View Full Version : Flying with components

11-28-2022, 01:12 PM
I’m flying to work a few weeks out of town and thought about taking my Lee hand press and spent brass to process in my downtime. No powder, no primers. Has anyone flown recently with these with no problems. The paranoid side of me thinks they’ll have an explosives sniffing dog discover my bag and cause a problem. Any advice???

11-28-2022, 01:46 PM
Mail it to your self. Just ain't worth the problems you may encounter. The days of earlier times have passed. I read some where that people are sending their luggage ahead of their flight.

11-28-2022, 03:48 PM
If you can put it in a CHECKED bag I might take it. But if in a carry on bag, I wouldn't. Ain't worth the trouble though.

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

11-28-2022, 03:59 PM
Man, can imagine explaining that stuff to a TSA employee ;)

11-28-2022, 05:32 PM
Nothing good could possibly emerge from such an innocent enough plan, HOWEVER.. Them TSA agents are not usually gun friendly folks, you can travel with a firearm in checked baggage IF it is unloaded and in it's own locked container. I am assuming the ammo can't be in there with the gun, would have to check on that one but since I have NO plans of flying anywhere anytime soon, that one's on you.

Ammo components *could* be bomb making equipment depending on which TSA agent sticks their nose in your business.

If you got one of them butchy ones, liberal, Biden contributor, political activist pro life types, they could google your destination city for abortion clinics and if they come up with a hit in the same city you are flying to then "TSA AGENT FOILS PLAN TO BOMB ABORTION CLINIC" don't think for a New York instant they wouldn't do exactly that.

The fact that you are even thinking about flying with this stuff is VERY questionable.

Martin Luber
11-28-2022, 06:18 PM
I wasn't allowed to carry Airgun pellets in carry on.
I would think twice about checking it too.

You may be legal but you may get hassled anyways

11-28-2022, 08:02 PM
If you can put it in a CHECKED bag I might take it. But if in a carry on bag, I wouldn't. Ain't worth the trouble though.

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

I bought new brass one time on a trip. Put it in my checked luggage but asked TSA about it. They told me that even unprimed, never loaded brass cannot be in carry on luggage. I would have liked to hear the justification but thought it best no not press the issue. We're not talking about knowledgeable people here.

11-28-2022, 08:49 PM
I was denied boarding once because I had 12 untipped arrow SHAFTS. That being said most airlines allow you to have loaded ammunition or components in your checked baggage. Hawaiian airlines allow 11 pounds per passenger.

Big Tom
11-28-2022, 09:34 PM
Empty shells without projectiles are allowed. I would still not try it...

11-28-2022, 11:45 PM
Last I flew to Benning for world tryouts, shipped loaded ammo down, had loaded ammo in checked baggage on flight back, no problem, had rifle in locked case on flight down and back, no problem, fired brass in another checked bag on way back, TSA took apart every box of fired brass and checked it. Chocolate sometimes trips there sensers. Wife had her bag checked, had a pound of chocolate.
Ship it to your self ! Both directions !

11-29-2022, 12:54 AM
I think I’d find something else to do with my down time.
It’ll cost $17.00 to ship a MFRB each way plus your time and gas to get to the PO. Depending on your packing skills, you can fit 1,700 pcs of 38 special brass in that MFRB. And wait while the PO gets around to delivering it.

11-29-2022, 03:04 PM
Man, can imagine explaining that stuff to a TSA employee ;)

long story short, I once had a very difficult time explaining to TSA what the custom orthotic foot inserts were in my shoes. For a few minutes I thought I was going to jail for having custom foot arch supports in my shoes.......would advise against your idea...

11-29-2022, 04:56 PM
long story short, I once had a very difficult time explaining to TSA what the custom orthotic foot inserts were in my shoes. For a few minutes I thought I was going to jail for having custom foot arch supports in my shoes.......would advise against your idea...

Try explaining running shoes that have battery operated lights in the heels.

Every time you take a step the light flashes.

One trip with those was enough.:roll::roll:

12-04-2022, 08:37 AM
I bought new brass one time on a trip. Put it in my checked luggage but asked TSA about it. They told me that even unprimed, never loaded brass cannot be in carry on luggage. I would have liked to hear the justification but thought it best no not press the issue. We're not talking about knowledgeable people here.

I had an NRA bullet keyring signed by Charlton Heston. Obviously a keyring with the ring through the body of the "bullet". Flew to the Caribbean with it and got questioned by TSA couple of times with nothing but a "neat" until the return in Miami. TSA through a fit and I ended up with several of them standing around, finally a supervisor showed up. I could see him trying to come up with something to back up his guys and gals and finally told me as justification for taking it "you might wrap it up in a piece of paper and threaten to hurt yourself with it" and looked rather embarrassed at having just said it ...I was so speechless I just stared at him then told him if he wanted it that bad to just keep it, I'd get another. I bet he still has it in his pocket.

12-04-2022, 08:59 AM
Agree with all the above . Unfortunately not worth the hassle.

Half Dog
12-04-2022, 10:24 AM
Take them, you might enjoy the pat-down and the conversation.

12-19-2022, 01:24 PM
I once tried to board a domestic flight with a new, still in the plastic and cardboard packaging, empty, 1911 magazine in my carry-on (ca. 2015). After responding to the airport, the very nice policeman explained to me that I could send it in my checked bag, but not in my carry-on. In today's world, I doubt that I would try to ship reloading components of any type, even in my checked baggage.

Winger Ed.
12-19-2022, 08:07 PM
They won't let you smoke, but maybe they'll give you coffee and a doughnut while you sit in the green room and miss your flight
while answering foolish questions while they run a criminal check on you.

12-19-2022, 08:29 PM
I’m flying to work a few weeks out of town and thought about taking my Lee hand press and spent brass to process in my downtime. No powder, no primers. Has anyone flown recently with these with no problems. The paranoid side of me thinks they’ll have an explosives sniffing dog discover my bag and cause a problem. Any advice???

Sometimes, just sometimes, it pays to be a bit paranoid.

12-19-2022, 09:00 PM
Ignore the sane advice, just do it and post the results! Should be very interesting reading. I see the headlines now. TSA charges domestic terrorist with hollow point rifle brass. Man attempts to board plane with a grocery bag of ammunition. Why would anyone need 50 pieces of brass? That’s just the beginning of the entertainment. Wait until they interview you. I’m thinking it would start to go down hill about then

12-19-2022, 11:18 PM
My airport security story.
I had to drain my bladder on a flight from Riyadh to London Heathrow in the late 70’s. I returned to my seat and dozed off. A while later I woke to a middle aged woman hovering over me with a dirty look on her face. When I said hello she blurted out “Did You See It?”. Thinking she was talking about something outside the aircraft I looked out the window and then said “no, what?” Five minutes later she came back with the Head Steward who politely ask me the same question, my answer was still no, followed by ‘see what?’.
They left without answering. An hour or so later we landed. While standing in the aisle waiting to deplane I looked out a window to see an official looking van pull up between the stairs for disembarking and the bus that would take us to the terminal. Three men in dark trench coats left the van, climbed the stairs, boarded the jet and were talking to the head steward. I heard the steward say “he is the fifth gentlemen in line.” Interested in who ‘he’ was, I started counting. The man in front of me was number four.
When it was my turn to deplane one of the trench coats took cuts in front of me and the other two followed me down the stairs. Stepping off the last stair one of the trailing men gently but firmly steered me out of line and identified himself a Scotland Yard Inspector. He suggested I accompany them to the terminal and directed me to climb into the back door of what turned out to be a paddy wagon.
On arriving at the terminal we went to an interview room where they requested and received my passport and flight ticket, then left me alone for a half hour or so. When the inspector and another agent returned they asked a question I was familiar with. Again I said no, but if they would tell me what ‘it’ was I might be able to help.
It turned out the woman passenger who had asked me that question first had used the lavatory, supposedly before me. She took off her ring and set it on the sink while she washed her hands, then forgot it. She later realized her mistake but when she went back to get it, it had disappeared. I told the inspectors that, while I too had washed my hands, I didn’t see a ring. And that IMO, the rim of that sink was so small I doubted you could set a ring on it without it falling on the floor or down the drain. I then consented to them searching my pockets and carry-on bag. Finding nothing they admitted my observation about the sink was true and that the contents of the truck that drained the jet’s holding tank was being ‘searched’ too.
I suggested that, if we were done I had a flight to catch, if not I needed to contact the US Consulate. He was called out of the room at that point but reappeared minutes later with my passport and ticket and the news that the ring had been found by the aircraft cleaning crew. And there was no need to hurry to my next flight as it had already left, but his office would transport me to suitable accommodations and return me for my flight the next afternoon.
They put me up at the Savoy that night. I dined there and had a fun evening wandering around the Strand visiting a few pubs. For a day that didn’t start off too promising I had a great time. Although to this day I still can’t understand why anyone would take their ring off in an airline lavatory.

Winger Ed.
12-20-2022, 01:06 AM
[QUOTE=Bmi48219;5504071 Although to this day I still can’t understand why anyone would take their ring off in an airline lavatory.[/QUOTE]

You need to get out more bro.
Then you'll see the world is full of people barely smart enough to feed themselves.:bigsmyl2:

12-20-2022, 07:15 AM
You need to get out more bro.
Then you'll see the world is full of people barely smart enough to feed themselves.:bigsmyl2:

So true!

12-20-2022, 08:20 AM
We got a motor home to travel around in. I really object to the herding and handling behavior you have to put up with to fly. We plan to head for Arizona in a few weeks and will one way or another drive around, avoid, Illinois.

Winger Ed.
12-20-2022, 11:57 AM
So true!

Awhile back I was talking to someone who had all this great faith in humanity, and couldn't believe
how foolish some people were.

I told him to cruise around in Walmart late at night and he'd get a better grasp on the intelligence levels of our society.

12-21-2022, 03:10 PM
Awhile back I was talking to someone who had all this great faith in humanity, and couldn't believe
how foolish some people were.

I told him to cruise around in Walmart late at night and he'd get a better grasp on the intelligence levels of our society.
I always hear about the Walmart stories, but I have never been witness to any strangeness.
On the other side, 15+ yrs ago, I worked at a Liquor store. I worked many nights, until close. I can't count high enough, to the number of strange people stories I have.

Winger Ed.
12-21-2022, 04:25 PM
I can't count high enough, to the number of strange people stories I have.

Oh yeah. You might could have followed them afterwards to Walmart too.:bigsmyl2:

For a condensed version, check out youtube and search 'People of Walmart'.
I also recommend that when people ask me, 'Who is using all those tons of illegal drugs that come into the US'?

Ed K
12-21-2022, 05:06 PM
The OP reminds me of someone in the family my daughter married into. He it autistic albeit pretty high functioning. One of his character flaws is having an odd sense of curiosity combined with a lack of restraint. For instance he has gone into a convenience store with a dollar to buy a candy bar. The catch is he did it wearing a ski mask. It didn't go well for him.