View Full Version : How Much Game Is Eaten At Your House?

11-11-2022, 02:33 PM
I read a post from Markopolo stating, "All of our meat comes from hunting" How much game do you eat at your house & what game animals are consumed?

11-11-2022, 02:47 PM
All of it.

11-11-2022, 02:53 PM
All of our red meat intake is deer, a typical year would include at least 75 lbs of sausage, 4-50 pounds of burger, 40 pints of canned deer meat along with all the other steaks, roasts, etc. Luckily we live in an area that is over run with deer and have unlimited doe tags for archery along with extra tags for rifle season. This year between myself and my two daughters we have 6 rifle tags, doe and a buck apiece. In addition to the deer we eat a few rabbits and ducks but the deer is our staple.

11-11-2022, 02:53 PM
Actually, most of my meat is hunted up on the meat isle at the grocery store.

11-11-2022, 03:10 PM
At our house we raise rabbits & chickens, my grandson raises a pig for us to butcher. But wild game consists of rabbit, skwirl, deer & recently introduced to beaver which I caught as a nuisance agent for a farmer. Smoked it for six hours & my wife likes it better than beef. Store bought is usually limited to cajun sausage, Hamburger meat & a turkey or two a year.

11-11-2022, 03:18 PM
I read a post from Markopolo stating, "All of our meat comes from hunting" How much game do you eat at your house & what game animals are consumed?

When I was A kid, we lived of the land, all meat came from hunting or trapping, now very little. Getting too old, don't walk so good anymore.
Cancer makes a mess of your body...

Winger Ed.
11-11-2022, 03:32 PM
Actually, most of my meat is hunted up on the meat isle at the grocery store.

Us too since I quit hunting several years ago after I sold the land I inherited in the Hill Country.

But when asked why I don't hunt anymore, as any soft headed, mouth breathing liberal would say, I keep a straight face and reply,
"I prefer the meat from the grocery store since no animals are harmed in the process to get it there".

Silvercreek Farmer
11-11-2022, 03:37 PM
3-4 deer a year. A handful of squirrel, groundhogs, and rabbits. We bowfish a big pile of carp in the spring and eat them through the year. We also raise sheep (ave. 2-3 lambs a year) and a hog. We’ve got a beef that we plan on putting up in the next month or two, so we might cut back on the deer this year. Wish I could turkey hunt, but we're usually pretty busy that time of year. Teenage boys eat a lot! Hunted and homegrown meat probably account for 80% of our meat. More so lately as we are trying to clean the freezers out to make room for the beef.

11-11-2022, 03:59 PM
Very little. My wife can’t get over it. Won’t eat it, and is reluctant to cook it. Same for meat we’ve raised.

Texas by God
11-11-2022, 04:28 PM
At least one deer a year, sometimes two. Turkey, duck, squirrel,dove,pheasant, and bullfrog.
Beef, chicken and pork come from the store.

11-11-2022, 04:34 PM
BLAHUT ; Prayers already sent. May you be Blessed.

11-11-2022, 04:57 PM
Not quite as much as when I was younger, but a few hogs, goats, feral sheep and deer a year.

11-11-2022, 08:00 PM
I couldn't even imagine eating one kind of meat for a year. I can't hardly eat the same thing for more than 3-4 days in a row without getting sick of it. Simply due to huge populations and tons of available tags, whitetail deer is what is mainly in the freezer. Smaller things like waterfowl and fish get eaten as I get them. I'm only allowed one bear a year, if I get one, and that is already mostly gone by the time deer hunting starts. I'd love to get an elk this year. I've got a cow tag that starts mid December.

So I eat a lot of red meat obviously, that's what's available. Whitetail, bear, elk, antelope, waterfowl, and more. Waterfowl is a nice change, but it is still red meat. I'm not that big a fan of pheasants, but they are great once in a while. Turkey is some of my favorite, and I would eat way more of it if I could. As it is I only ever get one or two turkeys a year. This year I got one in the spring, and have two fall tags. I'm actually a pretty big fish eater, and most of what we have are white flaky fish like walleye, pike, and panfish. I prefer pike the most myself. We have salmon in lake Oahe, but they are tough to get.

And when I don't get something, or just want a change I buy whatever I feel like. There isn't much better than a tuna steak. Not long back our store had Alaskan arctic char which was fantastic. Once in a while I go for sushi, which I'm terrible at rolling myself, that's mostly salmon and tuna. I hate imitation crab. And of course now and again I get some 70/30 beef hamburger which you can't get that kind of fat from any wild game. I love a good burger. I rarely buy chicken of any kind. I find fish is usually better than chicken breast in most recipes, and I'd rather have turkey legs than chicken drumsticks.

white eagle
11-11-2022, 09:08 PM
Us too since I quit hunting several years ago after I sold the land I inherited in the Hill Country.

But when asked why I don't hunt anymore, as any soft headed, mouth breathing liberal would say, I keep a straight face and reply,
"I prefer the meat from the grocery store since no animals are harmed in the process to get it there".

OMG your killin me :lol:
We eat deer and about every 10-11 years we eat black bear
been a while since I got an elk but that has been on the menu as well in the past
I have 8 deer tags to try and fill
probably take 3 if I am lucky :Fire:

Winger Ed.
11-11-2022, 09:12 PM
I have 8 deer tags to try and fill
probably take 3 if I am lucky :Fire:

I wish you well.

Meat from the grocery store Is OK, and you can live on it.
However; dinner does taste much better if you kill it yourself.:bigsmyl2:

11-11-2022, 10:57 PM
We have chickens and that provides most of our eggs, We drop 4-5 deer a year on ave and get an antelope every couple years. I also hunt a lot of upland game birds, and rabbit so other than lamb and seafood, the vast majority of our meat is hunted. We do everything from sloppy joes, and spaghetti, and stuffed peppers with venison to steaks, stews, pot pies and kababs. My gf who's also an avid hunter eats and cooks wild game readily and enjoys trying new recipes. This year our new attempt is going to be braised venison shanks. We usually cut off the calf muscles for stew meat or burger, but this year we got a bone saw and are going to do the whole shank in an instapot with peppers, onions and some broth and serve it over mashed potatoes and see how it tastes after getting fall off the bone tender...I've heard good things.

11-11-2022, 11:07 PM
May 25th 1996, I got married. I was a 44 yr old bachelor who was getting married to a woman who had basically been abandoned while pregnant, then divorced. My step daughter was 12.

I hung up ALL my toys, guns, rods, boats, camping, all of it. And for the first 12 years I just concentrated 100% on my marrage, work, and fixing up my old house. The fishing came back first, then about 10 years ago I got back into shooting. What I lost in that time was my desire to kill. I just do not care for killing any more. It is a rare fish that gets cleaned at my house.

Now I am 70 and really in no condition to hunt. Plus I have moved some 40 miles and crossed a state line, so my old hunting grounds are pretty much lost to me.

Back before I was married I could walk up to almost any farmer, explain to him who I was, who's son I was, and that I was really only interested in squirrels, rabbits and the like. Ohh and mention that I had been teaching firearm safety for over a decade. And I would get free access to their woods.

Now those farmers are all pretty much gone. Their sons and grandson's don't know me or who my dad was.

So I no longer hunt.

Back when I could, 75% of what I ate was wild.

11-12-2022, 08:08 AM
Only meat we buy is really chicken. We have eight of them for eggs and don't think my gf (or maybe even me as they grow on ya) could eat them. We got a half steer the last two years and have about 400 lbs of beef and 100 lbs of venison in the freezer. Only my gf and I so it lasts awhile. We don’t eat much fish, maybe cod from store once in awhile.

11-12-2022, 09:50 AM
….How much game do you eat at your house & what game animals are consumed?

If you consider fish to be animals, that would be where 80% of our animal protein comes from.

Charlie Horse
11-12-2022, 09:57 AM
I'm going to try and get a deer in about a week.
Getting older makes that more difficult but I'm going to try. I do it all myself.

We have cut way back on our meat consumption. Meat has become a condiment for me and my wife.

11-12-2022, 10:00 AM
4-5 deer a year, squirrel, fish

11-12-2022, 10:17 AM
I eat something made of wild hog, once or twice a week. I really enjoy it. Unfortunately, the deer here aren’t that interesting to eat, if you have eaten corn feed white tale from the East Coast.

11-12-2022, 10:22 AM
I live in a Subsistence area in SE Alaska. We file for a special federal subsistence permit each year available through the forest service. for Each member of our house is allocated 5 deer (4 bucks and one doe), and 3 bears. Deer season for us runs from July 25th through December 31 most years, sometimes longer. Bear season runs from 1 September through June 30th, but I only hunt bear here in early spring. Those are the only red meat available to us here on the island. I rarely eat beef, but sometimes there is a reason for it. It’s a 100 mile trip to the store on the island, and last time I checked, 2 decent steaks cost $56 dollars plus and you need to factor in the price of fuel getting there.

There is also a subsistence permit that we get for fishing. Limits on salmon are 20 per day for silvers (coho) and reds (sockeye) and no limit for Pinks (humpy) and Dogs salmon. We can also get a permit from NOAA for halibut subsistence longline for 30 hooks. Salmon we can catch pretty much any way we want, rod and reel, rope and a hook, you name it.. we also take shrimp (10 pots) and crab (10 pots) and unlimited clams and mussels.

We also grow a garden, and fly in bulk veggies to cann and dry. Stores are a luxury and we go to Ketchikan (about 8 hour trip by boat and driving). Walmart is a feeding frenzy.

Fast food around here as we know it has 4 legs and a tail!

11-12-2022, 10:53 AM
Well, when I was just out of the military, married & trying to make a go of life,, my wild game harvests, which included several deer a year, squirrels, fish, dove & whatever allowed me to eat good w/o much expense.
I never stopped doing that.
We do go out to dinner when necessary for whatever event we are working or attending. We also buy some occasional grocery store meats or fish,, but I'd say around here,, at home,, 95% is self harvested.
(I'm going to be final butchering & processing (2) deer today.)

11-12-2022, 12:19 PM
We average 2 deer a year plus I share some with church family as well . My oldest daughter has vowed to never eat wild game again , she saw the Maxi Ball buck hanging in the back yard and told me if I want to feed my family that I should shoot a chicken . We eat alot of trout also. We or should I say I eat a few squirrels a year too .

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11-12-2022, 01:37 PM
Not nearly enough...


11-12-2022, 01:58 PM
Sadly, I only eat wild game if someone other than my wife prepares it. I don't hunt anymore other than opening day of dove season and missed it this year. Sucks that my body won't cooperate in the field anymore.


11-12-2022, 02:28 PM
As someone who is really into vegetables, I have found that the most concentrated source of vegetables is red meat. Venison is a good choice because of environmental considerations. Game deer are free range and not fed in feed lots and their growth is not stimulated by hormones. Strike a blow for mother earth and kill and eat lots of deer.

I used to trotline tons of catfish for the freezer, but most streams are so contaminated by toxic runoff, that I don't eat wild caught fish any longer. I sure wish I had an acre pond fed by springs to manage.

11-12-2022, 04:45 PM
I used to live off of game meat. Still do, as much as possible, but too crippled up to really do it much nowadays. Too bad, as going and coming back home from our monthly shoot today, I saw around 60 turkeys, a couple pheasants, thousands of ducks, geese, swans, a couple hundred elk, and at least a hundred deer.

11-12-2022, 04:54 PM
If I get one deer is enough. I bass fish after growing up Great Lake salmon fishing. Wife doesn’t like fish or game. So bass are hardy enough to be released 95% of the time. Trolling for salmon or trout doesn’t lend its self to catch and release. That’s a meat game

Last deer I ate the loins and neck roast. The rest was turned into jerky and snack sticks in my smoker. Wife loves the jerky but, that’s about it. At least with jerky it’s nutritional and the entire deer gets eaten.

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11-12-2022, 08:28 PM
Everything available except possum and armadillo

11-12-2022, 10:14 PM
I hunt and butcher my own game. My chickens pig and beef come from local small family owned farms.
Wild game
Venison when butchered and prepared properly is better than beef. Venison heart is phenomenal but eaten with in days. The muscle meat on a deer needs to be aged properly. Cooking sear hot rare to medium rare no more.
Grouse, pheasant, woodcock and duck all eaten within a day of harvest.
I get rendered bear fat from a friend it’s incredible to cook with.

Texas by God
11-12-2022, 11:00 PM
Everything available except possum and armadilloMmm, skunk.[emoji16]

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MT Gianni
11-12-2022, 11:50 PM
2-3 whitetail a year and it's been 4 years since the last elk. (also the last time I really hunted them). We eat 50 or so trout a year and some white meated fish if I take the time to travel. Generally buy a hog and a 1/2 beef every other year that is local farm raised.

11-13-2022, 07:15 AM
All I eat is wild game and some of what I trapped and the fish I catch . I do not buy any meat from the store. Oh by the way I live alone with my coydog. He gets his shear also of the wild game that I will not use. Also the bones.

11-13-2022, 07:20 AM
I had backstrap and heart for dinner last night.
We get 1 deer tag a year.
I hunt grouse and quail.
I have venison, pork, beef, salmon and bottom fish in the freezer now.
I cook a lot of pork, beef and salmon on the pellet grill.
Venison gets pan fried.
Bottom fish gets deep fried.
My diet is 50/50 wild and store-bought meat.

11-13-2022, 04:57 PM
60-75% of our meals are caught,shot,trapped from our property we do buy 2 hogs and 1/2 beef every yr from neighborhood farmer,veggies mainly grown in our small garden and out at wifes uncles farm, wife did can up 3 bushels of apple sauce from road side trees for the family grand kids love it.

Milky Duck
11-13-2022, 05:10 PM
all of it...
pork n venison are often on menu.Im only one who eats duck or goose but I work my way through them.
hare n rabbit back strap sandwiches for lunch
trout crumbed for dinner.

MT Gianni
11-13-2022, 05:15 PM
I have had good luck with shanks just cut off the bone. Either in a slow cooker, crock pot or pressure cooker. Just make sure it's fall apart soft. You can do a nice presentation with mashed potatoes and a sauce or serve it on tortillas. Either works for me.

11-13-2022, 05:30 PM
Used to be a lot more than now. Now I get at least one deer a year, sometimes more and my wife and I eat a few panfish I get during the summer. I should spend some time hunting Turkey as there are a lot of them around but I seem to find other things to do instead ? I do prefer the fat store bought ones better I guess.
I would still love to cook up some squirrels and rabbits again sometime but laziness keeps them from getting hunted. I have liked most all of the game I have taken except woodcock, I wouldn’t shoot them anymore.


11-13-2022, 05:31 PM
It’s just my wife and me now so 1-2 deer will hold us for a season. When our sons were young, I used to kill a lot of cottontails and we made a lot of rabbit stew. In fact, we ate so much that I got tired of it.

I would like to eat more fish but never seem to have time to go to any of the local lakes.

11-13-2022, 08:01 PM
As someone who is really into vegetables, I have found that the most concentrated source of vegetables is red meat. Venison is a good choice because of environmental considerations. Game deer are free range and not fed in feed lots and their growth is not stimulated by hormones. Strike a blow for mother earth and kill and eat lots of deer.

I used to trotline tons of catfish for the freezer, but most streams are so contaminated by toxic runoff, that I don't eat wild caught fish any longer. I sure wish I had an acre pond fed by springs to manage.

That's one consideration I always think about. Cows are a lot better off now than they used to be, at least most are. I still sometimes come across the sad little fenced in mud pit with a bunch of stinking cows. For the most part cows now live free range outdoors and only come in on the really bad days for shelter.

It's really sad to see chicken and turkey farms. It is that way because people won't pay more for meat, even if they say they do care about animals. So they are crammed in so insanely tight no single bird can walk from one end of its prison to the other. Food is only what is needed to keep them alive and growing unnaturally large. If you look hard enough you can find free range chicken and turkey, but they are not often seen in a standard grocery store. I think whole foods is a stuck up hippie store, but thats the place to get chicken and turkey if your local butcher doesn't have it.

11-14-2022, 02:08 AM
I have located some Amish farmers who sell free range chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl. It is not cheap, but the taste reminds me of what we used to raise on the farm. Feral pigs under a hundred pounds are usually good to eat.

11-14-2022, 07:07 PM
I've told folks for years that if WV didn't have white tails my kids would have been half as big as they turned out to be. Been Eating Venison for over 50 years but have slowed that consumption some as we've gotten older. The killin' is still pretty easy but the processing not so much. Thank goodness our son is an avid hunter and lives close by.

11-15-2022, 04:43 PM
My freezer keeps:
A lot of Catfish
in it pretty much year round...We eat game once a week anyway..Sometimes more

11-15-2022, 04:59 PM
I only hunt Deer for the meat. One or two per/season. Stay patient for the big boys. With the season here in Mississippi on my own property I can hunt for over 2 months every winter. I can afford to wait til the last day to pull a trigger. These days I have my favorite processor make it all into hamburger. I butcher them myself and see to it that all the prime cuts are equally divided among all the meat. It comes out great. I get between 70-90lbs annual. Winter time I make a lot of different Chili's with the deer meat, real meaty. Summertime, its all Taco's. What's my two fav foods, you can probably guess. Nothing like a hot fire, and a bowl of mild chili with a quesadilla on a cold winter evening.

Silvercreek Farmer
11-15-2022, 08:51 PM
I have located some Amish farmers who sell free range chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl. It is not cheap, but the taste reminds me of what we used to raise on the farm. Feral pigs under a hundred pounds are usually good to eat.

Guinea is fine eating!

Texas by God
11-15-2022, 11:51 PM
Tonight I Cajun spiced some bullfrog legs, then dipped them in buttermilk, then in panko, and pan fried in oil. Baked potato and sliced Bosc pear on the side.
"Man, this is livin'!"- as Uncle James used to say.....

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11-20-2022, 07:15 PM
Saturday I smoked up a batch of deer ribs, 3 deer ham steaks, 4 hamburgers (beef), & 3 chicken qtrs. Turned out well & the wife was well pleased. I think she likes smoked meat as much as I do. Blessed to have her.

11-20-2022, 08:42 PM
We kill a moose a year, a black bear, beaver and all types of fish. The meat side is easy, it is getting that moose back to town, and hanging it up in the shed. We make sausage with bear, moose, and even beaver. We corn moose, and make ham also. Large eggs cost $6.00 a dozen.

11-21-2022, 07:07 PM
Keyman; Don't be telling everyone how good beaver meat is. The one we smoked 2-weeks ago for 6-hours my wife liked better than beef. If word gets around this new administration will have them outlawed. Anything good & works, has to go.

Brett Ross
11-24-2022, 09:35 AM
None, my wife will not eat it, so feeds my buddy whos property I hunt, he can no longer work. Let me just say, all these people who think these folks are getting rich on disability must not know one. I have no idea how he gets by on so little.

11-26-2022, 10:10 AM
My son and I ground up 230 lb of venison at the end of last season. Not much left. Much of it was given away as I don't have any dependents living with me, as they are all grown and on their own, but my oldest and I enjoy hunting and butchering our take together still, and I hope we do for many more years to come. I have eaten quite a bit of the venison that we seasoned for meat sticks in the dehydrator. Plus the taco and spaghetti meals are a couple of my favorites. An occasional steak, but not as much as I used to make. One doe is already down by me for this season with a bow. Gun season starts Monday and I hope to fill the remaining two tags then. My son has only one tag left and is holding out for a nice antlered animal. We should have plenty of grinding to do before the season is over.

12-10-2022, 10:14 AM
I normally can’t consume 2 deer a year. I gotta start putting my feedbag on! I normally give one or two away to neighbors and relatives every year.

David todd
12-10-2022, 03:21 PM
My household does not eat a lot of store bought meat. Every now and then my wife buys some pork for a stew, or chickens from the Hudderites, but for the most part it is pheasant, ruffed grouse, Deer, moose, walleye and pike that we eat.

12-10-2022, 03:48 PM
I eat river caught fish twice a week.

12-10-2022, 06:34 PM
Now these last couple of posts have my lips smack'n.

01-15-2023, 08:49 AM
1-2 meals per week include wild game in our house. Usually more during the fall and winter since I have a policy of not putting small game in the freezer (it never seems to come out.)

I try to shoot 2 deer a year, though I didn't get it done this year. Other than venison, we eat a fair amount of duck, goose, and occasionally squirrel and rabbit. We also buy our pork and beef locally whenever possible.

The last few years, the majority of our venison gets ground or canned. We only save the back straps and a couple choice roasts for other uses.

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01-15-2023, 09:08 AM
Depends how successful I was during deer season :)

Got two this year, so every meal has venison practically (except when I want something different, such as seafood)

01-15-2023, 09:53 AM
My family won’t eat any food I produce. I noticed we were eating asparagus every other day, so I grew an asparagus garden… no one wants asparagus. We were eating lots of squash so I started a squash garden… no one wants squash anymore. We had chickens for awhile… only the dogs ate the eggs. I swear, my wife only wants things she has to pay for. I must say the peach harvest last year was quality time spent with the kids.
I would like to hunt. When my boys are old enough I’ll make time for it. For now, I work a demanding job, I’m breeding dogs, and I’ve got lots of construction work on the property to tend to.

01-15-2023, 10:14 AM
I’m getting the shakes. I haven’t eaten venison for about two weeks. I broke out the fondu pot last ine around. Marinaded my meat in Coca-Cola and Worcestershire for about 3+days prior. Cut up some orange bell peppers to go with it. Forgot I had my spring turkey legs last week. They weren’t great. I lll use what’s left for raccoon bait. I had a back strap I marinated the same way as my fondue. Good stuff!

01-15-2023, 10:29 AM
We eat at least 1-2 Michigan White tails per year. Mostly hot sausage and ground into hamburger. Neighbor hauls cattle for a living, so we get plenty beef hamburgers.

01-15-2023, 11:14 AM
My family won’t eat any food I produce. I noticed we were eating asparagus every other day, so I grew an asparagus garden… no one wants asparagus. We were eating lots of squash so I started a squash garden… no one wants squash anymore. We had chickens for awhile… only the dogs ate the eggs. I swear, my wife only wants things she has to pay for. I must say the peach harvest last year was quality time spent with the kids.
I would like to hunt. When my boys are old enough I’ll make time for it. For now, I work a demanding job, I’m breeding dogs, and I’ve got lots of construction work on the property to tend to.

I am sorry to hear that but your kids may wind up changing her mind as they grow up. My four sons are all in their 30’s but they used to get home from school and walk through the garden on their way to the house, eating tomatoes and peppers off the vines. I didn’t grow much last year because I knew it would be a drought year (and I was right) but I did grow a few things in 5 gallon buckets on the deck.

01-15-2023, 11:29 AM
Roughly 40% is Venison & fish. Store bought beef pork & chicken would be the majority of the other 60%

Wish I had the opportunity to hunt wild hog once in a while. Suppose bear could work also. Neither are native to our area of the country.

01-15-2023, 06:19 PM
I thought people hunted hog just for sport. Is wild hog good eatin’?

01-15-2023, 06:22 PM
If you get them in the wild & not near a dump. The ones I have killed & eaten have been excellent. & Have been quite lean.

01-15-2023, 08:24 PM
The ones I had that we shot in TX were outstanding eating.

01-15-2023, 08:51 PM
Most of the meat we consume is venison. Each of the last 2 years I put 6 deer in the freezer and we do our own processing. Almost never buy red meat. When we lived in Alaska, we always had moose and/or caribou or bison or blacktail or Mt goat. We do buy chicken and occasionally turkey or pork.

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01-15-2023, 09:08 PM
When I was a kid everything we had to eat came off the land, and fed the dogs also, if it swam, crawled, slithered, flew, raised or was gathered, it was on the menu. When you live off the land and you don't have a lot of money you make do. Now very little game now, if any, I am too old and broken to go out and chase critters for the freezer.

Texas by God
01-15-2023, 10:45 PM
At deer camp last night, the venison backstrap and seared fresh duck dishes disappeared first. Before the ribeyes and chicken wings…..

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01-15-2023, 11:55 PM
Couple times week, at least. Just made a killer lasagna from venison sausage. Even made a pan for a friend - his wife is having surgery Tuesday, so now he'll have some good food to get over those busy days following.

01-16-2023, 01:00 AM
Pretty much all of the red meat and sausage we eat is wild game. This year there are two antelope, one elk, half a bear, and three deer in the freezer and canned in the pantry. Three meals a day seven days a week probably 15-18 have game meat.

I have a family of meat eaters at my house, plus my in-laws always take burger home with them when they come out to visit and our retired neighbors cover over a couple times a year for 10# burger restocks.

We have all but lost our taste for beef.

01-17-2023, 02:20 PM
Currently in the freezer: elk, blacktail, bear, and a little antelope. This year I took two blacktails and a cow elk. Also have a bit of local beef and lamb in the freezer, some steelhead, possibly a few ducks and geese.
The majority of meat I eat is venison.

01-24-2023, 01:20 PM
2 to 3 Deer a year is perfect

01-24-2023, 06:55 PM
You guys are killing me. Back a number of years it was usual to have yearly venison. Maybe a little bit of squirrel mixed in with the beef burgers.

Then more houses went up, so much for that.

Although... Just last month we had ground-hog (wood-chuck) thighs along with our chicken thighs. Surprised the missus', good stuff.


01-24-2023, 06:59 PM
We have a place in E TX and harvest a few deer a year from it. We also supplement those with a few feral hogs as we come across them. Combined in the grinder with some bacon ends makes awesome burgers or anything else that uses ground.

Added to that we hit a lake up close to our place pretty regularly and stock up on blue cat and channels along with a box of white and hybrid bass.

01-24-2023, 10:40 PM
Has to be upwards of 98% of the meat we consume is game or fish that we catch. Deer, squirrel, ducks, sandhill crane, crappie, channel catfish and feral hogs.

Blue catfish are NASTY GREASY

01-26-2023, 06:50 PM
Just did lasagna last night. Get your favorite marinara, some par cooked (bake in dish) lasagna noodles, a bell pepper, an onion, ricotta, parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese, eggs, and about a pound to a pound and a half of ground venison. Dice bell pepper and onion (I like a large rough chop cause I really like the larger pieces), sauté in a skillet till just starting to soften, add and brown off burger. Season with salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder. Add 90% of your marinara and to the mixture and bring up to a simmer, season with your choice of herbs (Italian seasoning, basil, oregano, etc.). Mix parm, mozz, and ricotta in a bowl with some of your herbs and eggs till it's a fairly thick paste. Oil a 6x9 pan (or larger depending on family, adjust recipe to increase volume), put down the 10% of your marinara you set aside, layer of noodles, venison mixture, egg/cheese mixture, noodles, venison mixture, egg/cheese mixture, noodles, cover with remaining venison mixture and bake for 45 mins at 350F. Add a mixture of mozz and parm cheese as topping, place back in over and bake at 400 till golden brown (about 15 mins). Let rest for about 20 mins to set, cut and serve (usually with garlic bread).
I will personally sometimes add other peppers with a touch more heat as well, poblanos or Anaheim but dealers choice.

01-26-2023, 07:52 PM
Sounds Goooood!

01-26-2023, 08:17 PM
how much? not nearly enough. today we ate ny strips, local store had sale on the whole 14lb slab, $4.98lb. its so bland we had to marinate the cut steaks in Italian dressing and uncle tony's for 2 days to get some flavor into them.

01-26-2023, 10:17 PM
When I was a kid (60-70 years ago) The only food we got from the grocery store was staples. Flour, coffee and salt. Everything else we ate was raised or hunted. We had lots of catfish, ducks, venison, rabbits and squirrels. It seems that the best tasting meat was what we jacklighted or shot or snared out of season. Eating well while beating the system had a special appeal.

Johan Steyn
04-15-2023, 06:14 AM
My wife and I eat mostly venison, we only buy chicken, lamb and bacon. we do our own butchering and also have a small vegetable and herb garden. Lunch most days consist of biltong, cabanossi or droewors( dried sausage). We normally hunt one large animal like a wildebeest or kudu and several smaller antelope like blesbuck, springbuck or Impala every year. I also take a few warthog every year as well as few geese. Sometimes we will have bass, but I have to admit that I'm not much of a fisherman.

04-16-2023, 07:53 PM
We go through about 2 whitetails a year. My wife was raised on a dairy/beef farm so it is tough to get her over that, whereas I don't think I actually had a beef steak until I was in the Navy. We'll eat fish (northern and panfish) a few dozen times each winter as we all prefer fish when they're caught through the ice.

35 Rem
04-24-2023, 12:32 PM
We eat a couple deer each year. This past year I shot 4 but gave 1 of those away so need to eat a bit more to empty the freezer by next season. Since I've retired recently and eat at home more as a result it shouldn't be any problem. We eat venison every week of the year and sometimes have two recipes cooked at the same time. I love the cube steaks or minute steaks as my processor calls them. (Yeah, I got lazy the past few years and started using a processor.) I do admit though that I like to eat a beef ribeye steak about once a month when they go on sale. No matter what you do to venison it can't equal a ribeye for my taste.

04-24-2023, 01:21 PM
It is a shame that paper targets have no nutritional value. If they did I wouldn't have to buy any groceries.

Capn Jack
04-24-2023, 02:07 PM
It is a shame that paper targets have no nutritional value. If they did I wouldn't have to buy any groceries.

Not much of a mess to clean though and the season is open all year round.:drinks:

Capn Jack
04-24-2023, 02:09 PM
I tried to hunt for my meat at Safeway, but they threw me out after the first shot. :kidding:

04-24-2023, 11:01 PM
My wife and I eat mostly venison, we only buy chicken, lamb and bacon. we do our own butchering and also have a small vegetable and herb garden. Lunch most days consist of biltong, cabanossi or droewors( dried sausage). We normally hunt one large animal like a wildebeest or kudu and several smaller antelope like blesbuck, springbuck or Impala every year. I also take a few warthog every year as well as few geese. Sometimes we will have bass, but I have to admit that I'm not much of a fisherman.

You can't post such things without pics or an invite...

Capn Jack
04-25-2023, 12:51 AM
The wife and I found out that it takes 2 people almost 4 years to eat 380 lbs of Bison, but I'm not shooting anymore turkeys though. :neutral:
The flavor was good, but they were like trying to chew an old tire. :neutral:

04-25-2023, 08:04 AM
---I usually simmer my turkey in water lots of celery & onions unsalted seasoning my wife makes & black pepper until tender. Then low heat on the smoker til flavored. The broth off of the turkey is put into zip-lock bags & used in soup at a later date. Talking about this reminds me it's time for breakfast.

05-02-2023, 11:32 PM
Had deer steak last night and tonight also :)

Outer Rondacker
05-03-2023, 07:01 AM
Before I met my wife almost every other day I would eat wild game. After we got together I shortly discovered she was a chief not a cook. We eat game once a month now. Honestly it has nothing to do with her but with the fact that I have no one to help with the harvest of a deer so I do not take one. If you count the ranches home grown chickens then we do get out own and well I have not been fishing since I built this house and we used to eat fresh fish once a week. Hoping to change that back this year.

Short answer. Wild game once a month now.

Capn Jack
05-03-2023, 10:09 AM
I can still remember my mother baking everything us kids brought in from hunting until it was like a football. :cry:

Because, "You know them wild things got bugs in the meat.":shock:

05-03-2023, 03:48 PM
Ate alot of squirrel, rabbit, and fish we caught when I was a kid. I eat deer a couple of times a month. I also eat alot of produce from the garden, and wild berries when they are in season.

05-07-2023, 05:50 PM
---Yesterday I smoked rabbit almost 2-hours @ 215-225 deg. Then placed in 2 large cast iron skillets, & smothered them in the basic Louisiana hot sauce & butter (Buffalo Wing style sauce) & straight from the smoker to a 300 deg. oven for 30 min. Rabbit can be mushy if I don't do the 300 deg. thing, It firms up the meat same as chicken. Ate it today for our Sunday lunch & it was great. Try It!