View Full Version : Web pewter?

10-01-2022, 06:28 PM
I found 4 Web water goblets at Goodwill for $ 2.00 ea. At first i thought they were aluminum because they seem harder than the other pewter pieces i have. Is there hard pewter and soft? On the bottom it is labeled "pewter Web 1153"

kevin c
10-01-2022, 11:01 PM
Pewter does seem to vary in hardness, depending on the exact alloy, but WEB is a known pewter manufacturer, and a pewter goblet is right up their alley.

Other pewter clues are if the cups are deformable (bendable by hand, and staying bent), have a dull sound instead of a bright ringing common with other metals, have a “tin cry” (a crackling sound on bending; though not a reliable finding in my experience), if they warm in the hand quickly, and are relatively heavy despite being made of thin metal.

Steel and plated brass will be hard, thin, may bend and deform with great effort but tend to have spring back (recovery of the original shape), and will have a ringing sound. Aluminum tends to be cast, thick walled and stiff.

10-02-2022, 01:39 AM
Web would be lead free pewter. 6 inch goblets, I’d estimate at 6 ounces each. Just about a pound and a half for $8. Not the worst find ever.

kevin c
10-02-2022, 07:14 PM
imashooter2 knows his stuff. See also his massive stickied thread on pewter touch marks.

10-04-2022, 07:29 PM
Web goblets TEND to have antimony added for hardness. Most hardening of pewter is done with copper. At least the tests I get back point in that direction.