View Full Version : How did they do that

white eagle
12-05-2022, 11:59 AM
I have heard this time and time again
Had no shot but a " Texas heart shot" how did that, ever come about?
Anyone care to guess? :veryconfu

12-05-2022, 12:00 PM
I don't know where that term originated but I always thought it was weird!

12-05-2022, 02:41 PM
it means "Gut Shot"

12-05-2022, 03:10 PM
Shot through the rear end hoping to hit the vitals after crashing through all the guts. Don’t know where the term came from. In my opinion- they still didn’t have a shot if that’s all that was presented as a “possible”shot.

Dusty Bannister
12-05-2022, 03:17 PM
Sounds more like the only shot available was the south end of a deer running North with the tail up. It does not mean they are going to take the shot, just that the deer is running away and no real opportunity to take the game.

12-05-2022, 03:20 PM
Guess Texicans don't know where the heart is located.

12-05-2022, 03:48 PM
Before even contemplating a Texas heart shot especially being that I’m a meat hunter not an appendage hunter I would take a shot in the back of the head or base of the skull.

Winger Ed.
12-05-2022, 04:42 PM
Most people have real ethical problems with it, and only consider it justified when chasing/tracking a wounded deer.

Done correctly, a shot at the base of the tail will shatter the hip bones, spine, and cut the femoral artery.
Poorly done, you'll basically explode all the guts as the bullet heads up toward the heart & lungs.

12-05-2022, 05:16 PM
The IRS started this by calling it a "Taxes Heart Shot". We just got the spelling wrong.

12-05-2022, 06:05 PM
Even a WV hillbilly as I am won't take that shot, and I've had it several times. Could be very nasty and wasteful, just a poor choice.

12-05-2022, 06:12 PM
Guess Texicans don't know where the heart is located.

I think that would be the demorats, where there heart and head is ??

Texas by God
12-05-2022, 10:52 PM
Some idiot long ago coined that term. The only time I tried it was at a buck as he jumped the fence in front of me. I found a piece of rib about an inch long and nothing else - despite a whole day looking through briar choked ravines for the buck. Stupid shot, and the only deer that I've lost.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

12-05-2022, 11:54 PM
Well as bad as that is (I actually winter in Texas) and have even hunted in Texas but I cannot honestly say I ever heard it BUT ..and not to get folks off the path of this thread .... one saying that to this day chills me to the bone is "no I didn't get any thing but i did get a couple good sound shots!!
Lord save us all... a stink'in sound shot ....


Milky Duck
12-06-2022, 12:01 AM
it means "Gut Shot"

nope...and its the same as a russian heart shot..fair square up the jacksee.
years ago..well back in the lean years of late 80s,early 90s when deer were rather few and far between.I owned a simmons 3x9x40mm scope and nearly every animal I shot with it was shot fair up the gunger....two whitetail deer,first was fawn at close range.2nd was a hind that had swum across bay,I actually fired at it broadside on twice,both missed,third shot went between her "two holes" .... most of my deer were bush stalking so it was often the only shot on offer and seeing a deer every 3rd trip was good going back then when our game herds were still recovering from years of slaughter from above....
dont take that shot often anymore...Ive got older and somewhat wiser and wait for better option.

Milky Duck
12-06-2022, 03:30 AM
the .270 winchester with factory loads managed it well enough....

12-06-2022, 05:42 AM
We called that a "Texas Ringer" for some reason and I can't say I've ever heard or read how that came about. I will not take that shot for any reason any more than I will try a "sound shot" on something rustling in the bushes.

12-06-2022, 12:35 PM
Before even contemplating a Texas heart shot especially being that I’m a meat hunter not an appendage hunter I would take a shot in the back of the head or base of the skull.

Yeah, I saw another deer this season with a jaw shot off by one of you head shooters.

12-06-2022, 12:55 PM
Did a Texas heart shot on a hog few yrs back with 40sw @ 20 yds. Worked fine after tracking for another 50 yrds in Texas scrub. Broke front leg and out the jaw. On a game animal, nope.

12-07-2022, 07:50 AM
Shot through the rear end hoping to hit the vitals after crashing through all the guts. Don’t know where the term came from. In my opinion- they still didn’t have a shot if that’s all that was presented as a “possible”shot.

The way I heard it was called "the Portuguese brain shot." An animal facing away with it's head down could be shot through the 'slip knot' and the bullet might pass all the way through and into the brain. I'm thinking a couple of Professional Hunters coined the phrase in reference to some of the truly awful marksmen they'd seen.
There's probably a few more variations out there.

12-07-2022, 10:30 AM
can hunts big money
little time.

12-07-2022, 10:36 AM
I have heard this time and time again
Had no shot but a " Texas heart shot" how did that, ever come about?
Anyone care to guess? :veryconfu

The term "Texas heart shot" was joke and had no definitive birthday. It has never been suggested as a good shot placement.

First time I heard of it was back the 60s when a popular hunting magazine writer was spoofing a buddy for taking a long range shot at the only place he could clearly see; it struck a lot of guys as a good bit of humor so some of us started using ourselves. It never occured to me that anyone would ever take it serious.

On the other hand, I have a "young" friend who got a .338 WM and loads Noslers so he can get a rack from a Georgia white tail from any angle he encounters. It works too but, Lordy, what a mess it leaves.

12-07-2022, 11:06 AM
Waksupi I believe we probably just have to agree to disagree on this one. Once again I will reiterate range and also iterate known capability with said rifle. If I take a head shot it so no longer than 50 yards. However this rifle and shooter combo is a known .3 moa comboto 200because of me it opens to 1-1/14 moa to 500. Took 2 axis does this year with said combo at 45 yds dead right there no crawling through the brush to drag them back out on knees and elbows. Know your limits with what you shoot. If you’re not accurate and comfortable enough to take the head shot don’t take it. Practice with what you use and become proficient with it. I shoot this rifle multiple times every month with unknown distance targets to 500 I am quite comfortable with it especially at the ranges I am hunting and having known distances. I’ve been hunting the place for 21 years. Some people don’t have any business hunting much less trying to take a head shot. No I am not implying that you are one of them.

12-07-2022, 11:14 AM
That stinking Texas scrub can be so danged thick you can’t even crawl on hands and knees. Been there done that I want them dead where i shot them now. Axis deer have run the white tail out of where I hunt for the most part. Axis are on average 1/4-1/3 further forward in thoracic anatomy meaning quite often through the between dead middle and above lower 1/3 of shoulder shots are the only way to put properly sized holes in lungs and heart without hitting guts this also normally anchors them right where they once stood.

white eagle
12-07-2022, 11:54 AM
that is how you spread CWD,
head shots

MT Gianni
12-10-2022, 01:51 PM
can hunts big money
little time.

Elmer Keith wrote about taking shots at elk in heavy timber under 25 yards. It is a little used practice but effective to shoot an animal in the hip joint putting it down on the spot. This allows a second kill shot at a disabled animal that would otherwise be gone before an acceptable shot was available. It is a meat hunters shot that would rather eat 3 1/2 elk quarters than none.

I heard the term Texas Heart shot referred to braggarts claiming they always shot an animal in the heart, though the holes were through both rear quarters.

12-10-2022, 05:03 PM
This year is the first time I have been seriously concerned with cwd in my hunting area. The county to the northwest of me However has a cwd containment zone in it which is what caused that worry. But on the same token any tissue or body fluid from an infected deer can spread it to the surrounding environment. I have my thoughts as to what facility it was found in but no proof. Since the axis have run them out it hasn’t really been of much concern since there hasn’t yet been a positive case of it in axis deer and that is all I have been able to shoot. They are classified as not susceptible but that is also because no testing so far in axis has come back positive.
Yes canned hunts and the way they are produced is a big driving factor in how it is spread. People buying trophy deer and then exposing them to their herds in turn exposing the native cervids to the disease.

Here are some staggering numbers....
number of properties by county that received exposed deer.


Number of exposed deer released.
