View Full Version : It's that time of the year.

10-31-2022, 12:32 PM
1,471 days ago I did the single most hard core All Hallows , Noches de Muerte thing ever !
Drove 9 hr from a 6:00 pm fuel stop in Kingman Arizona to a little Hamlet 85 miles south of Reno with a dead guy in the truck .

Since you've read this far in the horror story , I was just taking Dad's ashes back to Nevada to ride the blue highway over the Reese River valley one more time.

Also on this night in 2008 about 0300 11/1 a little spit of a black cat adopted me under a full moon . Ok it was like 9hours off the true full moon and I'm not particularly superstitious but no sense taking any unnecessary chances .

I had my Dad just over 52 years and at 12 yr that was the longest lived cat I ever had .

Happy Nevada day!
Yep on this day 1864 Nevada became a Union state for the sole reason of keeping the gold and silver from the CSA I suspect.
3 of 17 counties have voted more than once overwhelmingly to keep the brothels open and in place . Only Clark , Washoe , and the Carson City district have removed them , ironic as that's Las Vegas ,Reno , and the state Capitol .
With major budget shortfalls in 2015 BOA , brothel owners association the self regulating brothel authority, went to the state and said we would like to pay a service of $5 per service rendered ......the state asked "so what kind of money are we talking about? Hahahaha ?" BOA replied 7-8million per year. The state declined " we can't do that it would legitimize the industry" ......

University Nevada of Reno has such a long standing and serious rivalry with UN Las Vegas. So much so that the NCAA has to schedule around the UNR homecoming game warmly known as the Battle for the Canon . The winner takes the Kit Carson Canon home until next year . The game is played for school pride they haven't been in the same or rival conferences in 30 years.

10-31-2022, 01:17 PM
When I was in college, I worked in/at a funeral home. I drove funerals all over the country, wherever they needed the dead to be delivered to. Some people find that disturbing, I saw it as a service to grieving families. The military has their ANGLE FLIGHTS for our fallen. Each service is an HONOR to be provide.