View Full Version : Snowing yet????

12-04-2022, 02:42 PM
We don't have it here, but I'm sure many of you do.
It's not even cold here.
So has it started yet?????

12-04-2022, 03:00 PM
On our second or third. First was a week ago - was 3-4 inches, latest was two days ago - about an inch. More predicted next week. Snow, melt, repeat...

12-04-2022, 03:09 PM
We had about 3 times where it came then melted. Ground surface froze in past week so next snow should stay til March.

Forty Rod Ray
12-04-2022, 03:26 PM
S’ok I’ll take snow over lava ‘pert near any day….

12-04-2022, 03:26 PM
Y'all keep that white stuff up there where it belongs.


12-04-2022, 03:50 PM
I'm just above Raleigh NC, in the northern tip of what I call the "no snow belt" this imaginary "belt" runs from Henderson, NC down into northern Georgia, a band approximately 60-100 miles wide, paralleling the foothills of the Blue Ridge mts and also known as the "piedmont." We just get less snow than surrounding areas. Every few years we will get 4" or over, other years ranges from a dusting to 1" - 3" some years don't get 5" if you add all the snow together. Once every 20 years we might get 8" or so.


12-04-2022, 03:50 PM
On our 3rd-ish. We skipped the wet November and went right into deep freeze, it has been unusually cold (10-20F) here and won't snow at those temps. Gun Club has already been closed a few times when the trap machines get too cold. Cold? Hey, I don't have to shovel cold, so I'm okay with that.

Winger Ed.
12-04-2022, 04:38 PM
Our annual inch of snow that lasts a couple of hours isn't due until sometime in January.

Geezer in NH
12-04-2022, 05:02 PM
2 weeks before Thanksgiving we had 5-6 inches. Melted off and it has been warm since.

12-04-2022, 05:05 PM
We've had several snows so far. Biggest was a foot deep and lasted almost two weeks. If it's going to be cold I want snow, otherwise everything looks brown, dead and depressing.

12-04-2022, 05:15 PM
I've got a foot of snow and it was 2 below zero this morning up here in western Montana. Been snowshoeing the last 2 days.

12-04-2022, 05:25 PM
We have got 3 storms since mid November, and along the front range foothills where I live each has left us 4 to 6 inches each time. Yesterday 3 days after last one we had 56° and warm winds. Only snow left is on the north side of house where there is still 12 inches piled along the front porch on the lawn. Low temp this week on Wed @ 5° over night, today's high 61°. Must be Colorado!

12-04-2022, 06:19 PM
The last snow in My home town was Dec. 7,2009, temp. that day was 35 degrees so no snow stayed on the ground for very long. It rarely snows here !

Good Shooting


12-04-2022, 06:30 PM
Snowed in Jacksonville 1989 :)

12-04-2022, 07:32 PM
Ft Benning, GA got 14" of snow on Feb of 73. Shut ft Benning for 3 days. They just didn't know how to handle all that snow. Being from Michigan, the snow didn't slow me down. I drove around all 3 days, taking pictures. The Airborne students were posted at every major intersection, in case other drivers got stuck.

12-04-2022, 07:48 PM
Ft Benning, GA got 14" of snow on Feb of 73. Shut ft Benning for 3 days. They just didn't know how to handle all that snow. Being from Michigan, the snow didn't slow me down. I drove around all 3 days, taking pictures. The Airborne students were posted at every major intersection, in case other drivers got stuck.

Here it's the bridges with Ice on them in 1989 the whole city stopped for two days.

12-04-2022, 07:56 PM
No snow here.

12-04-2022, 08:08 PM
Better not snow....my snow blower is still in the shop. Has been for a month now.
"...we can't get parts"...."we don't have enough help".....
The world is falling apart.
In NH, we don't really consider a "snowstorm" unless it is a foot or more.
Everything else is just a dusting.

MT Gianni
12-04-2022, 08:17 PM
We have had two days above freezing since Nov 10th. The snow has been blown around and isn't to bad. Many of us are hoping for a winter that sends the out of staters back where they came from.

12-04-2022, 08:24 PM
We are getting our second batch today. The first was about 3 inches, this should be about the same.
I'm watching the Deer with this years Fawns, bed down under the Fir trees. Little early tonight.

12-04-2022, 08:28 PM
I'm just above Raleigh NC, in the northern tip of what I call the "no snow belt" this imaginary "belt" runs from Henderson, NC down into northern Georgia, a band approximately 60-100 miles wide, paralleling the foothills of the Blue Ridge mts and also known as the "piedmont." We just get less snow than surrounding areas. Every few years we will get 4" or over, other years ranges from a dusting to 1" - 3" some years don't get 5" if you add all the snow together. Once every 20 years we might get 8" or so.


Just north of you and we always are amazed watching the storms split north and south going around us

12-04-2022, 09:47 PM
No snow in the center of east river South Dakota, all brown and dry , and the dust blows on windy days. I only received 5.5 inches of rain since June 1st, but we still harvested a decent crop of beans and corn, but next year will be bad ,unless we get snow, or spring rain.

12-04-2022, 11:22 PM
We don't have it here, but I'm sure many of you do.
It's not even cold here.
So has it started yet?????

What's "snow"? :D

12-05-2022, 02:54 AM
About a foot of snow here in NW Montana. Put the snow plow on the truck a couple of days ago and plowed my driveway (150yds) and the widows next door (200 + yds). Took about 45 minutes. Kind of fun playing in the snow in a heated cab.

jim 44-40
12-06-2022, 08:34 AM
Not here in SW Pa,sure hope it snows come flintlock season after Christmas. Man I sure can see deer better with just a hint of snow on the ground.

12-06-2022, 12:33 PM
As of yesterday, I have had two feet so far. I should buy stock in U-haul, lots of newbies will be bailing out this winter.

12-06-2022, 03:43 PM
We got about 3" the weekend after Thanksgiving, then another 3-4" a couple of days ago.

Temps have been perfect with lows in the teens and highs at just below freezing. I love having a nice layer of snow.

Driving in it is fine if you have good tires and common sense. On my way home last week...


12-06-2022, 07:13 PM
We had a couple of very light snows here in SWPA, which immediately reverted back to rain.

In Oxnard, CA where I grew up, it snowed in 1948 and people still talk about it.


12-06-2022, 08:46 PM
Yep, had to break out the snow shovel, used it once.

John Guedry
12-08-2022, 10:01 AM
I just wish the A/C would quit running so much.

12-08-2022, 10:56 AM
We had -41C a few days ago, then up to -3C now down at -12C.
And there is 2" of snow.
The wildlife and farmers will take a beating if there is not at least 12" of snow soon.
Formazov (1946) established how important snow was in a sub arctic climate.
Interesting reading

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255583133_The_Ecology_of_Snow_and_Snow-covered_Systems_Summary_and_Relevance_to_Wolf_Cree k_Yukon

12-08-2022, 12:22 PM
We got frost here most nights, no snow yet.

white eagle
12-09-2022, 10:48 AM
snowing cats and dogs here as we speak

12-13-2022, 04:48 PM
Warmed up into the low 40's and turned the snow to slush. Still, dad wanted his place plowed, so I obliged. No use arguing with an 82 yr old former Marine.


12-13-2022, 04:59 PM
We had our first snow last week. About 4 inches it lasted a couple of days. It snowed last night around 2 inches, but wet and slippery. I was glad my wife made it home before the temperature dropped back below freezing. I loved winter in Alaska, but hate it here. Too much hovering above and below freezing.

12-13-2022, 06:55 PM
Out here in sunny California we got 5 feet in the last storm. Wind gusts on the mountain tops of 165 mph.

In snow country you wear out snow shovels, in Truckee you wear out snow blowers.

Der Gebirgsjager
12-13-2022, 07:19 PM

If I hadn't gone out and dug my way to the antennas I wouldn't be talking to you now! :coffeecom


12-14-2022, 05:37 AM
We have been getting a lot of snow here, started in October, and many are starting to shovel the roofs. It has been above 34F this winter, and it makes river travel not safe. Will get to -15F in a few days. Wife said lets put on snowshoes, and break trail to our wood cutting area. We snowshoe pack, then take snogo into the woods two days later. The deep snow, and heavy machines of today need all the help they can get. The weather is a changing. The Arctic is not liking the new weather.

12-14-2022, 06:57 AM
We are supposed to get anywhere from 12"-20" in the next two days we'll see!

12-14-2022, 09:31 AM
Va mnts;

Was mowing grass a few weeks ago which is perfectly normal. Big honkin finish mower hanging off the back of our hotrod tractor got cleaned and put up. Replaced with a custom built log dragging/grading setup.

Sayin,we go from shirt sleeve bow hunting weather to freeze your buns off within a months time. Our snowfall is cyclical...last 3 or 4,maybe 6" total. Then we'll swing into a period of ice systems for the same 3 or 4. Then a snowy pattern.

I do like snow here,makes chasing varmints with cast a funner event.

12-14-2022, 03:26 PM
Here is a beautiful video of a train plowing after the last snow storm at Donner Summit, CA.

Drone video from above, front and side.


and the old rotary plow when it gets even deeper.


12-14-2022, 03:44 PM
Waiting to see if we're getting snow or rain here. Didn't get much last year so I figure we're due for some 1st class Nor'easters this year got the snow blower gassed up ready to go.

12-14-2022, 03:59 PM
I see there is snow on Mauna Kea now, just next door to you.

12-17-2022, 06:29 PM
December 17th and we are on our fourth snow cover of the ground the other three melted away . About 4 inches fell today the forecast was for less snow.

12-17-2022, 06:55 PM
I have no idea how much is on the ground now but this week we got 16 inches more. I am sure glad I own a skidsteer.

12-18-2022, 07:58 AM
December 17th and we are on our fourth snow cover of the ground the other three melted away . About 4 inches fell today the forecast was for less snow.

How is Harrison these days? I left in '82, came back to visit a few times but can't say I really know the place anymore. I remember it used to snow usually by the end of October.

12-18-2022, 08:26 AM
What can six US gallons of diesel fuel move (in a Kubota tractor)? Friday we got about 13cm (~5") of the wettest, heaviest snow I can recall; it was followed by about 18 more centimeters (~7") yesterday. My wife :) had cleaned off vehicles after Friday dump, and I snapped this photo using iPhone yesterday -- she had just started on my truck. 308215 We experienced the MOST "weight" damage ever -- two rail fences broken cleanly by fallen branches, and a HUGE limb on southern lot put a crimp on my snow-moving. (I'm a bit "scared" re driving to camp: ~21 km (13 miles) distance as there are acres of Plantation Pine -- surely many branches on these came down) The temps hovered at ~ 0*C -- quite warm (?) -- with it now minus five degrees Celsius (~23*F). ...and "winter" starts in three days...

12-18-2022, 03:57 PM
I see there is snow on Mauna Kea now, just next door to you.

I've never been up there to see the snow.

12-18-2022, 04:23 PM
not yet. they say its coming here in 5 days. seems its just starting to get cold here at the edge of the smokies. but my feet sure feel better today wearing insulated boots

12-18-2022, 09:44 PM
The ice cream guy came through, managed to snag a SnoCone!

Geezer in NH
12-19-2022, 12:00 AM
Got back power under 24 hours ago from an 8 inch storm. Lasted for 25 hrs no power. That good enough?

12-19-2022, 05:24 PM
How is Harrison these days? I left in '82, came back to visit a few times but can't say I really know the place anymore. I remember it used to snow usually by the end of October.

I am not sure what to tell you the town of Harrison has probably shrunk overall some new businesses have moved in but more businesses have died!
We did get a Tractor Supply Company Store this year ! Local government is still poor Sheriffs department can only keep two cars on the road at a time at the most! A October snow is still common so is a August frost !
The DNR is messing up fishing and hunting state wide more and more I wish I would have left Michigan on retiring !

12-19-2022, 06:56 PM
Up here in the North West portion of the Great White North we have, but a skiff of snow on the ground on the valley floor. It has been really cold and sunny for the past few days (-20C at night). Christmas weekend it turns warn with rain in the forecast. It looks like New Year's will be green this year.

It's been a while since I posted here. Still above ground. To all of my friends here and folks I have yet to meet on threads.

Merry Christmas to all and the very best in the New Year.

Take Care

Bob Bonenfant
Terrace, BC

jim 44-40
12-20-2022, 01:33 PM
Hope to see a little bit of snow for Pa flintlock season day after Christmas

12-21-2022, 06:31 AM
I am not sure what to tell you the town of Harrison has probably shrunk overall some new businesses have moved in but more businesses have died!
We did get a Tractor Supply Company Store this year ! Local government is still poor Sheriffs department can only keep two cars on the road at a time at the most! A October snow is still common so is a August frost !
The DNR is messing up fishing and hunting state wide more and more I wish I would have left Michigan on retiring !

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that but I guess I'm not surprised.

12-21-2022, 02:40 PM
It should be an interesting week coming up for us. Currently it is 24 degrees (11 AM) with 5 inches of snow on the ground and tonight down to the low teens. On Friday is freezing rain to turn everything outside into a sheet of ice followed by a couple days without electricity. Then the "Pineapple Express" (aka atmospheric river) hits with several days of 50 degree rain not only bringing several inches of rain but melting the feet of snow below 2000 feet off our mountains. I may have to build an ark quickly. This is life on our piece of paradise. Enjoy the show on the weather channel next Monday.

12-21-2022, 02:51 PM
Wife and I went out for breakfast today, I didn't wear a coat. It will be in the high 69s here today.

12-21-2022, 06:05 PM
Although serious cold snaps here in Florida have been on the decline of late, in the mid-70s my Dad bought a Fisher Grandma Bear wood stove. Through guile and cunning I managed to latch onto it. Probably as a result of my first winter in Jacksonville when we had snow on the ground for three days over Christmas in 1989 and Dad thought I needed it. Have hardly used it in the last couple years but I just completed a thorough inspection of my chimney in preparation for the low to mid 20's expected this coming weekend thru Monday. Heat pumps don't exactly keep you toasty when it's down in the 20's and using those electric heat strips is just plain crazy talk.

Dad's been gone now for over 25 years but most certainly not forgotten. Thanks Dad...

12-21-2022, 06:08 PM
Here in Central NYS we got a foot last week but this Friday is supposed to be crazy. Started out around 50 and 1” of rain and the day ending around zero with -20 windchill and 40 mph gusts. Be safe out there.

12-21-2022, 06:41 PM
Wife and I went out for breakfast today, I didn't wear a coat. It will be in the high 69s here today.

I would not trade my bad weather for your 69 degrees.
Your political climate sucks compared to mine.
I do wish you could have both though.
Merry Christmas!

12-21-2022, 06:51 PM
Here in Northeast Nebraska we are about to get blasted with a couple inches of white and NW winds of 40+mph. Wind chills will exceed 40 below. Wish I didn't need to keep 5 acres of greenhouses warm! About half of next years crop is started already. Home is cozy with a woodstove and plenty of dry wood. Been a while since we had that kind of a 'BLAST'! hc18flyer

12-21-2022, 06:56 PM
The cold air is supposed to get down to us on Christmas day forecast to be 19 with a high of 31, we will see. We in NW FL have four seasons, they can occur all in one week and if you look quick, a bit of snow on occasion.

12-21-2022, 08:00 PM
Hc18flyer, what do you use for heat in your green houses? I didn't ever consider that plants were started this early, even in a southern state like Nebraska[smilie=s: I'm a couple hundred miles north of you, and it really started blowing early afternoon, and -10 right now.

I hope everyone has power through this one.

12-22-2022, 05:24 AM
Talking about snow earlier in the week due to that storm sweeping across the north but it turns out to not be dipping far enough south. Cold weather in the teens nights and 30's days Friday through Sunday. It always seems colder with no snow on the ground for some reason.

Wis Tom
12-22-2022, 12:55 PM
Snow blowing sideways and temp dropping fast here, in SW Wis. Winter is here and the older I get, I don't like!

12-22-2022, 01:11 PM
Just saw a few flurries and wind is blowing hard around the cowtown area. Guess I didn't move far enough south. I cannot stand cold weather.


12-22-2022, 01:49 PM
One of my friends at Olney, Mt. had minus 50 this morning. Yesterday at Dillion, Mt., temperature dropped 26 degrees in three minutes!

I've had 32" of snow before winter actually got here.

12-22-2022, 02:47 PM
One of my friends at Olney, Mt. had minus 50 this morning. Yesterday at Dillion, Mt., temperature dropped 26 degrees in three minutes!

I've had 32" of snow before winter actually got here.

Casper WY dropped 24° in 15 mins yesterday..

12-22-2022, 03:06 PM
Wednesday afternoon from 1635 to 1710 (45 min) we went from 43d to 0d and by 1800 it was -6. At 0800 it was -13.

12-22-2022, 03:24 PM
Affirmative. About to be hammered by 60+ mph winds and blizzard conditions, expected up to 2'. Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Just trudged several miles, beautiful so far but definitely bourbon and woodfire weather coming on.

Winger Ed.
12-22-2022, 04:44 PM
There is snow flurries in Dallas, but out here it's just windy and colder than a pawn broker's heart.

12-22-2022, 05:29 PM
Affirmative. About to be hammered by 60+ mph winds and blizzard conditions, expected up to 2'. Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Just trudged several miles, beautiful so far but definitely bourbon and woodfire weather coming on.

Nothing like sitting at camp on the porch with the glass front woodstove going, snowing hard across the frozen pond and watching it through the windows sipping on Jager. Boy, do I miss that quiet miles from anyone with no power and not a sound but the hiss of the snow

12-22-2022, 06:24 PM
Just raining here. But it will get interesting on the backside of it.

12-22-2022, 07:48 PM
Hc18flyer, what do you use for heat in your green houses? I didn't ever consider that plants were started this early, even in a southern state like Nebraska[smilie=s: I'm a couple hundred miles north of you, and it really started blowing early afternoon, and -10 right now.

I hope everyone has power through this one.

Propane, Lots of propane!

12-22-2022, 07:51 PM
We don't have it here, but I'm sure many of you do.
It's not even cold here.
So has it started yet?????

Yeh, we got it, but our gun laws are better than yours.

12-22-2022, 07:59 PM
It's coming down hard here in Central Indiana, started about hour ago, driveway covered.

jim 44-40
12-22-2022, 11:10 PM
Anyone know if it's snowing in Santa, Michigan?

12-23-2022, 12:22 AM
Last night it was -58 degrees with the wind chill an of course we got more snow.

jim 44-40
12-23-2022, 06:42 AM
Just now turned from rain to snow and the wind is kicking up

12-23-2022, 09:48 AM
I’ve heard about the snow storm hitting the US. Reminds me when I was a kid in Pennsylvania. Back then we had real winters, not what folks are used to today.

12-23-2022, 11:32 AM
I did my first sidewalk shoveling of the year today. Too cold for salt to work.


12-24-2022, 09:05 AM
I’ve heard about the snow storm hitting the US. Reminds me when I was a kid in Pennsylvania. Back then we had real winters, not what folks are used to today.
Not as many accidents back then either. Last time I drove along 295 during a snowstorm in Jersey... in a 16 mile stretch there were 16 wrecked/stuck/disabled cars.