View Full Version : Headache Pain ?

11-07-2022, 11:42 PM
Never though I would be asking this

Back story I had a bad fall at work almost 13 years ago
Major head trauma
To save my life they removed part of my brain
Lots of scare tissue on my brain and several plates on my skull

Totally Disabled Workman's Comp

Nerve Pain , Headaches and Cluster Migraines
The Headaches and Cluster Migraines are getting a LOT worse

I get Botox shots every 3 months

BUT the headaches and Migraines are getting so bad I am having to get Morphine to control the 2 types of headaches

I got Botox 2 weeks ago
Went to a Doctor today and the sun coming through the trees gave me a bad Migraine
So I took my meds and spent from 11 AM to a little bit ago dealing with it
Still have it
Meds are wearing off , so the real pain will be back all to soon

I have been told marijuana can help a lot for some people
I can get a prescription for medical marijuana
But Ohio Workman's Comp will not pay for it

So before I get a prescription and pay for it
I have to ask

Has any of you tried marijuana to control headaches and Migraines ?

If you would prefer , send me a personal message


11-08-2022, 12:04 AM
I'm not against it , but a person needs to be careful with posting such things , posting on a firearms forum is probably not a good idea .

Have a concealed carry permit ? Have a hunting license ?
Neither are good things to have if you get a medi Mary card .
Fact is owning a firearm and getting that card can bring you major problems and those are just two things that will make it easy for anti gun government agency types to bring trouble to you .

But there's such a thing as quality of life ... if it could help it might be worth it .
My two cents worth would be to talk to friends about it and let it be known you'd like to see if it can help before involving the government with a medi Mary card .and having to make huge changes to your life to avoid trouble .

11-08-2022, 01:00 AM
Have a family member get the card instead if you can, if you want to preserve your rights. MM is not cheap for anyone and the stuff on the streets has new risks with the fentanyl epidemic. There is a newer product that has came about recently, a offshoot from tobacco vaping. Supposedly it's reasonably safe and the cartridges last a long time for the price.
Tough call....

11-08-2022, 08:34 AM
I have followed your posts as I also suffer migraines but more from a neck/back injury. I would not even consider marijuana due to my guns. I know from the pain I get there are times when you just don't care and want the pain gone. Folks ever hear of back in the early times about people drilling their own heads to relieve the pain? Trust me the pain is that bad. I am amazed at you being able to do things after taking your meds. The only thing I have found to work for ME is Excedrin Migraine. Shots, rx, etc never worked like the O/C med. Costco's brand also works for ME. Good luck and hope you find relief.

11-08-2022, 09:26 AM
Try self hypnosis. I have had tooth cavities filled without deadening.
I learned how from a tape, but I know someone that went to a psychiatrist to learn how to do it.

11-08-2022, 09:52 AM
John, in case you don’t know, Michigan has legalized recreational use of MJ. I assume that they record sales transactions, and would also be illegal to bring any back to OH, but you could go give it a try before committing to it as a course of treatment.

I’m not a user, but is seems that edibles would be a good choice for you.

11-08-2022, 01:22 PM
Never though I would be asking this

Back story I had a bad fall at work almost 13 years ago
Major head trauma
To save my life they removed part of my brain
Lots of scare tissue on my brain and several plates on my skull

Totally Disabled Workman's Comp

Nerve Pain , Headaches and Cluster Migraines
The Headaches and Cluster Migraines are getting a LOT worse

I get Botox shots every 3 months

BUT the headaches and Migraines are getting so bad I am having to get Morphine to control the 2 types of headaches

I got Botox 2 weeks ago
Went to a Doctor today and the sun coming through the trees gave me a bad Migraine
So I took my meds and spent from 11 AM to a little bit ago dealing with it
Still have it
Meds are wearing off , so the real pain will be back all to soon

I have been told marijuana can help a lot for some people
I can get a prescription for medical marijuana
But Ohio Workman's Comp will not pay for it

So before I get a prescription and pay for it
I have to ask

Has any of you tried marijuana to control headaches and Migraines ?

If you would prefer , send me a personal message


The only thing I have found to work for me is Excedrin Migraine Costco's brand also works for me. You can try KRATOM it is an opioid subsutute, works for me. Morphine and opioids don't work on me.

11-08-2022, 02:30 PM
You can get CBD online without a card. It helps with some pain but not others...


11-08-2022, 04:19 PM
Never though I would be asking this

Back story I had a bad fall at work almost 13 years ago
Major head trauma
To save my life they removed part of my brain
Lots of scare tissue on my brain and several plates on my skull

Totally Disabled Workman's Comp

Nerve Pain , Headaches and Cluster Migraines
The Headaches and Cluster Migraines are getting a LOT worse

I get Botox shots every 3 months

BUT the headaches and Migraines are getting so bad I am having to get Morphine to control the 2 types of headaches

I got Botox 2 weeks ago
Went to a Doctor today and the sun coming through the trees gave me a bad Migraine
So I took my meds and spent from 11 AM to a little bit ago dealing with it
Still have it
Meds are wearing off , so the real pain will be back all to soon

I have been told marijuana can help a lot for some people
I can get a prescription for medical marijuana
But Ohio Workman's Comp will not pay for it

So before I get a prescription and pay for it
I have to ask

Has any of you tried marijuana to control headaches and Migraines ?

If you would prefer , send me a personal message


My wife has bad migraine problems. MJ didn't help that, or the nausea she also has, or much of anything else, except to help her sleep a little better sometimes, but it wasn't consistent relief. What has worked best for her was Emgality, which is a once-a-month shot, but it's horribly expensive. Next best is Imitrex. That's quite a bit cheaper, but works quite well on an as-needed basis.



11-08-2022, 05:12 PM
Having been a chronic migraine sufferer for decades, I narrowed down items in my diet that triggered and caused them. Chocolate and cheeses are my two big ones. I eliminated them from my diet and they decreased 99%. In saying this, I'm not downplaying the cause of yours being related to the head injury. I'm saying that a lot of people suffer from migraines that are caused by chemicals in food too. The haze around the four foot light bulbs, potpourris, strong chemicals used in cleaning, and preservatives in 1 minute rice also trigger my migraines. The food induced migraines usually happen 12-36 hours after eating. It took a bit to isolate the foods that caused them, basically trial and error, with elimination of the foods from my diet afterwards.

11-08-2022, 07:01 PM
Not a fan of marihuana but my DIL who passed from breast cancer several years ago said it helped her a great deal with nausea and headaches. You might try edibles to see if it works.

11-09-2022, 11:29 AM
Could you talk to the medical marijuana doctor and see if they will let you try a sample before going through the hassle of all that goes with getting a prescription? My medical DR will let me try samples of anti-inflammatories that I take for arthritis went one type no longer helps.

11-09-2022, 02:48 PM
I have no experience with pot at all will am saying a prayer for your healing .

11-13-2022, 10:56 AM


MT Gianni
11-14-2022, 10:22 PM
I had surgery for bleeding ulcers. They split me from sternum to groin. The worst Headache pain I ever had was coming off morphine.

11-18-2022, 01:58 PM
I was going to send this via PM, but upon further consideration, I think it’s just better said in the open forum where it has the opportunity to be helpful to others as well. It’s gonna be long, though, so apologies for that.

First off, what you’re going through sounds horrible and I’m sorry you’re having to deal with such suffering. I greatly hope that you will eventually find some relief!

So, a few years back my wife had some neurological issues for which her neurologist at the time felt might be treated successfully with cannabis. This caused a many months odyssey of learning and exploration into the vast wilderness of medical and recreational cannabis. In the end, she didn’t find relief significant enough to warrant the “side effects” (namely being high all the time, dry mouth, etc) and we ended up finding a traditional pharmaceutical solution that was effective and low cost.

Here are my thoughts based on insight from this adventure:

Cannabis can be helpful in controlling pain, including migraine and migraine variants. It’s not a sure thing, though. Since it’s not a manufactured-in-the-lab pure pharmaceutical, there is a lot of variability. The cannabinoid and terpene profile of the base strain, the extraction method, the preparation, and delivery methods can all influence the end effect. There is just person-to-person variability in how the cannabinoids function on the body as well.

What this ends up meaning is that it may require significant experimentation to find something that works. You can’t simply just pop down to the dispensary, buy a gram of whatever’s on sale, and hope to instantly find relief. I mean, it’s possible but not very likely. Sure, people do that, but to be honest, their “medical issue” is that they want to get high and not pay too many taxes. My wife tried dozens of different strains of flower as well as dozens of different edibles and topicals before finally deciding that it wasn’t going to be effective enough to continue. You may need to do this as well.

Which brings me to a sticking point…If you live in a med only state, you can’t get access to this stuff without a med card. Getting a med card, though, can put you at risk of losing CCWs etc. Once you start down that road, and get the card, you’re on the lists. If you lose your CCW or whatever but don’t end up finding relief from cannabis, it’s hard to go back. This is somewhat state dependent, but the risk is very real.

If you want to try, here’s what I would suggest. Take a week or so and travel to a rec-legal state. For you, closest would be MI. Get a nice room in a safe town with a couple dispensaries and go talk to the bud tenders. They know their products and are eager to help. Tell them what you’re after relief-wise and ask their advice, then buy some stuff and try it out. In every rec state I know of, there is NO difference between the rec products and the med products aside from taxation or possession limits. If you find something that helps, try to learn what strain(s) went into it, how it was extracted and prepared, and how it was delivered. That way, if you decide to get a med card in OH, you can find something close. FWIW, you won’t be able to get the exact thing due to cannabis still being federally illegal and not being allowed to cross state lines.

Here's some stuff to look for:

For flower, make sure that the plants were grown to “organic” standards and are free of dangerous pesticides and fertilizers. Most legal states require lab testing and certification of crops prior to sale, so this isn’t a significant issue, but still, something to be aware of.

For concentrates and edibles, make sure that the extraction method is clean. Supercritical CO2 or ethanol extraction is preferred. Other solvents such as butane should be avoided if possible as it can be difficult to purge completely and it’s not great to be consuming those residues.

Whole-plant or full-spectrum extracts are greatly preferred for medical use as they retain the full cannabinoid and terpene profile of the base strain. This is important as the various parts work together via something called the entourage-effect. THC-only extracts are for people just looking to get high. If you want relief from a condition besides reality, you want full-spectrum.

For your first experience, I would recommend edibles, but with the following caution: Stick with the labeled single dose and know that it can take up to two hours for edibles to take effect due to differences in how they are processed in the body. DO NOT get impatient after 20 minutes and take additional doses or you’re going to be in for a rough time! There have been tourists end up in the ERs in CO because they took half a dozen doses of edibles due to impatience. It's not pretty...

Vaped concentrates are also reasonable for a let’s-try-weed vacation. They hit much faster and harder than edibles, though, so be aware of that. I’m not a fan on inhaling glycol and other crap, so try to find something that isn’t cut with thinners or carriers if possible.

With regard to strains, indica is generally more mellow, sativa is more uplifting, and hybrids are supposedly something in between. It really comes down to the cannabinoid and terpene profiles. To be honest, though, I don’t put a lot of stock into those generalizations. If you’re looking for relief, try a bunch of stuff.

That’s all I can think of at the moment…If I come up with more, I’ll make another post. I can also try to answer specific questions the best I can. I’m not an expert and I do not use cannabis personally, though, so you’ll only get what I learned helping my wife explore this world several years ago.

Good luck and I hope you find some relief as soon as possible!

11-18-2022, 02:37 PM
Having been a chronic migraine sufferer for decades, I narrowed down items in my diet that triggered and caused them. Chocolate and cheeses are my two big ones. I eliminated them from my diet and they decreased 99%. In saying this, I'm not downplaying the cause of yours being related to the head injury. I'm saying that a lot of people suffer from migraines that are caused by chemicals in food too. The haze around the four foot light bulbs, potpourris, strong chemicals used in cleaning, and preservatives in 1 minute rice also trigger my migraines. The food induced migraines usually happen 12-36 hours after eating. It took a bit to isolate the foods that caused them, basically trial and error, with elimination of the foods from my diet afterwards.

I tried all of the additive's I could, found gas fumes and diesel exhaust caused mine, would be driving down the highway and smell diesel exhaust and get one, use KRATOM to get rid of all most all of them and other body pain now. Doctor wanted me to try cbd and mj still agents federal law so with my guns NO thanks. Worst headache was leaking spinal fluid after surgery, this might be part of the problem ?

11-18-2022, 11:33 PM
I guess this is another option.

11-25-2022, 11:43 AM
I have zero experience with legal marijuana, but I would just add one thought. It is my understanding that as far as the ATF is concerned, use of marijuana makes a person ineligible to OWN firearms, period. Not just have a CCW and hunt, but to even own a firearm would potentially be off the table at some undetermined point in the future.

11-25-2022, 12:08 PM
I have zero experience with legal marijuana, but I would just add one thought. It is my understanding that as far as the ATF is concerned, use of marijuana makes a person ineligible to OWN firearms, period. Not just have a CCW and hunt, but to even own a firearm would potentially be off the table at some undetermined point in the future.

This is technically true, but to be honest, unless you get a med card or do something stupid like drive while high and cause an accident, nobody's gonna know. Rec is cash and carry...

11-25-2022, 08:50 PM
If I had the guts
I would just grow my own
As you would be surprised how many people have offered or told me who would give me FREE seeds

Just a FYI
I have not taken any of the free seeds


11-28-2022, 12:56 PM
Something to have checked, your sinuses! When I get really bad sinus headaches it often morphs into a migraine from the pressure around the eyes and on top of my head. I can sometimes relieve it with a simple sinus rinse using a squirt system to flush out my upper sinuses(and the crap that comes out is GROSS...). No sinus infection, I am just hyper allergic to everything that gives off dust or other particulates like cig smoke.

Also learn to relax your neck muscles! They are a #1 cause of many migraines. Especially the 2 big muscles that run up from your shoulders in back.

MT Gianni
11-28-2022, 07:57 PM
Three short muscles in the back of your head/neck area can cause headaches if they are not stretched. Rest your head centered on your shoulders then slide it back 3/4" with out tilting or turning it. Repeat three times. Do this 3 times a day.

11-29-2022, 03:11 AM
Well as mentioned you are not far from Michigan , as long as funds aren't to tight why not pack up an overnight bag for you and the wife . And the next time you feel a migraine coming on head across the border rent yourself a modest hotel room visit a dispensery and give it a try .
It surely couldn't hurt to try , has to be better then relying on narcotics if it does help , and there's no fear of breaking the law .