View Full Version : Bunnies

10-16-2022, 12:21 PM

10-16-2022, 01:44 PM
Wish we had more of those around here.

10-16-2022, 01:50 PM
Have lots of them around here, fox or coyotes not keep them in check ?? Between them and the deer, they are eating everything. Really can and do a lot of damage in the orchard.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-16-2022, 01:58 PM
Unusual photo, Lar45. How'd you do it? Just line up the scope, stand back a bit and put the camera up to the scope and click? We've got bunnies up here in the high Cascades, but I sometimes think that they're a species that's just hanging on because of the winters. I guess they'd be members of the cottontail family. Not very large, short ears, mostly brownish grey with short puffy white tails. I'll see them mostly in the early mornings or around dusk, and have never seen more than two at one time, usually only one. Maybe I should get a telescopic lens, as they look too small to easily pick out of the grass in the photos I've taken with my digital camera. Their coloration closely matches the grass and I usually don't spot them until they move. No one around here seems to hunt them, and I've been as close to them as 5 ft. and they kept nibbling on the grass.


10-16-2022, 02:02 PM
Unusual photo, Lar45. How'd you do it? Just line up the scope, stand back a bit and put the camera up to the scope and click? We've got bunnies up here in the high Cascades, but I sometimes think that they're a species that's just hanging on because of the winters. I guess they'd be members of the cottontail family. Not very large, short ears, mostly brownish grey with short puffy white tails. I'll see them mostly in the early mornings or around dusk, and have never seen more than two at one time, usually only one. Maybe I should get a telescopic lens, as they look too small to easily pick out of the grass in the photos I've taken with my digital camera. Their coloration closely matches the grass and I usually don't spot them until they move. No one around here seems to hunt them, and I've been as close to them as 5 ft. and they kept nibbling on the grass.


Hard to see, great tasting, takes a few to fill up a pan, dawn and dusk seems to be when they are most active, unless its real cloudy. Cotton tails.

10-16-2022, 04:46 PM
Don't have any in my neck of the woods.

Half Dog
10-16-2022, 05:05 PM
Growing up, we had what we called swamp rabbits. It was a workout if you shot 2 of them.

Texas by God
10-16-2022, 05:43 PM
Down here you should wait till after the first freeze to eat cottontail rabbit, due to parasites. Mom always requested that we bring midsize ones and they were delicious. I have one hanging around here but we just watch it. When I was a teen, cottontails and jackrabbits were everywhere. No Mas.

10-16-2022, 10:05 PM
I rested the rifle pointing at the bunny, then zoomed the phone and got about 2" from scope to take the picture.
I usually get better shots through the binoculars, but it's a pain to lineup.

10-16-2022, 10:23 PM

75yds Leopold 10x binos

10-16-2022, 10:24 PM
Down here you should wait till after the first freeze to eat cottontail rabbit, due to parasites. Mom always requested that we bring midsize ones and they were delicious. I have one hanging around here but we just watch it. When I was a teen, cottontails and jackrabbits were everywhere. No Mas.

I have two hanging around the yard that I know of. May end up with a bunch more in the spring ?? Dogs leave them alone, now if they would just leave the vegetation and fruit trees alone would be great.

10-16-2022, 10:27 PM

Ya; got a bunch of these hanging around the yard also, they come in and play with the dogs. Last time, got a picture of them, there were 7 of them.

10-16-2022, 10:28 PM
Unusual photo, Lar45. How'd you do it? Just line up the scope, stand back a bit and put the camera up to the scope and click? We've got bunnies up here in the high Cascades, but I sometimes think that they're a species that's just hanging on because of the winters. I guess they'd be members of the cottontail family. Not very large, short ears, mostly brownish grey with short puffy white tails. I'll see them mostly in the early mornings or around dusk, and have never seen more than two at one time, usually only one. Maybe I should get a telescopic lens, as they look too small to easily pick out of the grass in the photos I've taken with my digital camera. Their coloration closely matches the grass and I usually don't spot them until they move. No one around here seems to hunt them, and I've been as close to them as 5 ft. and they kept nibbling on the grass.

We have two species in our area and the places I used to go in the Cascades. We have the usual eastern cottontails and another much smaller variety called Nuttall's cottontails cottontails. There are also snowshoe hares above about 2,000 feet in the Cascades but they are not a true rabbit plus they are quite large. I have always felt that we have so many predators hunting them (bobcats, coyotes, foxes, and even lions) in W. Washington that they never seem to exist in large numbers. Very few hunt rabbits west of the Cascades probably because of low numbers. Not so east of the mountains.

10-16-2022, 10:33 PM
We have two species in our area and the places I used to go in the Cascades. We have the usual eastern cottontails and another much smaller variety I call pygmy cottontails for lack of a better name. There are also snowshoe hares above about 2,000 feet in the Cascades but they are not a true rabbit plus they are quite large. I have always felt that we have so many predators hunting them (bobcats, coyotes, foxes, and even lions) in W. Washington that they never seem to exist in large numbers

Seams everything eats rabbit here also, wolves, fox, bobcat, coyotes, dogs, people, a mountain lion every now and then follows the rivers down.

10-22-2022, 06:49 PM

More binocular pictures, waiting for the deer to show up

Good Cheer
10-22-2022, 08:20 PM
East of Houston in the middle 70's was hunting rabbits with a 4" Security Six and wadcutters, light charges of Bullseye.
Once getting the hang of it, was amazing how close the stalk could take you. Sometimes what let you know a rabbit was there was the sunlight showing pink through the thickness of their ears.

10-23-2022, 06:26 AM
We have wild cotton tails around here but it's really rare to see one. My father use to get one under the electric fence around his garden from time to time. There's nothing like the sound of a shocked bunny to wake you up early in the morning...


10-23-2022, 10:22 AM
I had a half dozen bunnies (or more) dancing around for a long time. Got a a message on my 2013 Chevy, 'SERVICE 4 WHEEL DRIVE', took it in to local mechanic, $1083 later got my truck back, a couple months later - 'SERVICE 4 WHEEL DRIVE' - windshield washer won't hold fluid, had a airbag recall so went to CHEVY dealer - another $650 to fix wiring for 4-wheel drive AND repair hose to windshield washer - service manager said repairs due to chewed wires - he did wrap wires with repellent tape -wires insulated with 'green' soy-based insulation. So $1700 later I went home, waited for 1 September (just 4 days) - shot 4 rabbits first day, 2 - second day, 2 more since. Started carrying a .22 (marlin 39A, Skinner peep, Aquila sub-sonic HP) on our daily walks. Now I will shoot rabbits whenever they appear, neighbors OK with it.

10-23-2022, 10:35 AM
Heard of skwirls & chipmunks doing that to wiring, but never a rabbit. Learned something new today.

kevin c
10-23-2022, 12:18 PM
Somebody released a few domesticated rabbits onto the club’s several acre property.

The local hawks thought it was a very thoughtful gesture.

Nowadays we have cats. Apparently the hawks find them less palatable, more feisty, or both, because they’re proliferating.

10-23-2022, 07:17 PM
We have bunnies everywhere. Wild along with my daughter and grandkids raising show and meat bunnies.

Hunting and calling predators helped with the numbers of bunnies, turkeys, etc.

10-25-2022, 09:50 AM

More binocular pictures, waiting for the deer to show upThat is a beautiful Grey there , hope you get some venison in your sights soon

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