View Full Version : Loose Locater Pins on Mold

02-01-2009, 12:07 AM
I just appropriated a used Lyman 2 cavity mold in great shape. But when I got home and checked it out real close I found the locater holes are wore just a bit, enough to give a little movement when together. Dont know if its enough to worry about, but enough that I dont like it. I am going to cast a few and see how it acts. My thoughts are to drill the holes oversize and press or drive some round stock to plug the holes, then drill to the proper size using the other shell to locate the holes, driving the pins out first. Has anyone repaired a mold in this way, or have a better way?

02-01-2009, 12:29 AM
I purchased a used mold that had the same problem. I drove the pins a little farther out, more protrusion and that cured my mold. Bill

02-01-2009, 02:08 AM
+1 on trying to move the pins out a little bit more. You might also consider using you case deburring tool lightly in the hole to break the edge. This usually allow the mold to open smoother after you get the pin to stick out farther.

I'd save drill and fill stuff for a last ditch effort to save the mold and try some easy fix's first.

02-01-2009, 02:19 AM
.............Ditto what billyb and HeavyMetal said. Keep it simple to start with.


02-01-2009, 10:04 AM
Thanks guys, keep it simple first. Someone also has a 2 inch long screw hanging out of the threaded hole which tensions the sprue plate and a lockwasher on the sprue plate screw. May have had a reason? I have an extra set of Canadian sprue plate repair kit from Rick, I may just use it on this.

02-01-2009, 01:38 PM
Someone also has a 2 inch long screw hanging out of the threaded hole which tensions the sprue plate and a lockwasher on the sprue plate screw. May have had a reason?
Probably didn't have a three-inch screw handy...