View Full Version : Concealed carry while hunting

jim 44-40
12-08-2022, 12:43 PM
So,here in Pa you can carry semi-auto handgun while deer hunting for personal protection,if you have Concealed carry permit. Now you already have a high power rifle,slug gun or six-gun and single shot pistol to hunt with.What more do you need for personal protection?
I understand that you just can't shoot someone with any gun unless you have permit.

12-08-2022, 01:00 PM
That law also allows archery hunts to carry will hunting. Same for the times the hunting firearm needs to be cased and or unloaded. Nice to have that option. I don't understand why anyone would have an issue with allowing more options.

jim 44-40
12-08-2022, 01:18 PM
You are right about more options. I hunt with a handgun,but I must carry a sportsman permit.Just that around here there's alot of poaching and I ran into some yahoos packing semi's with the intention of shooting deer with them.I guess if it came down to it,the game Warden could tell what the deer was shot with. I am not against concealed carry.

Winger Ed.
12-08-2022, 01:20 PM
Looks like the state has given people the choice/option to carry what they want under various conditions.
Those that don't feel the 'need' to take advantage of it, don't have to.

12-08-2022, 01:45 PM
I guess I don't understand. Are semi-auto's not allowed for hunting in PA? Even during the bow season, how is a super loud handgun supposed to be a better poaching tool than a silent bow?

12-08-2022, 02:00 PM
I was asked by a game warden in Colorado when hunting with a cap and ball carbine and was getting my small game license out of my backpack asked if I had a pistol in there ? I paused for a minute and said I have a loaded cap and ball revolver in there he then checked my license and said that carrying a pistol in a backpack is concealment .

I was sure at the time if I was in violation of the law he would write me up .

Through the day I thought what's the difference between cap and ball and a regular revolver maybe the cap and ball is not considered a real gun ?

Winger Ed.
12-08-2022, 03:17 PM
I was sure at the time if I was in violation of the law he would write me up . maybe the cap and ball is not considered a real gun ?

Yep. Game wardens don't usually catch a big percentage of violators.
When they do, (at least here) they try to set an example and burn your ass right down to the ground.

The ATF does, or did look at all the Black powder weapons as a 'non-gun' . At least the muzzle loaders.
That's why you could buy them through the mail or not have to have a back ground check to buy one.

12-08-2022, 03:20 PM
Sounds to me like PA is very reasonable on CC while hunting.

12-08-2022, 03:50 PM
That was allowed because of the archery hunters. M-Tecs hit the nail on the head.

12-08-2022, 04:13 PM
If it is allowed i dont knock it. They have took too many of our rights already.

12-08-2022, 04:58 PM
[QUOTE=jim 44-40;5498412]So,here in Pa you can carry semi-auto handgun while deer hunting for personal protection,if you have Concealed carry permit. Now you already have a high power rifle,slug gun or six-gun and single shot pistol to hunt with.

The concealed carry permit allows concealment, which in my opinion give the element of surprize. When I field dress a deer my firearm is most likey leaned up against a tree. The thing I fear most while out in the middle of no where is man.

jim 44-40
12-08-2022, 05:08 PM
Sorry that I posted this , just frustrated at the people out in the woods taking advantage of the game laws.

12-08-2022, 05:13 PM
I was asked by a game warden in Colorado when hunting with a cap and ball carbine and was getting my small game license out of my backpack asked if I had a pistol in there ? I paused for a minute and said I have a loaded cap and ball revolver in there he then checked my license and said that carrying a pistol in a backpack is concealment .

I was sure at the time if I was in violation of the law he would write me up .

Through the day I thought what's the difference between cap and ball and a regular revolver maybe the cap and ball is not considered a real gun ?
Exactl I don’t know about now haven’t been back there in decades but in 1983 New York you could walk into the store by Cap and ball revolver and as long as you never loaded it it was in considered a firearm. Don’t know about all states but in quite a few cap and ball revolvers are not considered a firearms

12-08-2022, 05:21 PM
Sorry that I posted this , just frustrated at the people out in the woods taking advantage of the game laws.

Personally I am frustrated at the PA legislators bias/ignorance against semi-auto firearms.

12-08-2022, 05:32 PM
You are right about more options. I hunt with a handgun,but I must carry a sportsman permit.Just that around here there's alot of poaching and I ran into some yahoos packing semi's with the intention of shooting deer with them.I guess if it came down to it,the game Warden could tell what the deer was shot with. I am not against concealed carry.

Did you let them know in PA that semi-autos aren't a legal firearm? If they were in the process of deer hunting with a non-allowed firearm did you call the game warden?

Geezer in NH
12-08-2022, 05:36 PM
Concealed is Called that for a reason. My protection weapon or better yet tool is always carried. But I am a free man not a subject.

12-08-2022, 05:55 PM
PA is a messed up place .
Here in Louisiana open carry is legal ... anywhere , no permit required and especially legal when in the woods hunting .
I don't need a special permit to shoot a bad guy ... self defense is allowed and encouraged .

I can strap on my six gun , shoulder my rifle and walk right down the middle of main street
NPR ... No Permit Required , if it's legal for me to posses the gun ... then it's legal for me to Open Carry ... NPR.

You don't need to conceal carry while hunting , shoving that double barrel duck hunting shotgun down your pants would make you walk funny ...

Louisiana has it faults but it isn't such a bad place for hunter's .

jim 44-40
12-08-2022, 05:57 PM
Did you let them know in PA that semi=autos aren't a legal firearm? If they were in the process of deer hunting with a non-allowed firearm did you call the game warden?

Yes I did tell them it was illegal and they walked away, I would have tried to get hunting license # but now you don't have to display a license on your back. Haven't made to many friends in the woods or SGL shooting range lately. No I did not call Game Warden, so I guess that I'm guilty of neglecting my Sportsmanship Oath.

12-08-2022, 06:33 PM
PA has open carry as well. But if even your jacket covers any part of the handgun, then it is considered concealed. During archery, you are not permitted to possess a loaded firearm. So, only those have a permit to carry may do so.

12-08-2022, 06:48 PM
I always get annoyed when laws are made and passed based on trying to stop people who are already breaking current laws.

compass will
12-08-2022, 06:53 PM
Pa also has a license to carry a pistol during hunting season that is different from the CCW

12-08-2022, 06:56 PM
We’ll I just recently had an encounter with an individual that was definitely out of place in my hunting area, dressed in street clothes driving a mini van, no orange or camouflage clothing, I can assure you he wasn’t a hunter, wanted to talk . All I had with me was my air rifle hunting squirrel, not much in the way of protection there. I had taken my concealed carry weapon out of the truck because it had just came out of the garage for inspection. Believe me I wish I would have had it, it went back in the truck as soon as I arrived home. I avoided the individual and drove off, he made a gesture with his thumb like he was using a cigarette lighter, not sure if he was going to set the mountain on fire or what. I’ll never again be without my piece while hunting.

12-08-2022, 07:05 PM
I open carry a backup handgun while hunting..usually a large wheelgun...

12-08-2022, 07:11 PM
My understanding here in Michigan unless its a firearm season no sidearm aloud, example bowhunting no fire arm maybe on you, it maybe different if you have a CCW/CPL , on private property it changes I do believe, normally I do have at least a .22 in a holster when on the back forty any time.

12-08-2022, 08:24 PM
I was asked by a game warden in Colorado when hunting with a cap and ball carbine and was getting my small game license out of my backpack asked if I had a pistol in there ? I paused for a minute and said I have a loaded cap and ball revolver in there he then checked my license and said that carrying a pistol in a backpack is concealment .

I was sure at the time if I was in violation of the law he would write me up .

Through the day I thought what's the difference between cap and ball and a regular revolver maybe the cap and ball is not considered a real gun ?

The Supreme Court has ruled that if you are visibly armed, you are not carrying concealed even if you do have a firearm that is concealed. I carry concealed while hunting. Hunters have been robbed after being disarmed of their visible firearm/firearms. By the way, I also carry a visible revolver large enough for bear. I did hunt in Colorado until recently.

12-08-2022, 08:28 PM
I'm thinking you have a 2A right to carry for self defense if you want to hunt with another gun that is the law of the state you are in not a 2A right .

Can a person carry a pistol for protection and another pistol to hunt with , In New Mexico a person can only carry one concealed handgun at a time .

12-08-2022, 08:33 PM
I'm thinking you have a 2A right to carry for self defense if you want to hunt with another gun that is the law of the state you are in not a 2A right .

Can a person carry a pistol for protection and another pistol to hunt with , In New Mexico a person can only carry one concealed handgun at a time .

No backup pistol? I didn't see that when I carried both!

12-08-2022, 08:34 PM
Yes I did tell them it was illegal and they walked away, I would have tried to get hunting license # but now you don't have to display a license on your back. Haven't made to many friends in the woods or SGL shooting range lately. No I did not call Game Warden, so I guess that I'm guilty of neglecting my Sportsmanship Oath.

The concept of having to display my hunting license on my back if offensive to me. Seems like that's an east coast thing. Glad to hear PA got rid of that requirement. Next step is to allow semi-auto for hunting. The price of Amish machine guns AKA Remington 760/7600's might take a hit though.

In the Mid-West states I hunt the landowner doesn't need a license for small game if they hunt on their own land. For waterfowl they still need a duck stamp. For deer Gratis tags and crop damage tags are free.

12-08-2022, 11:30 PM
Differing States,, results in differing laws. Sadly,, often,, the people making the laws have very little to zero knowledge of firearms. Or heck,, even proper game management.

The best way to understand YOUR state laws,, is to STUDY your state laws. They may not be common sense,, but they are the laws.

12-08-2022, 11:47 PM
Wow, so I looked up the PA hunting regulations. Not only are they not allowed semi-auto handguns, they aren't allowed semi-auto anything at all for big game hunting. It's unclear if double action revolvers are legal. Even New York allows handgun hunting with semi-autos. What kind of goofball state is Pennsylvania? This thread is complaining about the wrong problem.

Frosty Boolit
12-09-2022, 12:52 PM
It seems Pennsylvania is frighteningly close to becoming another hellhole for gun owners. Their legislators need a good whack across the cheek with a pocket constitution.

12-09-2022, 01:17 PM
Pennsylvania has always had that prohibition against semi's for hunting, hence the popularity of the Remington 760 in that state. Others have followed that line of reasoning with shotgun only and straight walled cartridge requirements. Every state has it's thing that is stupid and Texas is no exception which is where I live.

I always carry concealed while bow hunting for many reasons, mostly two-legged. I am driving an expensive vehicle, carrying an expensive bow and stand, and am very vulnerable when I am doing so. This season I already ran into someone who was clearly up to no good, not hunting, and probably cooking meth somewhere or looking for a place to do so. I was super glad I had my protection with me.

Later that week I saw what appeared to be a small black bear cub run down a tree and slowly walk behind me right before dark. Where was mama? I don't have any experience with bears and walking out in the dark I had my light and bow in one hand and my pistol in the other.

Lastly, here in Texas I have bowhunted for pigs quite a bit. Some of them get large and mean. I want a backup.

12-09-2022, 01:21 PM
Born and raised in Pennsylvania and I can assure you that revolvers are legal to hunt big game with.
Been legal for as long as I can remember and I am 68 years old.
I have killed deer with a revolver and know many others who have as well.
Not sure if there may be a minimum caliber or barrel length. I know many who have killed deer with .357Magnum revolvers so the regulations must not be terribly restrictive in that regards. I almost always used a .41Mag, .44Mag or 45Colt when I hunted with a handgun.
I also have .357Max and .375SuperMag revolvers but never got around to hunting with them for some reason.

12-09-2022, 02:51 PM
It does say revolvers are legal, but they way they emphasize "manually operated" so much, it does seem a double action may be questionable.

Yes, every state has really stupid big game laws. I just can't believe someone would live in a state like that, and still has to question why one would want a semi-auto handgun concealed for protection.

12-09-2022, 02:58 PM
I live in Pa, honestly the no semi autos for hunting never bothered me. I would be bothered if I were limited to straight wall/shotgun only to hunt deer!

12-09-2022, 04:00 PM
In Utah it used to be illegal to have any gun out hunting if you did not have a license. So if I went with my wife I had to be unarmed. If you were on a open Elk Hunting area you could not have any weapon not legal to hunt elk with basically anything less than a 44 mag illegal to posses, even at camp. Kids got in trouble for rabbit hunting with 22s. I got my concealed carry so I could legally carry a sidearm if I was out hunting with someone who drew a tag. Now I believe anyone can carry anytime. Things seem to be getting better here

12-09-2022, 05:19 PM
I live in Pa, honestly the no semi autos for hunting never bothered me. I would be bothered if I were limited to straight wall/shotgun only to hunt deer!

Would you feel under gunned hunting with the 35 Remington? A lot of folks think it's the perfect eastern woods rifle.
35 Rem ballistics;
350 Legend ballistics;
Pretty much identical performance.
I often hunt in a restricted straight wall zone. 5 deer down so far with the 350 and have yet to recover a boolit. I'm glad to have it. Before the law changed, I hunted the zone with either a muzzle loader or a pistol.
Oh, and I always carry a pistol with me while hunting.

compass will
12-09-2022, 06:21 PM
I know many wish they would allow pistol cartridge rifles in shotgun zones in pa.

12-09-2022, 07:57 PM
Would you feel under gunned hunting with the 35 Remington? A lot of folks think it's the perfect eastern woods rifle.
35 Rem ballistics;
350 Legend ballistics;
Pretty much identical performance.
I often hunt in a restricted straight wall zone. 5 deer down so far with the 350 and have yet to recover a boolit. I'm glad to have it. Before the law changed, I hunted the zone with either a muzzle loader or a pistol.
Oh, and I always carry a pistol with me while hunting.

Wouldn't feel under gunned at all. This yr I used the 358 win with 200 grn cast at 1900 fps. But I also like to use my 260 rem a lot!!

12-10-2022, 01:30 PM
Born and raised in Pennsylvania and I can assure you that revolvers are legal to hunt big game with.
Been legal for as long as I can remember and I am 68 years old.
I have killed deer with a revolver and know many others who have as well.
Not sure if there may be a minimum caliber or barrel length. I know many who have killed deer with .357Magnum revolvers so the regulations must not be terribly restrictive in that regards. I almost always used a .41Mag, .44Mag or 45Colt when I hunted with a handgun.
I also have .357Max and .375SuperMag revolvers but never got around to hunting with them for some reason.

I'd sure be for changing that if I were you :Fire:

MT Gianni
12-10-2022, 01:41 PM
We’ll I just recently had an encounter with an individual that was definitely out of place in my hunting area, dressed in street clothes driving a mini van, no orange or camouflage clothing, I can assure you he wasn’t a hunter, wanted to talk . All I had with me was my air rifle hunting squirrel, not much in the way of protection there. I had taken my concealed carry weapon out of the truck because it had just came out of the garage for inspection. Believe me I wish I would have had it, it went back in the truck as soon as I arrived home. I avoided the individual and drove off, he made a gesture with his thumb like he was using a cigarette lighter, not sure if he was going to set the mountain on fire or what. I’ll never again be without my piece while hunting.

Could be an anti hunter/wanna be reporter.

John Guedry
12-11-2022, 10:31 AM
I am told,and seen pictures of a bear in our lease so my Blackhawk .45 comes along too.

12-11-2022, 12:29 PM
Yes many years ago you could buy a cap and ball pistol with no paper work. But you could not have any powder, ball or caps in your possession without a pistol permit. That was the reason I got my permit when I lived in NYS and you had to be 21 to get the permit. Have no idea what the rules are now as it has been decades since I left that state.

12-11-2022, 06:43 PM
Born and raised in Pa. I haven’t lived there for 50 years or so. Growing up, I had an uncle who owned a farm,100 acres or so. He could not hunt his own land without a state hunting license because the law at that time, required you to farm the land as your sole means of living. He ran a store in town so had to buy a license. Always seemed weird to me. Don’t know if that is still the law.

12-11-2022, 08:08 PM
Could be an anti hunter/wanna be reporter.

Could have also just wanted a light for a smoke. Most people you meet are good, once in a while you find that one hillbilly you wish you hadn't.

12-12-2022, 10:15 PM
This is one of those not-so-unusual instances where I find that the law is the problem. Since I consider nearly every single politician to be a criminal, I see no need to go snitching here. If nobody is getting victimized, mind your own business.

12-13-2022, 06:57 PM
I guess I don't understand. Are semi-auto's not allowed for hunting in PA? Even during the bow season, how is a super loud handgun supposed to be a better poaching tool than a silent bow?

Not for hunting.

12-14-2022, 01:55 PM
Wow, so I looked up the PA hunting regulations. Not only are they not allowed semi-auto handguns, they aren't allowed semi-auto anything at all for big game hunting. It's unclear if double action revolvers are legal. Even New York allows handgun hunting with semi-autos. What kind of goofball state is Pennsylvania? This thread is complaining about the wrong problem.

So, kind of along the lines of a cap and ball pistol is not a "firearm," Semi-auto shotguns have long been legal for big game hunting in PA. It appears that because grandpa used his Browning autoloader for deer hunting, it must not be evil, like a semi-auto rifle is.

PA has a hodgepodge of regulations that vary from place to place, and time to time. I have hunted a state game land near home for several years now. The first time I went there I carried my stepfather's 30-06. It was rifle season, you know. A dog walker who saw me in the parking lot informed me that in Allegheny County rifles were not permitted but shotguns and muzzle loaders were. Fast forward to present day: straight wall cartridges are permitted in special regulation areas. But rifles only; no handguns. OTOH handguns are legal everywhere else during "rifle" deer season. Just not semi-auto handguns. Go figure.
