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11-03-2022, 06:16 PM
an old friend just called me. he just got out of a New York City jail. he is in New York City on a business deal and has his 11 yr old daughter with him.
some native mental case grabbed his daughter by the neck and tried to drag her away. my friend broke the guys jaw, put a dent in his windpipe and broke a couple ribs. all three went to the hospital the 11 yr old got a neck brace and my friend and the native got a trip to the local police station lock up.the girls mother was in a hotel not far away and had to get her daughter at the hospital. after keeping my friend locked up over night they decided they would not want to press any charges against him and he said several of the cops told him if it was their daughter who was attacked the native would be lucky to still be walking. it turns out this native had been arrested more than 20 times in his life for all sorts of stuff. and I guess they just let him walk the streets never putting him away. I told my friend her should sue the state, the county and the city for letting dangerous felons free to brutalize little children.
what would you do?

11-03-2022, 06:28 PM
I suggest moving on, there will be no successful suit against the state and presumably the guy has nothing worth taking.

white eagle
11-03-2022, 06:30 PM
that is the famous bail reform you always hear about
probably nothing that will come of it because the guy who let this scum out
would also hear his case against the state and his office, my theory
once again libtard justice equity in full view
sorry for your friend however he did a good deed

Geezer in NH
11-03-2022, 06:53 PM
I would hang up as none of my so-called friends would ever call me and tell he was just out of jail and needed help

11-03-2022, 07:02 PM
I would certainly consult an attorney. Find out what options are on the table, and go from there.
What was he thinking in going to NY in the first place? Not to mention taking a young family along. The rest of my thoughts about this will bring no value to the thread.
Carry on gentlemen....

11-03-2022, 07:17 PM
As far as suing NY good luck. Even if you have unlimited funds, nothing will become of it, other than you will have a lot less money to work with..
You can thank the politicians, the courts, and the so-called reformers. And they wonder why there was vigilantism ??? In minnesota we have the freedom fund sponsored by our illustrious VP, pam harris, the black hats are out of jail before the cops can get the paperwork finished, that along with cashless bail???
And people wonder why crime rates are out of control, these people know that nothing will happen to them no matter what they do........

Mal Paso
11-03-2022, 07:26 PM
I would hang up as none of my so-called friends would ever call me and tell he was just out of jail and needed help

I didn't see any request for help in the post. Sounds like a need to vent and discuss the event with a friend.

Cities are dangerous. I WILL NOT go to San Francisco Ever Again!

11-03-2022, 07:36 PM
There are things you do and things you do not do.
Taking an eleven-year-old daughter to a place like New York City in today's climate is one of the things you do not do.
Elections have consequences, your friend just ran into one of them.
Hopefully he learns from it.

11-03-2022, 07:38 PM
I didn't see any request for help in the post. Sounds like a need to vent and discuss the event with a friend.

Cities are dangerous. I WILL NOT go to San Francisco Ever Again!

Must be why he titled it.
"What would you do":roll::roll:

Winger Ed.
11-03-2022, 11:09 PM
what would you do?

Actually, about all that can be done already has.

For me--- this is just another example of why I'd never go to New York in the first place.

11-03-2022, 11:20 PM
Wise men learn from their mistakes. Your friend is not very bright.

Recently went to visit a friend in MN and refused to drive through Minneapolis. I avoid danger.

Your friend should move on and learn from his poor judgement.

11-03-2022, 11:36 PM
dverna has the right idea. Never go to NYC. Because he did, he was put in the situation where he did the right thing by stopping the assault against his daughter and was locked up for his efforts. Woke government is not your fiend.

11-03-2022, 11:40 PM
There are Four types of Homicide, Felonious, Accidental, Justifiable, and "Praiseworthy", Try grabbing My Daughter !

Good Shooting


11-03-2022, 11:48 PM
Saying that the friend is not very bright, and that he used poor judgement, is simply wrong. So he took his family to one of the most popular cities in the country. He has that right. What happened to them could have happened in any city or town in the US.
Would I sue anyone? No. Useless.
"my friend broke the guys jaw, put a dent in his windpipe and broke a couple ribs." His family is lucky that he is the kind of guy that he is.

11-04-2022, 12:12 AM
NYC is not terribly dangerous, neither is Chicago. I’ve been to both many times, lived in Chicago and visited NYC long before they cleaned it up, daughters have been with me and on their own. Avoid a few bad spots and except for pretty rare random craziness, which is what this seems to be, you’ll be fine.

Drop a country boy in the city, he doesn’t know how to spot danger, just like a city boy dropped in the woods. Frankly it’d probably be good for most to have the experience.

Did recently skip a trip to San Francisco, not that it’s dangerous, just that it’s gotten dirty and disgusting.

One criticism of the OP’s friend’s actions, I’d have walked away asap after the altercation. Seek medical care later, but sticking around expecting a positive outcome from the police interaction is overly optimistic, frankly it’s all risk and no reward. Same is true in any big city you happen to be visiting. Of course if he was in a tourist location there would be a cop within a couple hundred yards, so he may not have had an opportunity.

11-04-2022, 07:30 AM
Along those lines:


A US father who found his five-year-old daughter being raped, then beat the attacker to death will not be charged, prosecutors have said.


11-04-2022, 07:50 AM
definitely consult a reliable attorney for advice, plus have your arrest record expunged immediately -

11-04-2022, 07:56 AM
I would suggest your friend consult an attorney , just because no charges were filed - does not mean that they won't come back a year or so from now and change him with something , or even the attacker trying to claim he was assaulted .
Tell your friend to follow the case against the attacker closely - strange thing happen in court rooms every day . A year or so your friend could very well find himself in the courtroom wondering what happened ??????

11-04-2022, 08:23 AM
an old friend just called me. he just got out of a New York City jail. he is in New York City on a business deal and has his 11 yr old daughter with him.
some native mental case grabbed his daughter by the neck and tried to drag her away. my friend broke the guys jaw, put a dent in his windpipe and broke a couple ribs. all three went to the hospital the 11 yr old got a neck brace and my friend and the native got a trip to the local police station lock up.the girls mother was in a hotel not far away and had to get her daughter at the hospital. after keeping my friend locked up over night they decided they would not want to press any charges against him and he said several of the cops told him if it was their daughter who was attacked the native would be lucky to still be walking. it turns out this native had been arrested more than 20 times in his life for all sorts of stuff. and I guess they just let him walk the streets never putting him away. I told my friend her should sue the state, the county and the city for letting dangerous felons free to brutalize little children.
what would you do?

With no disrespect in any form :) -- your post sounds -- to me -- as perhaps PART of the story. The question coming forefront to my mind is, "Why did he ring YOU?" On the one hand, if you are a competent practicing barrister and he was seeking legal device? Did he ask for $$$$? Again, just being "curious Geo" re the purpose of the call... you wrote it is an "old friend".....
That said, I'd respond as I do to any news story. In this case, I'd feel specially bad for the pre-teen daughter who may very well have trauma for the rest of her life from the incident, but, leave it at that.

11-04-2022, 08:52 AM
Had to work in NYC three months straight for four years doing audits. Swore I would never go back and I haven't and this was in the mid 80's. I can't stand cities and crowds. There was just a news story about a guy getting released on zero bail for attacking his girlfriend. Went back and killed her in front to her kids. This is not the Pit or I would say more. Good luck to your friend.

11-04-2022, 08:56 AM
The OP has a friend.
We all have good friends that would likely call us to report such a type of situation.
Too many are reading stuff into the reason why he called our Forum member.

Taking his family to NYC. He was on a BUSINESS trip. Apparently he had to go. And yes,, many folks want to visit NYC. (Thanks to the many TV shows, & media hype. Remember,, many people feel that NYC is the center of the universe. Again,, he SHOULD be able to take his family to NYC.

Suing NYC or whatever. It'd take a lot of money & most likely never go anywhere.

But,, consulting an attorney, to get his record expunged is a good idea.
Sue the mental case too. That puts things ON RECORD,, against the thug, AND helps his unjust arrest get expunged. He may not get anything more than a judgement against the guy. But it's a record against the mental case. And whenever this mental case does something again, it may well be a good piece of evidence against him.

His reactions to the way his daughter was attacked. Broken jaw, broken ribs, dented windpipe. I say the mental case got off lucky. I would have inflicted a few more non-life threatening injuries to him. That's what I would have done.

11-04-2022, 09:38 AM
One criticism of the OP’s friend’s actions, I’d have walked away asap after the altercation. Seek medical care later, but sticking around expecting a positive outcome from the police interaction is overly optimistic, frankly it’s all risk and no reward. .

Respectfully disagree here. If you leave the scene after striking him, I believe you are now a criminal.

I live 35 miles from nyc & go there only under protest. I don't believe your friend will gain anything through a lawsuit other than lightening his wallet.

11-04-2022, 09:56 AM
I didn't see any request for help in the post. Sounds like a need to vent and discuss the event with a friend.

Cities are dangerous. I WILL NOT go to San Francisco Ever Again!

I fully agree, but I would change "San Francisco" to "Blue Hive" as all Democratic run cities have a whole lot in common and they will punish you severely for the "crime" of self defense!

11-04-2022, 10:00 AM
I would suggest your friend consult an attorney , just because no charges were filed - does not mean that they won't come back a year or so from now and change him with something , or even the attacker trying to claim he was assaulted .
Tell your friend to follow the case against the attacker closely - strange thing happen in court rooms every day . A year or so your friend could very well find himself in the courtroom wondering what happened ??????

This does happen a lot!

11-04-2022, 10:27 AM
NYC, right, lived just outside of Newark, NJ for four years. Bad enough, but NYC is a total outhouse, plain and simple. Taking your child or children to NYC and walking the street, today, is truly a moment of, What Were You Thinking!
You should be able to walk safely on any street in the US with your family, should is not CAN.

11-04-2022, 01:16 PM
The state of New York has unlimited resources to fight lawsuits and to file lawsuits ...

Unless you have tons of money to blow on lawers and their fees ...

I would ...

Get out of New York as Fast as I could ... and never ever go back !

11-04-2022, 01:52 PM
Having someone attempt to abduct your child is scary. Had that happened to me, I would have probably pulled a gun and shot the guy, if needed. I am not a big person and have no interest in a street fight, so if trying to pull my child away failed, that would have been my course of action. If someone gets your kid, you most likely will not see them alive again.

Where I live and the places I visit allow deadly force to stop a deadly threat. I hope I am never in that situation.

11-04-2022, 02:57 PM
NYC is not terribly dangerous, neither is Chicago. I’ve been to both many times, lived in Chicago and visited NYC long before they cleaned it up, daughters have been with me and on their own. Avoid a few bad spots and except for pretty rare random craziness, which is what this seems to be, you’ll be fine.

Drop a country boy in the city, he doesn’t know how to spot danger, just like a city boy dropped in the woods. Frankly it’d probably be good for most to have the experience.

Did recently skip a trip to San Francisco, not that it’s dangerous, just that it’s gotten dirty and disgusting.

One criticism of the OP’s friend’s actions, I’d have walked away asap after the altercation. Seek medical care later, but sticking around expecting a positive outcome from the police interaction is overly optimistic, frankly it’s all risk and no reward. Same is true in any big city you happen to be visiting. Of course if he was in a tourist location there would be a cop within a couple hundred yards, so he may not have had an opportunity.

I have had similar experiences. Prior to Covid I visited NYC 2 or 3 times a year for business. There are places more dangerous in Des Moines, IA (the city I live in) than in lower Manhattan or Times Square. However I rode through a few places on the East side of Manhattan that I wouldn't visit at night. A lot of it comes down to situational awareness. Generally you can tell really quickly if you're entering someplace where you don't belong and probably should reverse course or lock your doors and get out ASAP.

I lived in Chicago for 2 years while in school. There are areas where crime occurs on an hourly basis and areas where crime very rarely happens. There are neighborhoods where shootings happen daily and neighborhoods where shootings are all but unheard of. It's very obvious when entering the areas where crime occurs.

On a whole there are many states where the violent crime rate is much high than New York. That list includes NC, SC, AL , GA, TN, AR, KS, MO, NM, AZ, CO SD, MT, OK, LA.

11-04-2022, 03:20 PM
Respectfully disagree here. If you leave the scene after striking him, I believe you are now a criminal.

You might be right.
As for expunging the arrest, I wonder if he was actually processed.

11-04-2022, 04:30 PM
You might be right.
As for expunging the arrest, I wonder if he was actually processed.

he was put in jail so he was booked + record made of his arrest - if he was not booked his detention would be grounds for a large legal action -

11-04-2022, 05:47 PM
If a good friend of mine just got out of jail, I would try to help him. On the other side, I will never step foot in places like that with a young child. That’s why I live far away from big cities and only go there when I absolutely need to.

11-04-2022, 07:06 PM
he was put in jail so he was booked + record made of his arrest - if he was not booked his detention would be grounds for a large legal action -
May just be my lack of first hand experience being arrested combined with my education on the issue consisting of tv dramas, but I thought you could be detained for a reasonable time without being arrested. For traffic stops that’s pretty short, but for this where you might be waiting for a guy to get his jaw wired so you could get a statement I’d think it could be overnight.

11-04-2022, 07:14 PM
If your friend wants to waste 50K minimum sue the city and state. He will not prevail against the liberal machine with unlimited money. If he really wants to make a difference take that 50K and make it work against the leftist scum that is forcing this on us.

11-05-2022, 08:36 AM
May just be my lack of first hand experience being arrested combined with my education on the issue consisting of tv dramas, but I thought you could be detained for a reasonable time without being arrested. For traffic stops that’s pretty short, but for this where you might be waiting for a guy to get his jaw wired so you could get a statement I’d think it could be overnight.

being detained is very different circumstance then being put in jail -

11-05-2022, 09:55 AM
Wise men learn from their mistakes. Your friend is not very bright.

Recently went to visit a friend in MN and refused to drive through Minneapolis. I avoid danger.

Your friend should move on and learn from his poor judgement.

I want to apologize for this post. "Not very bright" was harsh.

11-05-2022, 10:21 AM
Ditto about getting legal advice from an attorney. Blaming the guy for taking his family to any American city is ridiculous. Your friend’s situation is a big part of what next Tuesday is all about, especially here in NYS. We have a governor that allows criminals to roam free while she ignores the SCOTUS and disarms law abiding citizens. I would contact the small amount of free and fair media we still have and add to the stories of the mayhem that is being allowed to take place by a certain political party. I really hate to get political but we have to do something to try to save our country from anarchy. And thank God your friend and his daughter are still able to talk about what happened to them. The only thing that angers me more than these predators allowed to roam the streets of our cities is the people that allow it or blame the victims.

BP Dave
11-05-2022, 10:35 AM
I don't think there's any money to be made here suing the government. However, New York, at least in theory, has some kind of victims' assistance program. Might be worth contacting them, especially if there are significant unpaid medical expenses. They also might have a notification process so friend can at least receive notifications regarding the case if one is ever filed. Lots of cases everywhere get dropped because of "inability" to locate witnesses/victims, and keeping in touch would at least reduce that likelihood.