View Full Version : Simple and very effective

11-26-2022, 06:18 PM
Winter time cracks in the skin along the edge of my fingernails happen every year and every salve on the planet I've tried did nothing HOWEVER ..instant fix is just SLIGHTLY dampen the crack "valley" with super glue and close the crack while dabbing with a piece of paper towel to remove excess glue


11-26-2022, 06:49 PM
Yes, I do the same, and use jojoba oil in an attempt to keep my hands from cracking continuously all winter.

Iowa Fox
11-26-2022, 07:22 PM
I use White Label lube skin care products. No more cracks for me.

Winger Ed.
11-26-2022, 07:27 PM
That idea came from battlefield medicine.
Over in the sand box, medics used super glue instead of stitches for some injuries.

Several years ago, an angle grinder with a cut off wheel sent me to the emergency room.
The Doc. superglued me instead of stiches then.

In winter here-- or the poor excuse we have for it- I use Duke's bloody knuckles cream.
It, and their other 'guy' products used to only be available on line, but I've seen bloody knuckles at Lowe's
and our local pharmacy. It's like girl lotion, but super concentrated.

11-26-2022, 08:00 PM
Superglue works even when you can’t close the cut. It does a great job sealing the entire opening.

11-26-2022, 08:02 PM
I might be mistaken but I believe superglue was developed originally for the medical profession.

11-26-2022, 08:42 PM

11-26-2022, 08:49 PM
My wife has thick callus's around her heel on the sides. Every so often they will dry out and split.

She used to sit and pick away at it till it was a bloody mess.

I have some superglue with a brush despensor for my fly tying. Works a treat for sealing those cracks up.

Very thin bead of triple antibiotic or Neosporin in the deep part of the crack. To protect the wound.

Then a smear of superglue down the crack and hold it pressed together until it sticks.

If it is slow in drying a sprinkle of baking soda can make it cure real quick.
Tape over it and leave it alone for a week and it will heal.

11-26-2022, 09:36 PM
When the Doc replaced my knees the nuses closed the incisions with super glue. They told me it was also waterproof too. Good stuff.
Ole Jack

11-26-2022, 10:31 PM
It was used in nam. The best cream I have found is UREA 20 CREAM, it is by STRATUS Pharmaecuticals Inc. It works better than the old black salve we used on the cows.

11-26-2022, 10:33 PM
I used to get really painful cracked heels ....deep cracks that would bleed every winter ........the funny thing is my weight has ballooned out last 12 months (+40lbs)......and cracked heels have disappeared,and my arthritic knees have also improved so much I dont need a stick to walk..........all very strange......(my knees are bone to bone in xrays .)

11-26-2022, 11:32 PM
The older woman is now gone, but she told me Corn Huskers Lotion, it has helped stop those cracked finger areas.

It is always hard to find, if they have it. Walmart, Walgreens

My wife uses Working Hands, in a green tube or tub.

11-27-2022, 12:44 AM
Take a look at O'Keeffe's. It works well in dry and cold environments.

11-27-2022, 12:53 AM
GhostHawk: my ex wife used to have the same problem until I introduced her to my Dremel tool with a wood sanding drum installed. Takes off those callus's just fine, just don't go to fast or leave it in the same spot too long or it gets hot. Been using it on myself lately too.

11-27-2022, 06:09 AM
I have the same problem and boy do they hurt. O'Keefe's has worked the best for me. I use it during the day, reapply.every time I was my hands and then at night if they are real bad I'll use a good coating of Bag Balm and put socks on my hands to help keep it from getting on the bedding. Hope you find some relief.

11-27-2022, 06:45 AM
2 hernias and gall bladder removed super glue to close the incisions.

Wayne Smith
11-27-2022, 09:14 AM
I might be mistaken but I believe superglue was developed originally for the medical profession.

You are not mistaken.

John Guedry
11-27-2022, 10:57 AM
We had a family friend who was a mortician who said they had it first. Folks killed in accidents made to look like "new".

11-27-2022, 11:44 AM
this stuff works miracles for m e

11-27-2022, 06:48 PM
this stuff works miracles for m e

AND it is (or was) endorsed by Paul Harvey.

11-27-2022, 06:58 PM
I might be mistaken but I believe superglue was developed originally for the medical profession.

Eastman 910, by the Kodak Corporation. It wasn't developed specifically for that purpose, but it was found useful for a lot of things once it became available. It was originally developed in the late 40's, but not used for it's original purpose, assembling bombsights... See Wikipedia.

I used a number of things for the cracked skin. Bag Balm, and Udderly Smooth, among other things. If the cracks are really bad, super glue will seal them, and then you can apply nearly anything to soften the skin and keep if from cracking further, or doing serious bleeding.

11-28-2022, 11:40 AM
Check out Badger's Crack cream. They sell it at cracker barrel and on line. It is, IMO, the best healing hand salve around.

11-28-2022, 12:06 PM
The square green tin of ... Bag Balm !

Another good dry skin product I recently discovered is Cocoa Butter enriched Petroleum Jelly
the Cocoa Butter does something more than just petroleum Jelly alone on dry cracked skin .
I'm going to look into this stuff called Cocoa Butter and see if I can find other dry-skin products with it ... it feels good and is very soothing .

The jar of Cocoa Butter Enriched Petroleum Jelly is Wally-Marts Equate brand...
Vaseline makes it also ... the wife found it in the make-up and beauty section , not in the pharmacy first aide section .
My feet have gotten so dry and the thick skin stiff ... I'm going to rub some in right now ...
the stuff also smells good !

11-28-2022, 01:14 PM
Whichever product you choose just understand that you cannot add moisture back to your skin by a high water content product. Rehydrating your skin is a function of blocking moisture evaporation out of your skin via the use of occlusive agents (read petroleum jelly, waxes, certain oils). Personal care product formulators will add a variety of additives to make the product feel smoother, smell better, look better and a very few actually do improve the product performance. But mostly the additives are for marketing purposes to set the product as different from their competitors, not actual functionality.

There is a product called New Skin that is basically a superglue with antiseptic in it. Seems to work well also, especially as a covering for scrapes. It does work for skin cracks due to dryness to seal the cracking.

11-28-2022, 08:10 PM
When the Doc replaced my knees the nuses closed the incisions with super glue. They told me it was also waterproof too. Good stuff.
Ole Jack

It's water resistant for a little while. Definitely not waterPROOF. Been using it for RC airplane construction a little since the mid 1970s. Not a big fan; too many better adhesives out there.

Take a look at O'Keeffe's. It works well in dry and cold environments.

This is the hot ticket. O'Keeffe's Working Hands when used regularly prevents the cracks from happening to begin with. We have a friend from New Mexico at the house right now. She arrived with a split in a thumb. I glued it and then introduced her to Working Hands. After a few days she can't believe how much better her hands are.