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View Full Version : One of those "Blind Squirrel' days casting....

01-31-2009, 08:10 PM
The temp was 45 outside so it was time to don the shorts and sandals, no shirt. I wish.. so at about 2pm I have the pot full of what I hope is about 22:1 mix. My 40-65 mold is hot and ready to go, temp of pot is about 750, so I start pouring. Pouring setting, tapping, tossing sprue, opening mold, finding wrinkles and less-than-full at the base of the boolit......about 30 or so repetitions....this sucks says I. Raise the temp, lower the temp...wait longer before tapping and opening...Screw this I'll open a GBP and try the 41 Paper Patch mold and see what happens there. Hmmmmmmmm...same same for 10-15 tries....Hmmm..kids and wife are gone so I have time. I start rolling both molds, filling one, setting it down, fill the other, tap the first, throw the spue in the pot, open mold drop boolit pick up boolit and set down on base....perfect boolits...from both molds. So now I'm a busy two-handed paper hanger for the next 2 1/2 hours and things have found their zen.
From really bad boolits to really good boolits like a snap of the fingers. My casting temp ended up at about 800-825. I'm happy.:drinks:

01-31-2009, 08:15 PM
"hang time" in the mold is one of the reasons I use two molds at once. Helps keep them, aluminum espsecailly, from cooling to fast.

When I first started anything more than a 2 banger was an incredible find! only way to get production was two molds.

Juggled molds for so many years that even with 6 bangers I still do it when I can afford it.

01-31-2009, 09:02 PM
Hmmmm...Tanker by chance?:-D