View Full Version : I love my Dog, BUT.

10-11-2022, 07:05 PM
I spend a lot of money on my dog.
I buy her treats, chew toys and spend a lot of money on vet checkups and monthly flea, tick and heartworm preventer.
Not much I won't do for my dog.
I would like to use the correct word for a female dog, because that is what she is.
I was in a text conversation with a friend of mine and in the meantime, I guess I was not paying enough attention to said female dog.
Well, I heard some loud crunching and found my dog chewing on a small cylindrical shaped piece of plastic, which I immediately took away from her.
I looked at it for a bit and discovered it was the cap that goes on the foster connector on my Beeman underlever PCP rifle.
I still love my dog, but I am not really happy with her right now.

10-11-2022, 07:34 PM
I can feel for you. I have my jaws. She will be a year next month, stills chews everything in sight. TV remotes were her favorite. Gave up on buying toys for her, now she gets tree branches, about 4' long and 1 1/2" in diameter. My shins take a beating but so far everything else in the house has survived. I have two F Great Pyrenees'.

Geezer in NH
10-11-2022, 10:26 PM
Hey YOU left it where she could get it. Uh who's at fault you or the dog. Dogs chew stuff to me your own fault, hug her and forget about it. BTDT :drinks:

10-11-2022, 10:31 PM
Hey YOU left it where she could get it. Uh who's at fault you or the dog. Dogs chew stuff to me your own fault, hug her and forget about it. BTDT :drinks:

No: She got it off the Baby Grand Panino. Bought two new, just in case.

10-11-2022, 10:34 PM
“Dog Training” is really people training. Sorry for loss, but don’t blame the dog. She will love and try to please you know matter what.

Milky Duck
10-12-2022, 03:04 AM
they do grow out of it....how much stuff gets chewed in meantime is up to you....so far two sets of crocs and a plastic funnel have had the chomp...hopefully past the worst of it..no boots this time YET...

10-12-2022, 06:02 AM
My stupid hound ate my chair when he was a puppy. Dragged it into the middle of the living room and chewed the whole arm off. Fabric and foam everywhere, it was a pretty recent purchase too.
Now, he's the nicest dog I've ever had.

10-12-2022, 08:49 AM
I have a 10 month old mini ausie....beautiful and sweet, but doesn't know what to do with all his energy. He'll be neutered shortly, which will be a step in the right direction, but he'll probably always be a hyper pooch. He and his bud, a Yorkie-poo, can raise a ruckus!

10-12-2022, 08:57 AM
Oh yeah, shredding.....they love playing tug-of-war with anything shredable, magazines, carpet, you get the idea. Mostly it's been the grandkids toys.

10-12-2022, 09:10 AM
I have had 5 Brittany's, Zak is a 2 year old male and He has chewed up more stuff than the others put together and doesn't show many signs of growing out of it. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20221012/d10baeaa3a2953804a5b71cd8787908b.jpg

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10-12-2022, 09:12 AM
I lost my Gunner a little over a year ago and I still grieve for him. I would let him chew up all the things he destroyed if I could have him back. It is just part of their growing up. Try to remember to keep things put away and don't get too upset when they do find a new chew toy.

10-12-2022, 10:51 AM
Chew toy ... Gun part , what's the diff. to a dog. She could have eaten your keyboard !
Don't let the dog play with your guns ... buy her a gun of her own ...
... so she can chew on it freely !

10-12-2022, 11:21 AM
I have had 5 Brittany's, Zak is a 2 year old male and He has chewed up more stuff than the others put together and doesn't show many signs of growing out of it. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20221012/d10baeaa3a2953804a5b71cd8787908b.jpg

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When I saw that pic all I could think of is ERKCaL (SP) DID I DO THAT! LOL!

white eagle
10-12-2022, 11:30 AM
Oh yeah, I know where you are coming from
just bought a belt from El Paso Saddlery and when I was not looking
my dog a German Shepperd, Australian Shepperd mix was chewing on it
not one of my favorite days

10-12-2022, 02:02 PM
My last GP I got when she was 6 weeks old, she was with me 24/7, day and night, with in arms reach most of that time, she died at about 10 years. I miss her badly every day, took over two years for me to get the two girls I now have. Each is an individual and will not trade any of the experiences. Or the chewed up stuff. All good.

Winger Ed.
10-12-2022, 02:46 PM
When our dogs mess up, and you bust them, they put on this face that says,
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. But look how cute I am".

10-12-2022, 06:52 PM
My puppy has always been good about chewing but my gf's wasn't really trained properly. She worked full time and was by herself while mine had me 24/7 which makes a huge difference. Anyway, what really worked was making sure he had bones to chew. We get several pounds of bones cut up from the 1/2 steer we buy. Dogs love them only problem is they can be like Lego's at times when you step on them.

Texas by God
10-12-2022, 09:22 PM
Kong brand chew toys. Nothing compares. I've hit Floyd's beehive shaped one twice with the lawn mower and he's been chomping on it every day for two years now....It's the only thing he hasn't defeated. Most everything else gets shredded including 3" diameter pecan limbs and cow femur bones. He's a Blue Heeler.
We're buds.

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10-12-2022, 10:40 PM
My teenage daughter really wanted a dog several years ago. I'm just not a dog person so I had resisted for a long time just because of the mess and destruction they cause. The kids finally talked us into getting them a puppy.

I did warn them though. I told them to go find their most treasured possessions and throw them in the trash, because he would destroy anything left unattended. The little monster lived up to that promise, in spades. They love him anyhow.

I have to admit, he is growing on me. He's so darn polite when taking food out of your hand. I'll hold a scrap of food or delicious treat for him down at his level in the kitchen, give a little whistle that he knows so he comes running, but be looking away when he comes in. He won't touch it until I make eye contact and he knows it's his, then he takes it very carefully and politely. Funny little mutt he is. For some reason he thinks I like him; I don't know why. :)

10-13-2022, 02:17 PM
My last friend was a rat terrier , he didn't get out of the chewing phase till he was about 15 .
As a pup he would chew anything an everything. As an adult he mostly stuck with the bones and chew toys unless he happened to be mad at me for some reason
From 15 to his last year at 20 he'd still chew on bones but not toys .

Every year at his check up the vet would remark on how healthy his teeth was and how big an impact that was on his overall good health .
So let em chew , provided you can wean em off your shoes and other important things .

10-13-2022, 02:45 PM
305592My wife lost several pairs of shoes to our Weimies over the years. Of course not the same pair of shoes. They never bothered my shoes, guess her feet tasted better. Cletus was my last. A good old dog.