View Full Version : New Jimi Hendrix From LA Forum 1969 Jaw Dropping Good!

12-07-2022, 09:00 PM
This concert recorded at the L.A. Forum on April 26 1969 is undoubtedly the most pristine live recording of Jimi's Experience era. The audio sounds SO good it's almost like you are right there...



The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Los Angeles Forum: April 26, 1969, released on 2LP vinyl, CD and all digital platforms, was recorded in the spring of 1969 before a raucous, sold-out audience. This captivating performance of the original lineup (singer/guitarist Jimi Hendrix, drummer Mitch Mitchell, bassist Noel Redding) has never before been released in its entirety.

Produced and mixed by Eddie Kramer. <<THIS in itself adds an original dimension to the recording here, Eddie Kramer was Jimi's recording engineer, and has recorded and mixed the best of the best, and produced TONS of classic songs, albums, he and Jimi built "Electric Ladyland" the recording studio built in NYC just for Jimi.

The clarity and mix on this album will have true Jimi Hendrix fans in goosebumps listened through some good headphones..

The real gem here? Jimi is just on FIRE and riding the edge, pushing the envelope, the genius that he was, is on full display here.

I can honestly say, I have never heard him play this good.. I have never heard him play with this kind of intensity.

Highly recommended!

12-07-2022, 09:42 PM
Orders in.

12-08-2022, 06:16 PM
I wonder what our music would be like if Jimi had lived longer than the 28 short years of his life ...
He would have been 80 years old in 2022...

The barbiturates are seductive ... I know

Thanks for posting DougGuy ... I always enjoy The Experience .

12-09-2022, 09:02 PM
Glad I still have my old record player!