View Full Version : Not a cast boolit but….160 1/8” 8 point down!

11-18-2022, 12:33 PM
Got this one during archery season and haven’t had a chance to share. I saw him three times last year during archery season and twice during gun season but never had a clear shot. He was a little farther than I wanted to shoot again this year but took my time and guessed the distance. It paid off! I almost didn’t shoot because I didn’t think he was big enough. Glad I shot! My old eyes must being playing tricks on me because he got bigger the closer I got to him. His rack was a little thicker and taller last year so he must be going down hill or just wasn’t as many good minerals and food supply for it to grow to its full potential this season. Used a rage hypodermic red collar broadhead that only opened one side when entering and hit the leg on the other side so I didn’t have an exit. I head the broad head slap open when hitting him. No blood for 40 yards. I then saw a tree with a fist sized blood spot on it 4’ from the base. Finally found a pencil sized blood spot ever 5 to 6 feet after that till the arrow fell out another 40 yards later. Really sparse blood trail till the last 20 yards. He must have made it 200 yards before dropping and never laying down. Hit the very front of both lungs and he pooled up inside. I did a ruff measurement of 160 1/8”. Has 7” diameter bases, 12” tines, a 19” inside spread, and a bunch of little kickers off the eye guards on the back side. One of the nicest looking bucks I’ve shot. Figured I’d better give the deer respect and mount it , but I need another mount like a hole in the head. Seems like one they get this big in my area there are a lot more points and kickers comming off the G2’s and everywhere else. Pretty neat it was a big main frame 8. One of the tallest and thickest racks to date…



Gun season opener is tomorrow. Going be a cold one! I have two other dandies on camera. Hopefully one shows up.

11-18-2022, 12:40 PM
Very nice - our deer are nowhere near that size. You should be proud of that old boy.

11-18-2022, 12:42 PM
It weighed 255 with it butt resting on the ground…It was too long for where I hoisted it up for weighing and ran out of room where I have the scale hung. I’ll get it mounted to a higher spot next year.

11-18-2022, 01:26 PM
Nice Buck, Nice thick beams. Now for some drying time and then find a local B&C measurer.

A buddy noticed something different up here when he shot a 3-year-old bull moose on opening day.
It had no fat on it. He figures that it had been feeding in an area where there had been mostly Canola fields and not much alfalfa or clovers. There were a ton of moose in 505 zone this year. I hope the survivors got enough fat on them to take them through the winter.

11-18-2022, 01:54 PM
Nice one for sure, Congrats.
So what was the rough distance of your shot?
Nice write up, it'll be one to remember.


jaydub in wi
11-18-2022, 04:09 PM
That's a beauty of a buck. Congrats

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11-18-2022, 04:40 PM
Nice heavy rack on that one

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11-18-2022, 05:35 PM
Going to guess the shot was 35 to 40 yards. I'll have to range it after gun season is over. The buck had alot of fat on it.

Texas by God
11-18-2022, 06:12 PM
That's approaching cattle size right there. Congratulations on the kill, no matter what you used!

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11-18-2022, 07:39 PM
Here’s another photo to see better “to scale”. Im approx 6’2” around 235 pounds.


Butt still touching the ground with the scale at 255 pounds…


… I hate posting pictures of my face because it always seems to get back to my neighbors and they end up sitting on my property lines. At least now you guys know why I haven’t been posting I’ve been sitting in the woods for the last month or so.

11-18-2022, 07:43 PM
Very nice indeed.


11-18-2022, 08:04 PM
dang nice deer, congrats!

11-18-2022, 09:46 PM
Magnificent. Truly a fine harvest.

11-18-2022, 10:45 PM
Beautiful mature buck you got there ! Congrats, I’m glad it was you instead of me that had to get that guy out of the woods.


11-18-2022, 10:49 PM
Luckily he ran down the side of my ridge and dropped about 50 yards from the road. It was straight down dragging. He knocked me over a few times on the way down. Backed my truck up to the side of hill with the tail gate down till it was even with the ground. My buck slid right in. If it was on flat ground I would have had a heck of a time.

11-19-2022, 12:57 AM
He's a Biggun!

11-19-2022, 10:49 AM
Great mass! Glad you recovered him!

11-19-2022, 12:09 PM
Congrats on a very fine buck.

11-19-2022, 09:37 PM

Today was opening day of our gun deer season. My neighbors harassed me from eight to 8:45 AM and then again from 4 PM to closing. Long story called the sheriff again and they just left a message and said they were really busy and would call me again tomorrow. They also want the videos of the neighbors harassing me while I was in my stand. Needless to say I only saw one deer it was a small eight pointer and I let it go by. But this dirty rat was not getting a pass today….


A 180 grain hand loaded core loct out of my 30-06 7600 anchored it on the spot.

At least I got my archery buck before they started harassing me. They messed up my hunting for the last couple years and must not a realized I was down there ball hunting this year and left me alone… until gun season start apparently.

11-20-2022, 09:38 AM
Great buck!
I. Sorry to hear about your neighbors.
I've got neighbor problems also, but mine tore down my fence and tried to move it over 6' , sheriff was called, civil matter, going to court...

11-20-2022, 02:08 PM
Yeah…between 4° out this morning and knowing I was gonna get harassed all day I didn’t even go hunting today. It’s pretty sad that I feel like I can’t hunt my own property without getting harassed or hunting screwed up. Figured I’d take the day off and go tomorrow morning and go sit in my same stand keeping my fingers crossed they both have better things to do like go to work. The sheriff did call me today and said he will send me a link via email to upload all my videos I got of them yesterday harassing me. Apparently he is well aware of the wife and her father which makes me think that he’s had run-ins with them previously. Doesn’t help me out yesterday or today but hopefully justice will be served and they will get a citation finally since they did not get one last year. I told the sheriff since I’ve been harassed nonstop for years from them I would love to have a 200 yard restraining order on the whole family. If so I would put my tree stand on the property line because that would be far enough for them to not drive anywhere near me or within sight. I’m sure that won’t happen but there’s always wishful thinking. I’m sure they drove over by me at 8 o’clock again this morning to raise hell and probably were excited I wasn’t sitting there and probably got excited thinking the deterred me from hunting. I’m just gonna try and hunt in the mornings and hopefully they’re too lazy to get out of bed to harass me…until the sheriff and DNR finally does something about it.

white eagle
11-21-2022, 07:54 PM
nice buck Trip
Sorry bout the neighbors