View Full Version : RCBS Chargemaster vs RCBS 304 Scale with B&M Powder Measure

10-27-2022, 01:54 AM
About 5 years ago I came into a Chargemaster and dispenser. It's accurate but slow as all get out. Also, every couple of years I have to separate the scale from the powder dispenser and use contact cleaner on the connecter pins. If I don't, the thing goes cattywampus and I get error messages ahoy. Also, If I don't want wandering zeros, I have to turn it on, wait 20 minutes, calibrate it and then zero it. No fun at all.

Recently, I picked up an RCBS 304 scale. I zero it before use which takes less than 30 seconds. I use Lee scoops to get close to weight, trickle in the remainder and I've got my charge. Then I pour it into my B&M measure tube and bring the slide up until the powder is flush. I can now drop very accurate charges really fast with 100% repeatability.

The chargemaster is great for a short run of max charges. For almost everything else though, it is very disappointing. BTW, in case you were wondering, that 305 with the dial is really the cat's meow. Much faster and easier to use than my old 10-10

10-28-2022, 10:59 AM
The 304 scale is nice! ChargeMasters seem to be hit or mis. Mine works great and I wouldn't call it slow.

11-05-2022, 09:43 AM
Chargemasters are nice but I don’t view them as the most accurate tool. I really don’t like precision instruments changing zeros on their own. i understand they added that “feature” so it didn’t drift as the loadcell warms up but it makes me trust them less. They should share information on their parameters, I would use them more if I could turn that part off.


11-05-2022, 09:45 AM
A 505 with a photo electric switch is not only a lot cheaper but more repeatable too. The A&D is reading to the hundredth of a grain, not tenths.
