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View Full Version : Came across a wreck of a small EV

11-01-2022, 07:51 PM
Was taking the hound to the groomer when I came across a traffic jam all but one lane blocked on one of the busiest streets in town. The EV had ran a stop light and a F250 SD hit him I have seen very few cars come apart like that, Hope the passengers were OK. Not sure I am ready for a small car in an area where 60% of all vehicles' are large pick ups and larger.

11-01-2022, 08:05 PM
Pardon my ignorance but what is an EV and an SD?

11-01-2022, 08:34 PM
I'm thinking EV=electric vehicle, SD=Super Duty

Yes my thoughts are as long as I can get into my 3/4 ton Suburban I'll be driving it, friend had a small car and I almost couldn't get in or out of the darn thing!

11-01-2022, 08:47 PM
Ralph Nader is turning in his grave...

Winger Ed.
11-01-2022, 09:27 PM
All those little toy cars do that.

When smart cars were first on the street, there was a picture floating around of one that was parked in front of a regular heavier car.
A box/delivery truck had slipped out of gear and coasted down a slight hill into the other end of it.
It folded up and the rear wheels were within a inch or two of touching the back side of the front wheels.

Land Owner
11-02-2022, 05:54 AM

11-02-2022, 05:58 AM
Emergency Vehical vs F250 Super duty


11-02-2022, 06:55 AM
Ralph Nader is turning in his grave...

Ralph Nader is not dead.

Good Cheer
11-02-2022, 08:30 AM
Cabin fever versus going to town...
Heh, the wife's truck is almost twenty years old and has 60,000 miles on it. Her Explorer had less than that. It was one of those two door five speed stick shift four wheel drive sport model things but she wanted a pickup. No way she'd have one of those destructo-toys.

Geezer in NH
11-02-2022, 10:10 AM
Ralph Nader is not dead.

What a shame

11-02-2022, 10:16 AM
Cars, especially small ones are suppposed to fly apart like that in a crash, that’s how you walk away. While yea an f250 will destroy a Tesla , small cars have a higher survival rating than big suvs and trucks in crashes.

11-02-2022, 10:42 AM
Cars, especially small ones are suppposed to fly apart like that in a crash, that’s how you walk away. While yea an f250 will destroy a Tesla , small cars have a higher survival rating than big suvs and trucks in crashes.

This is only true if a small car hits another small car. If a small car hits a truck or SUV, the driver of the smaller vehicle is much more likely to be killed than the driver of the larger vehicle.

11-02-2022, 10:54 AM
Like riding a motorcycle ... if you drive a small car ... you may not want to run traffic lights .
Lots of time I had the right of way but I knew if the truck / van / car ran into me on my motorcycle I was going to get busted up ... Don't run traffic lights or stop signs .

11-02-2022, 11:01 AM
I drive a compact SUV and my State taxes it as a TRUCK. Apparently all SUV's in KS are listed and taxed as TRUCKS, more taxes.

11-02-2022, 11:06 AM
1. Law of Mass. Can NOT be repealed or adjusted by the Liberal Left.

2. EV cars are extremely light weight due to attempts to extend mileage by reducing weight wherever possible to provide some useful range - extremely thin aluminum, and even extremely thin plastic. (Yeah those EV's use vast amounts hydrocarbons). . Year ago Middle son gave the wife a Tesla (we gave it back to him because of many issues for remote/rural/desert/forest areas). We picked it up from the Tesla Dealer and received the 1 hour walk around and training session. One of the "Training Issues" was where to place ones hands (and ONLY THERE) to close the front hood. If you place your hands anywhere else and close the hood YOU WILL dent the hood; as an example of just how much they have stripped out the weight on EV's.

11-02-2022, 11:09 AM
I know most of you have seen the cartoon of the small bug car torn to pieces, the driver and passenger transported to the hospital and the Squirrel left the scene! :-D

11-02-2022, 11:37 AM
where the gas engine was in a regular car, the EV,s have a small wind mill, a few solar panels and four miles of extention cord.

11-02-2022, 12:29 PM
Tesla caught on fire about 6 miles from me. By the time the fire died the aluminum and glass had melted into the pavement and what was left fit in a skid loader bucket... rest went POOF. Guy driving said he stopped, something under the floor popped then the cabin was on fire. He had to smash the window to get out because the goofy electric door latch failed right away and the door refused to open. It burned for 24 hours... local FD's dumped the little foam they keep on hand then had to wait for more to be delivered from a bigger FD. Batteries cooking off ignited the corn field next to it, lucky the wind was blowing at the road and they got that put out right away after about an acre burned. I could hear batteries exploding! From 6 miles away!

11-02-2022, 03:48 PM
Tesla caught on fire about 6 miles from me. By the time the fire died the aluminum and glass had melted into the pavement and what was left fit in a skid loader bucket... rest went POOF. Guy driving said he stopped, something under the floor popped then the cabin was on fire. He had to smash the window to get out because the goofy electric door latch failed right away and the door refused to open. It burned for 24 hours... local FD's dumped the little foam they keep on hand then had to wait for more to be delivered from a bigger FD. Batteries cooking off ignited the corn field next to it, lucky the wind was blowing at the road and they got that put out right away after about an acre burned. I could hear batteries exploding! From 6 miles away!

reminds me of a story in the news about 2 months ago. EV hit a telephone pole and shattered. the batteries were launched from the impact, hit 3 houses and set all three ablaze.

So yes, a tesla pulled off a hat trick.

11-03-2022, 01:02 AM
Tesla caught on fire about 6 miles from me. By the time the fire died the aluminum and glass had melted into the pavement and what was left fit in a skid loader bucket... rest went POOF. Guy driving said he stopped, something under the floor popped then the cabin was on fire. He had to smash the window to get out because the goofy electric door latch failed right away and the door refused to open. It burned for 24 hours... local FD's dumped the little foam they keep on hand then had to wait for more to be delivered from a bigger FD. Batteries cooking off ignited the corn field next to it, lucky the wind was blowing at the road and they got that put out right away after about an acre burned. I could hear batteries exploding! From 6 miles away!

Those batteries cannot be put out once they are burning. The fumes from a burning lithium battery are extremely toxic, too.

11-04-2022, 05:32 PM
Those batteries cannot be put out once they are burning. The fumes from a burning lithium battery are extremely toxic, too.

You Must be mistaken - EV are GREEEEEN.

11-04-2022, 06:59 PM
Yeah….sure they are..and I got a bridge you might be interested in too.

11-05-2022, 08:28 AM
You Must be mistaken - EV are GREEEEEN.

There is nothing in the world that is "GREEN". Diesel, natural gas, and coal make all the "Green products" possible.
"Green energy" is not reliable enough to make the new "Green" energy generation products to replace itself.
A windmill will never produce enough energy to build another windmill. Nor will a solar panel

11-05-2022, 12:08 PM
I actually have two totally GREEEEN vehicles out back right now. Their pooooo is green to. (Quarter Horse Paso Fino mixes.) Only thing gets hurt with them in a wreck is the rider.

11-05-2022, 01:01 PM
I dont get into anything that has the structural integrity of a beer can....ill drive myself, or walk.

The comercials that used to show a bare body of those Smart Cars holding up heavy objects would only remind me of a pin ball game...

I sat in one once in the showroom just to say I did, there is not even room behind the driver seat for a paper bag of groceries. So the winch on the front bumper of a truck can hit you in the back of the head...ill keep my 90s square bodies.

11-05-2022, 01:30 PM
I dont get into anything that has the structural integrity of a beer can....ill drive myself, or walk.

The comercials that used to show a bare body of those Smart Cars holding up heavy objects would only remind me of a pin ball game...

I sat in one once in the showroom just to say I did, there is not even room behind the driver seat for a paper bag of groceries. So the winch on the front bumper of a truck can hit you in the back of the head...ill keep my 90s square bodies.

You are entitled to your opinion but do not make stuff up. My wife has had two Smart cars. We got plenty of groceries in them. Our two 75 lb. Belgian Malinois loved riding together back there. My wife fortunately passed the phase where they were fun for her. I did not care for because as a professional tech I did all the service work to them. She put over 100,000 miles on each one without any major service issues.

11-05-2022, 03:06 PM
I actually have two totally GREEEEN vehicles out back right now. Their pooooo is green to. (Quarter Horse Base Fino mixes.) Only thing gets hurt with them in a wreck is the rider.
You got that one right.
I could probably hit one of the big paper wasps nests with the newer small cars and come out OK. I can tell you for a fact if you hit one of those with your "green" vehicle, the rodeo will immediately start and there isn't a handy ignition key to shut it off. There's something about mad bees and horses ears that don't play well together.
Ever watch a cat when they're washing their ears? I didn't know horses could do that.
Abandon ship.

Plate plinker
11-05-2022, 04:03 PM
To many terrible drivers on the road for me. Tiny cars seem like a bad idea.

11-05-2022, 11:01 PM
Not to mention that if you're much over 6' tall, you won't be able to drive one...


11-09-2022, 06:51 PM
I'll never have to worry about owning an electric car. I'm 6'4" 300lbs.
They ain't big enough.

Maybe 2, and I'll sling My Barcalounger in between.

11-09-2022, 07:37 PM
What a shame


He didn't have a drivers license when he wrote unsafe at any speed.

What a scumbag


11-10-2022, 02:10 PM
Here's a solution:https://iplayerhd.com/player/video/dae6a69a-adb1-4692-aaba-cff7e6bcd493
Won't have to worry about the power grid!

11-10-2022, 03:56 PM
What a shame

I was trying to figure out a way to say that... Thanks for getting it right. I was trying to be diplomatic or something. ;)

11-11-2022, 04:34 PM
when i can refuel in ten-12 minutes at a power port and drive 400 miles before recharging, i may be interested if the EV cost 30,000 $, but i don,t think so. and how about all the bad emmisions from the power plants . i,ll keep my 1999 chevy tracker(hunting car) with 238,000 miles on it with only minor maintance.

11-12-2022, 09:16 AM
They just have to find a way to mount a wind mill on one of these EV’s. Problem solved. I think AOC would approve.

Charlie Horse
11-12-2022, 10:00 AM
Most of the vehicles we use are way bigger than they need to be.

11-12-2022, 12:48 PM
Most of the vehicles we use are way bigger than they need to be.

I think this is person specific - does not apply to all. Our immediate family has an old F350 used only for hauling the Travel Trailers and Firewood. A 4 passenger Jeep Cherokee used for going to the Desert or Woods, and as a 2nd transport if needed during the week. And lastly a Toyota Corolla that gets 38MPG and is the main transport for 5 or less passengers when we travel, go shopping, or...

Point is - Not all people follow the Big Huge Truck in the Suburbs TV picture. Used to know a lot of people in Las Vegas who had the huge truck for the weekends - and traveled in an old small beater for work during the week.

11-12-2022, 02:10 PM
Most of the vehicles we use are way bigger than they need to be.

I see those posts where some guy is standing in front of a modern pickup complaining about how big they are now... open the hood and look at why! Modern fuel efficient engines are TALL beasts and all the extra junk used for that fuel efficiency takes up space. There is no spare room under that hood!

I drive a crossover SUV, still bigger than a small car but I need the ground clearance and all wheel drive in winter, and the cargo capacity for my once a month grocery shopping trips. A small car lacks the space I need. With a 60 mile round trip for groceries and the price of gas I limit my driving. Getting 23mpg so semi decent...