View Full Version : Ho ho ho

11-29-2022, 09:14 PM


Family and I were working at the Atlanta processing center for Operation Christmas Child. It's been a lot of fun, but the Mrs. (second from left wearing flannel) and I (right side brown jacket) have to head home tomorrow. My parents are sticking around for the rest of the week, but I'm not retired. Yet.

So how are y'all celebrating?

11-30-2022, 09:09 AM
Merry Christmas to you and I am sure there will be a lot of happy children on Christmas Day because of your effort.

11-30-2022, 09:31 AM
An outstanding way to spend your time. Thinking about how much of an impact those boxes will have on the children that will open them. Might make all the difference between little or nothing and a blessed and exciting day for those kids.
Well done!
Hope that you all have a Very Merry Christmas!!

11-30-2022, 09:51 AM
I think that the Rabbi from Nazareth would approve. Well done.

11-30-2022, 10:11 AM
Wow well done thats pretty cool you guys do that ! It’s all about the kids. That’s what it supposed to be about family.

11-30-2022, 01:36 PM
Even though Christmas is not the most joyous time of year for either my wife or I, we are blessed to have each other and (between us) five great kids. WE do give the kids some money so they can get what they need. We do not do gift giving to each other but rather we donate cash to several charitable organizations. We usually spend Christmas alone, just the two of us and we do not make a big deal of it. We have been together for 30 years, married for 26 of those. Second time round for both of us. Life is good!

12-01-2022, 07:28 AM
What a nice thing to do Stacts!

I'm sure you are having fun but wanted to say; this kindness is going to come back in spades. Wife and I raised 4 wonderful boys,all with families now... lots of Gbabies. I'm a builder(huge house),when they were growing up there was a standing notice that if ANY of their friends needed help,to come see us. For reasons that don't need explanation,we ended up taking in 1/2 dz young men who's families had basically given up on them. We had each from a year to a cpl of years. This wasn't about money...we weren't their foster homes,nothing like that. It was just trying to bring some peace to the world.....

Needless to say,we have been blessed beyond measure with happy,healthy,and just delightful Gbabies.... and not just our own. All my boys have gone on to be VERY productive solid citizens. And you simply can't "ask" for anything more.

Big bunch of us are meeting up in Williamsburg this Christmas.... last minute shopping and having fun. Hoping you and yours much fun!