View Full Version : Sad none has mentiond today

Geezer in NH
12-07-2022, 07:56 PM
A Day that will go down in Infamy.

81 years ago, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

May all who died from that rest in peace even though the new one doesn't care it seems.

12-07-2022, 07:59 PM
A Day that will go down in Infamy.

81 years ago, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

May all who died from that rest in peace even though the new one doesn't care it seems.


12-07-2022, 08:10 PM
I guess with fewer and fewer WWII veterans around these days of Remembrance just get forgotten in time. It's sad to see the direction our country is going in. Don't hear much about Presidents Day either.
As a Veteran this really P's me off.

12-07-2022, 08:10 PM
It is largely ignored today. they young kids in school know nothing about it. one of my uncles was there that day. rarely talked about it, but in later years when he was the only one left in the area, he would give an interview for the local papers and such.; my generation knew all about it, but I am 74.

12-07-2022, 08:38 PM
let me tell you about my Dad's experience at Pearl Harbor during the war:
Right after the attack Dad and a couple of buddies when down to the enlistment station to enlist in the army. They didn't take Dad because he had a damaged foot, so he went back to working in the machine shop owned by his Uncle. His uncle had the money in the family, dad's family was poor. His uncle got tired of seeing dad limping around at the machine shop so he paid to have dads foot fixed. After the foot healed dad went and enlisted and was accepted. The army told him he would get a letter in a couple of months explaining where to show up. In the meantime, my Granddad (mothers side), who was a master machinist was over in Pearl Harbor and he wrote my dad explaining that the Navy was desperate for machinists, which my dad was. So he went over to Pearl and began working for the Navy as a machinist. A couple of months went by and he gets called into the commanders office. The commander says: "the Army is looking for you....but we need you here more so you are in the Navy now"! My dad spent the war working on getting the big boats in shape to fight.

12-07-2022, 08:44 PM
I remember The kids do not! Both my mother and father were NAVY.

12-07-2022, 09:51 PM
I remember, I had an uncle there who survived it.

He was on the California, heard the attack, ran up to an open deck in his skivvy's. Was blown over the side, hit the water. Started to swim to shore, then had a thought.
No uniform, no dog tags, no id, no nothing. He found a way back up ran back to his room, grabbed the essentials he needed. Then jumped over the side and swam to shore.

We were lucky. If Japan had done it right they would have taken the islands and left us penned up on the West Coast with no chance.
But they tried to do too much in too many places.

12-07-2022, 10:02 PM
I remember what today is a shame that kids today don't. Wasn't there but remember U.S. history from high school.

12-07-2022, 10:52 PM
I guess it's all relative.

If the Greatest Generation were your grandparents, you probably had a relationship with them and got the highlights first hand.

If they were your great-grandparents, then they were folks you didn't know, only knew when you were very young, or only knew them as REALLY old people that you probably couldn't communicate very well with. If you were born past the mid-'80's it was all probably just "a thing". Sad, but frankly, how many of us alive today think much about July 3 1863, or July 1, 1916?

Granddad from Dad's side dropped bombs around the Med. Granddad from Mom's side was an artillery F.O. in N. France. "Kickoff day" always had a signifcance.

12-07-2022, 11:14 PM
Oh, I remember, dad who would have been 101 on the first of December, was drafted mid 1942 and ended up luckily going to Europe after D day. I guess luck, those guys got to spend a mighty cold winter in foxholes throughout Europe while getting shot at. Oh, got his dear John letter mid December 1944, while in said foxhole from his first wife. That had to have been a kick in the gut.
My uncle slogged around various islands in the pacific trying to avoid rot and bullets. Both obviously got home ok, it took decades for either to discuss or even answer question at all. Both saw pretty bad stuff, it is a wonder either were normal adults.

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12-07-2022, 11:16 PM
I am aware of the history this date.

I also draw parallels to what may well happen shortly with China. I fear what took days and hours to pull off at “Pearl” in 1941 could unfold in minutes on a Continent wide area in the all too near future.

There won’t be the time or even the people left to raise the fleet and repair it. What’s left of us will be fighting over bugs to eat.


12-07-2022, 11:40 PM
Being apart of the VFW I will never forget and Honor, the veterans that have fallen. On our soil or abroad.
Realizing our younger generations seem not to be taught a lot of our country’s history and the respect of the lives of those who gave all they had for the country we live in.
So I just have to shake my head when I hear of there is no respect of our Flag or Our people who served

12-07-2022, 11:40 PM
I remembered!

12-08-2022, 05:25 AM

Your father walked the path of a patriot - he is the right man.

12-08-2022, 05:36 AM
What is really sad is that except for the ceremony at The Pearl, we had nothing here.