is sitting on a paper towel? If so that is a very close up shot, could be linotype or something with a lot of tin and antimony but not a lot of lead. Hard? soft?

kevin c
12-10-2022, 04:21 AM
If I’m remembering right, grain pattern depends not only on alloy make up, but also how fast the sample cools. In other words, I’m not sure you can reliably estimate content by appearance, even with the other info you provided.

But my advice really isn’t worth much more than what you paid for it. Maybe somebody with a real understanding of metallurgy can offer something more definite.


What was that specific gravity again? Maybe I’m forgetting how specific gravity and density relate, but isn’t a S.G. of 22 way above that of any lead alloy?

Land Owner
12-10-2022, 05:25 AM
Zinc-rich galvanization will "scale" like that on the surface of the parent metal...but take that with a grain of salt because I am taking a SWAG while glancing at a photo.

https://img.glyphs.co/img?src=aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5tZWRpYWxvb3QuY29tL3Jlc291cm Nlcy9HYWx2YW5pemVkLU1ldGFsLVRleHR1cmVzLVByZXZpZXct MS5qcGc&q=90&enlarge=true&h=1036&w=1600

12-10-2022, 10:52 AM
The galvanizing makes sense but he said acid had no reaction. And zinc would have a high melting point.

12-10-2022, 01:13 PM
I've seen patterns like that on COWW...it depends on how hot the ingot mold was, and if I 'cooled' the mold (wet towel) to speed up the freeze.

12-10-2022, 02:03 PM
The metal was melted over a wooden board and allowed to air cool. It melts as soon as the flame touches the edge. It took a couple of minutes to air cool. I know this is not exact science, but it is the best I have at the moment. It stayed silver until the last few seconds and then the scale pattern formed. It was warm to the touch, but still handleable. I will be sending a sample to be tested.

12-10-2022, 06:46 PM
How about chamber casting material that has a low melting point.


12-11-2022, 12:30 AM
Cerrosafe will melt in boiling water. Try that.

Useful stuff.

12-13-2022, 02:58 AM
Kevin c is right regarding the specific gravity value…. Lead runs about 11.3 spec. grav. And the most dense elements run in the 22.5 range. Course, this may be a new element!

12-13-2022, 07:12 AM
Really could use an answer to the hardness question. Does a length of it bend or break?
Have a thermometer? If not maybe put a sample in a pan and use the oven to test temps above boiling.

FWIW, I have Lyman #2 ingots that show similar crystallization…but that may not mean anything.