View Full Version : ChatGPT: The Future Is Here

12-05-2022, 08:44 AM
I'm not sure if this has hit the MSM yet since they're usually so far behind on events, but OpenAI has released a... well, it's a very capable chat bot, really. And when I mean "very capable," I mean it. You can look online or mess with it yourself here (https://chat.openai.com/chat) if you want to see what kind of responses or code it can write, but I wanted to share an experiment I did from this morning. With my help in the form of prompts, it wrote this story:

Jimmy wakes up early on a cold, clear Saturday morning. He gets out of bed and starts getting ready for his hunt. He pulls on his camo clothes and heads downstairs. He grabs his Uberti revolver and his hunting gear, and then heads outside to his truck.

The truck is a dark blue 2006 Ford F-250. Jimmy loads his gear into the back of the truck and gets in the driver's seat. He cranks up the engine and starts down the road.

As he drives, Jimmy thinks about his work as a diesel mechanic. He worries about the long hours and the grumpy customers at the shop. He also thinks about a recent problem he had with a stubborn bolt on a 18-wheeler's EGR valve in the emissions control system, and how it took him much longer than he wanted to fix it.

"I hope I don't have no problems like that today," he thinks to himself. "I just want to enjoy the hunt and relax."

As he drives, the paved road turns to dirt and gravel. The trees start to crowd in around him, and the beauty of the mountains takes over. The leaves on the trees are a deep red and orange, and the forest smells good. He can see rocky outcroppings among the trees, and there's a thin layer of frost on the ground.

"This is just what the doctor ordered," Jimmy thinks to himself. "Being out in nature always makes me feel better."

He starts to feel more relaxed and focused, and the worries about work fade away.

"I can't wait to get out there and try my hand at hunting with my Uberti," he thinks to himself. "It's going to be a great day."

After about 30 minutes of driving, Jimmy arrives at his hunting spot. He parks his truck and gets out, grabbing his gear from the back. He checks his revolver to make sure it's loaded and ready to go, and then sets off into the woods.

As Jimmy walks through the woods, he is surrounded by tall, stately oak and pine trees. The underbrush is thick in places, but he is able to navigate around it easily. He is walking uphill, and the ground beneath his feet is covered in a thick layer of leaves and sticks.

The leaves crunch under his boots as he walks, and the fresh, earthy scent of the forest fills his nose. He can hear birds chirping in the trees above him, and the occasional squirrel scampering through the underbrush.

Jimmy continues to hike for a long time, enjoying the peacefulness of the forest around him. He stops to examine the ground, looking for signs of deer activity. He sees a few tracks and some broken twigs, but no more droppings.

He thinks about what the deer might be looking for in this area. There are berry bushes nearby, and a grove of trees that would offer shelter from the weather. There is also a small stream running nearby, which the deer would likely be drawn to for a drink of water.

Based on this information, Jimmy decides to head towards the stream. He figures that the deer will be drawn to the water, and he might be able to catch a glimpse of it there.

He continues on, following the signs of the deer through the woods. The trail leads him deeper into the forest, and he can feel his heart pounding with anticipation. He knows that he is getting closer to his prey, and he can't wait to finally get a shot at it.

As Jimmy gets closer to the stream, he starts to hear the sound of running water. He moves carefully and quietly, trying not to spook the deer.

He finally catches sight of the deer, a large buck standing by the edge of the stream. The deer is alert and wary, its ears twitching as it listens for any sign of danger.

Jimmy watches the deer from a safe distance, admiring its beauty and grace. He can see the muscles rippling beneath its fur as it drinks from the stream, and he can hear the soft sound of its breathing.

He stays in position, waiting for the perfect moment to take the shot. He knows that the deer will eventually wander off, and he is patient and still, waiting for it to move into the right position.

The deer finishes drinking and looks around, still alert and wary. Jimmy stays still and quiet, and the deer eventually moves into a position that will give him a clean shot.

He raises his revolver and takes aim, holding his breath as he squeezes the trigger. The shot rings out through the forest, and the deer takes off running. Jimmy watches as it disappears into the trees, his heart pounding with excitement.

He stays in position, waiting to see if the deer will come back. He knows that he made a good shot, and he is confident that he will be able to track the deer down and finish the hunt. He can't wait to see what the deer looks like up close, and to admire the trophy that he has earned.

Jimmy follows the deer by tracking the signs of its passage and the blood trail. The terrain is difficult, with rocky outcroppings and thick underbrush, but he is able to navigate it easily.

As he follows the trail, he thinks to himself, "I knew I made a good shot. I just need to keep following the trail and I'll find the deer."

He continues on, moving carefully and quietly. The trail leads him deeper into the forest, and he can feel his heart pounding with anticipation.

Finally, he comes across the deer, lying on the ground in a small clearing. The bullet struck it in the chest, and it is still alive, but barely.

"I can't believe I finally found you," Jimmy thinks to himself. "I can't wait to see what you look like up close."

He approaches the deer cautiously, not wanting to spook it. He can see the fear in its eyes, and he feels a pang of sadness. He knows that the deer is in pain, and he wants to put it out of its misery as quickly and humanely as possible.

He raises his revolver and takes aim, trying to make the shot as quick and painless as possible. He takes a deep breath and pulls the trigger, and the deer falls still.

Jimmy stands there for a moment, looking at the deer. He feels a mix of emotions, from excitement to sadness to awe. He knows that he has earned a trophy, but he also knows that he has taken a life.

He takes a moment to reflect on the hunt, and on the deer's life. He knows that it was a fair chase, and that the deer had a chance to escape. He also knows that it was a necessary part of the natural cycle of life and death.

He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He knows that he has a long journey ahead of him, as he needs to field dress the deer and haul it back to his truck. He takes a few minutes to collect himself and gather his strength, and then gets to work.

He takes out his knife and begins to field dress the deer, carefully removing the organs and entrails. He knows that this is a necessary step, as it will help to preserve the meat and prevent it from spoiling.

He works quickly and efficiently, doing his best to minimize the mess and the smell. He knows that this is an unpleasant part of the hunt, but he also knows that it is a crucial part of the process.

Once he is finished, he wraps the deer in a tarp and ties it to his pack. He picks up his gear and starts the long hike back to his truck.

As he walks, he thinks about the hunt and the deer. He knows that he will always remember this experience, and he is grateful for the opportunity to have had it. He is already looking forward to his next hunt, and the possibility of having another encounter like this one.

It's not highbrow literature, but I feel like it's damned impressive regardless. It is interesting to see where it excels and also where it really doesn't live up to what a well educated human would write.

I'm not an early adopter of technology, folks, and I don't usually make predictions about things, but mark my words: this technology is a big deal, and it's going to change the world. Some of that change is going to be good, some of it bad, but change is coming. I encourage you to experiment with it and get a feel for what it can do in this basic first version, because that's going to give you an idea for what later iterations are capable of.

12-05-2022, 09:14 AM
Here is another example where I asked it to write code which can be used in a macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet.

Here is an updated version of the UserInfo class that accepts an email address as an argument to the GetUserInfo method and queries Active Directory to retrieve user information. The GetUserInfo method uses the WinNT provider to connect to Active Directory, searches for the user with the specified email address, and retrieves the user's username, display name, and status.

Class UserInfo
' Define properties to hold user information
Private username As String
Private displayName As String
Private email As String
Private status As Integer

' Define a method to query Active Directory for user information
Public Sub GetUserInfo(email As String)
' Connect to Active Directory using the WinNT provider
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Provider = "WinNT"

' Query Active Directory for user information
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM 'WinNT://domain/user' WHERE email = '" & email & "'", _
conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

' Assign the user information to the appropriate properties
If Not rs.EOF Then
username = rs("Username").Value
displayName = rs("DisplayName").Value
email = rs("Email").Value
status = rs("UserFlags").Value
End If

Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub

' Define property accessors to expose the user information
Public Property Get UserName() As String
UserName = username
End Property

Public Property Get DisplayName() As String
DisplayName = displayName
End Property

Public Property Get Email() As String
Email = email
End Property

Public Property Get Status() As Integer
Status = status
End Property
End Class

Note that the GetUserInfo method in this updated version of the UserInfo class uses the WinNT provider to connect to Active Directory, so it will only work on Windows operating systems. To use this class in an Excel worksheet, you can create an instance of the UserInfo class and call the GetUserInfo method to populate the properties with user information. For example:

Sub Example()
Dim user As UserInfo
Set user = New UserInfo

user.GetUserInfo "johndoe@example.com"

Debug.Print user.UserName
Debug.Print user.DisplayName
Debug.Print user.Email
Debug.Print user.Status
End Sub

The code above creates a new UserInfo object and assigns it to the user variable. It then calls the GetUserInfo method and passes the email address johndoe@example.com as an argument. This causes the GetUserInfo method to query Active Directory for information about the user with that email address and populate the UserInfo object's properties with the user information. Finally, the code prints the values of the username, displayName, email, and status properties to the debug window.

There are FAR more sophisticated examples of its output in the context of programming, but I'm but a lowly Excel jockey so those are beyond my ability to evaluate. This code appears to have valid syntax, names, etc. It's amazing to me that it can properly construct custom object-oriented structures. For the record, it doesn't always spit out the same thing for any given problem. If you ask it for a query to Active Directory in different words, sometimes it uses an LDAP query.

12-05-2022, 09:22 AM
I guess first I would have to know what a "chat bot" is.

12-05-2022, 10:51 AM
I guess first I would have to know what a "chat bot" is.

Well, put simply it's a system where a person types things into a chat box, sort of like on AOL Instant Messenger or in text messages on your phone, but instead of a person on the other end typing responses it's a computer. A really really terrible version of this sometimes appears on websites where you can type questions into the box and you get back answers that sound like they came from a really dumb automatic phone system.

ChatGPT is a good version. Not only does it actually give you answers which make sense, but it understands a whole lot more than "I'd like to make a payment on my account."

In a lot of ways it's only limited by your imagination. Here is an absolutely hilarious response it gave about peanut butter sandwiches:

12-05-2022, 11:36 AM
I think this stuff is interesting, but I also think most of it is misunderstood. This AI's ability to respond to prompts is much wider than previous technologies, but it's still a chat bot. Wake me when it decides being a chatbot is boring and it would much rather manage traffic lights for a city like Orlando or LA.

12-05-2022, 01:05 PM
I think this stuff is interesting, but I also think most of it is misunderstood. This AI's ability to respond to prompts is much wider than previous technologies, but it's still a chat bot. Wake me when it decides being a chatbot is boring and it would much rather manage traffic lights for a city like Orlando or LA.

I agree. It's not so much an AI in the movie sense, and more a very powerful tool in the right human hands. It isn't going to do your job for you, but it will make you more productive. The scary part is that it can make your competition more productive too, and may mean that a smaller number of people will be able to produce a greater output so that jobs will be eliminated.

It's way too early to say that with certainty, but early testimony from the programming community is.... ominous.

12-05-2022, 02:24 PM
I think this thing could eliminate a LOT of Government employees...

12-05-2022, 02:26 PM
Don't Go There

It ends badly for Mankind

12-05-2022, 02:28 PM
Well, put simply it's a system where a person types things into a chat box, sort of like on AOL Instant Messenger or in text messages on your phone, but instead of a person on the other end typing responses it's a computer. A really really terrible version of this sometimes appears on websites where you can type questions into the box and you get back answers that sound like they came from a really dumb automatic phone system.

ChatGPT is a good version. Not only does it actually give you answers which make sense, but it understands a whole lot more than "I'd like to make a payment on my account."

In a lot of ways it's only limited by your imagination. Here is an absolutely hilarious response it gave about peanut butter sandwiches:

Thanks, I'm not too much into social media.

12-05-2022, 02:33 PM
I WISH I had a GPS in my phone that would smart off and cuss right back.. I'd actually enjoy that. "Hey dip**** I told you TURN LEFT!" "Slow down speed trap ahead. SLOW DOWN! SLOW THE **** DOWN NOW!!

12-05-2022, 03:37 PM
I love that idea, lol. As long as it knew to be polite when my wife was in the car!

12-05-2022, 06:59 PM
The problem with eliminating jobs is that it doesn't eliminate humanity's need to work. God made us for work and without it we quickly become despondent. I worry that pursuit of constant leisure will harm our society.

12-05-2022, 07:51 PM
Don't Go There

It ends badly for Mankind

Not as bad as the murder robot in San Francisco

12-05-2022, 10:58 PM
I WISH I had a GPS in my phone that would smart off and cuss right back.. I'd actually enjoy that. "Hey dip**** I told you TURN LEFT!" "Slow down speed trap ahead. SLOW DOWN! SLOW THE **** DOWN NOW!!

Thought that was the wife's job....[smilie=s:

12-06-2022, 12:26 AM
Even if I knew how, why would I want to chat with a computer?

12-06-2022, 12:35 AM
Can you make it get stuck in a loop and self-destruct like an old star trek episode?;)

12-06-2022, 06:20 AM
Even if I knew how, why would I want to chat with a computer?

To find out information you need to know, or to have it save you some work. You certainly can have a normal conversation with it, but... that's boring.

12-06-2022, 10:23 PM
I can already google or you tube for any info I need and what kind of work is the computer going to talk done for me? My likes to say "are we going to sit here and talk it done or are we going to go do it".
I don't know how to write code but even if I did I don't think it would rebuild an engine or a tranny or any of the other things that I do.

Silvercreek Farmer
12-06-2022, 10:44 PM
The problem with eliminating jobs is that it doesn't eliminate humanity's need to work. God made us for work and without it we quickly become despondent. I worry that pursuit of constant leisure will harm our society.

Couldn’t have said it better! I was just thinking earlier today about all those who seem addicted to entertainment.

12-08-2022, 06:29 PM
Just think if someone uses this to do an even more sophisticated kind of robo calling. It could build a data base on you, from your social media history, search history etc., and estimate when you're home, when your more likely to spend money and tailor sales pitches to you. Any company could afford to do targeted add calls. Image getting calls for fishing lures tailored to a species of fish in a lake near where you vacationed. I promise folks are working on figuring how they can use this to separate your money from you.

While it won't change your engine's oil, it could put large swaths of the population out of work. They will then look for other jobs not yet disrupted by this. Wages will go down as a result of a greater number of people seeking a fewer number of jobs.

I have friends in insurance. With a huge company that you have all seen oodles of ads for. That company is doing layoffs which is just unheard of. Those are jobs paying 50-60k a year and more. Could their employer be ready to roll out AI like this soon?

12-08-2022, 08:09 PM
What hourly rate do you think Musk will pay his monkeys?

12-08-2022, 09:12 PM
... and tailor sales pitches to you. ... Could their employer be ready to roll out AI like this soon?

Will not pick. These "artificial intelligences" are hacky - if you buy a hammer, they will pester you with offers to buy hammers of other models, but they do not have enough "brains" to offer you to buy nails.

12-09-2022, 12:47 PM
Will not pick. These "artificial intelligences" are hacky - if you buy a hammer, they will pester you with offers to buy hammers of other models, but they do not have enough "brains" to offer you to buy nails.

yet but I think they are working on a better system all the time[smilie=b::groner: