View Full Version : Any idea what this is?

10-04-2022, 02:56 PM
Was at the thrift store last week. Found a lee .356 2R mold in the box for $4.95. A reading 300WM 2 die set for the same. Bought a couple of stools and had to go back later to get them with the truck. I found a lyman 450 lubrizer cardboard box (no lubrizer) marker $9.95 for everything. In the box was 5 do it molds, the Lyman instructions, do it instructions, a cigar box with some of the 2R casted and lubed and some dummy rounds loaded up along with some small black one once plastic boxes. What I couldn't figure out what this is for. Guessing part of the missing lubricizer?


I also picked up a couple of live traps, a Plano ammo vox, a few 20 round plastic 223 containers, a tackle box, and bumper board. Guessing they all came from the same place.



Dusty Bannister
10-04-2022, 03:44 PM
Perhaps you have two halves of sinker molds that would be attached to wooden handles. Hard to see what the scale might be. One could be to make split shot. the other to make a half round weight by pouring lead into the cavity and then bringing the halves together and displacing the molten alloy.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time" that never quite caught on.

10-04-2022, 04:30 PM
My guess is that it is meant to cast weights on large treble hooks for snagging. Doesn't look like it would be very efficient though.


Winger Ed.
10-04-2022, 04:37 PM
My guess is that it is meant to cast weights on large treble hooks for snagging.

That's exactly what it is.
You don't see many because they are illegal in most states.

10-04-2022, 04:39 PM
I don't know what it is, but it looks like a must have item.:razz:

10-04-2022, 08:10 PM
Yep, they are called "snag hook mold" or more properly "snag weight mold". Yours looks to be $9.99:


10-04-2022, 08:31 PM
Thanks, at least I know what it is…I’ll never use it.lol

10-04-2022, 10:44 PM
Used to be legal when I was going up. Since have been made illegal. A lot of salmon have been put on the barbbie with that hook system and a lot of fishermen have gone to the hospital because of those hooks getting "ripped" through the water and then going airborne into the fisherman.

10-05-2022, 08:56 AM
The previous owner either fished in heavy current or went to the ocean. The tear drop mold is 5.5 and 8.5oz! I’ll never use those. I cast up some of each accept for those. Might end up trying to sell or trade for molds I’ll use. I cast my own egg sinkers, tube jigs, buzzer baits, and spinner baits. Couldn’t pass up a box of of 5 mold for $9.95. I just bough 2 other do it molds and by the time shipping was paid they were about $50 each.

10-05-2022, 10:25 AM
Snags still very legal. I use one almost every single striped bass / bluefish trip.
It’s what you do. You snag bunker ( menhaden, pogy) out of a tight pod, to either swim live line , or cut up to “chunk” for stripers and blues.


I fish tidal currents around rocky reefs, points and chokes. I actually have to use 4 to 6 Oz weights to keep meat on bottom. When I go out to George’s Bank , for Giant Bluefin Tuna, we use 12 to 20 Oz to get down to bottom, to catch Cod, to live line for GBT.

Any one recognize that boat next to me?

305349 305350

10-09-2022, 08:54 AM
I would assume who ever owned the molds must have used them mainly for ocean fishing as most of the sinker molds are way to heavy for freshwater use.