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01-16-2006, 11:57 AM
I recently posted here asking about a certain Ebay auction for a Saeco 621373 T39. Well, TrooperDan was a nice guy and went ahead and used the "But It Now" feature and secured the mould for me. I sent him funds, and the mould was shipped. No problems at all with TrooperDan, in fact we traded some good info on land and retirement properties. :smile:

The mould arrived last week, and I was disappointed to find a #62130 mould sitting in the box. SIGH. So, I called the original supplier, D&R Sports. First, I spend 5 minutes answering a bunch of questions, telling my story, etc. etc. to some lady then, she says "hold on". Next, another unidentified person gets on and runs me through the whole routine again, mumbles something about it being late in the day and they would have to issue a "call tag". I said "Fine, I will check back with you Monday." :neutral:

I call back this morning, same routine with the zip code, name, ship to address, bill to address, and then "hold on". Good grief! Is this really all this woman does??? Next, unidentified man gets on and asks me who I talked to on Friday! Maybe its just me, but these businesses that don't train their people to answer the phone are just plain unprofessional. So, we again go through the zip code, name, ship to address, bill to address, phone number, and this guy replies "well, I am Mark, and I issued a call tag, its all taken care of." It is? I am still holding the wong mould in my hand. So, upon begging for more information, I find out "Redding has to see if they have that mould in inventory, then they will tell UPS to pick up your package, once it arrives back here, we will ship the right mould to you." Then I have to beg for a time frame! I finally get "3 or 4 days" out of this guy, and then he hangs up on me! :mad:

Maybe this just my sense of right and wrong, and how to conduct business, but why are these idiots listing items for sale with a "buy it now" tag in Ebay when they KNOW they don't have the mould in hand??? When I was in the aircraft parts business, things happened RFN! You could give someone your UPS account #, have them return a part to you overnight. You could do a counter to counter deal where the airlines moved the part, etc. Mind you, I am not asking for some pampered princess treatment here, but it was NOT my screw-up! And, I see the potential for all kinds of problems arising out of this. [smilie=b:

This isn't my first rodeo, and I am beyond the naivete of believing some jerk saying "trust me". I guess time will tell...

01-16-2006, 12:33 PM
I'll have to keep D&R Sports in mind. Looks like their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. If I might end up in the same situation then I don't think they need my business.

Seems to me you're being quite patient with them. They should return the courtesy and not treat you like you are "bothering" them. After all, they have your money and you have the wrong mold in hand. It's their fault, not yours.

Their actions so far don't seem to be the way to ensure future sales to a repeat customer.

I hope you get this worked out.

01-16-2006, 06:07 PM
Was looking for a .308 Lyman sizing die on ebay so's I could use come paypal cash I had stored up. D&R had one for "buy it now" $12.00...such a deal! Oh Oh $8 shipping??? for a 2 ounce die???? I emailed them and they replied that if I call direct that they would ship for $3. Made the call and the woman answered, took ALL my information and then put me on hold for 7 minutes.......She came back and said she couldn't find the die, could she call me back? Waited 2 days and was afraid to buy another die since I had given my credit card and paypal information. Finally I called back, same woman answered and put me on hold. After a couple minutes a man came on the line and said they were out of stock on that item. Thanks, I chaulked that one up!

01-16-2006, 09:44 PM
..............Trooper Dan is my cousin. He's a helluva guy!

Many places on E-bay sell stuff they don't 'have. Most are legitimate and are merely pimps for places that inventory the goods and ship upon notification. They're stuck in the middle. Doesn't make it right or easy for you to deal with, as you can pay your bucks and they screw it all up and don't know you. Bummer.

I've dealt with a specialty steel supplier. They sell stuff they don't have but are supposed to be getting from job ends, canceled orders, and leftovers. These people are a gas to deal with :-) They're not crooks, but no one there knows just exactly what's going on, and it can be hair raising funny.

At first I thought I was going to have to call Vido Lambrusco to go bust some kneecaps as my money was in their account but no one knew anything about where my stuff was. Didn't know if it had been shipped, or if they had even gotten it yet TO SHIP.

Turned out I got the order, and in the meantime they credited my paypal account! I waited a couole days to see if they were going to say anything. I sent them an e-mail asking if they'd like to be paid for what I got :-)

Hey, they're in New Joisy, wadda ya expect?

I don't worry about it now. It's almost worth the entertainment value. I do hope that they eventually get their act together.


01-17-2006, 07:26 PM
yeah...I shouldn't get so pissy, but I get tired of being jerked around. I am in "wait and see" mode right now.

And it seems I am not the only one dealing with the unnamed lady at D&R!

01-18-2006, 01:41 AM

Been there, done that. A non-related shooting/casting item...but none the less a real PITA.

My wife is a nurse, needed a new stethescope. (I had no idea how to spell stethescope until after this bad deal I got into). Found the specific brand she wanted to purchase, 5 choices of color, 30 available.Used the good ole' *Buy Now!*, ships the next day!


2 days after the purchase, I recieved one email from the seller. *Item in specific color you requested is on back order.*

One month later, a credit card bill showing where we had been billed for the item...and no item. No replies to emails. I had asked the wife after waiting for 2 weeks if she wanted me to contact the seller. She's a bit more patient than I am and hasn't purchased as many items as I have through Ebay.

Week 3: No stethescope, and one more email sent inquiring as to the status of my purchase. *No reply*.

Week 4: Still no stethescope. Wife is finally 'perturbed'...Sic em' honey...just don't get us banned from Ebay.

A nice little letter informing the seller he had 72 hour's to reply to my email, Or...Ebay would be contacted, VERY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK WILL BE POSTED, plus an internet fraud investigation would be launched via the Oklahoma Attorney Generals office of Oklahoma.

I got a reply in my email within 30 minutes. The guy tried to give me a song and dance about how sometimes AOL and Hotmail just don't work well together. 'Funny...only took one good threat of legal action and it was working within 30 minutes...Hummmm'. 2 days later...a new email from Paypal...Monies refunded.



01-18-2006, 11:10 AM

Last night the UPS guy showed up at the door to pick up the mould. Maybe things will work out. Murphy, I am not nearly as dumb as some of these idiots would like- yeah, AOL and Hotmail...uh-huh.

01-20-2006, 10:09 PM
3584elk, I am TrooperDan's wife (Yes, cast boolits has been infiltrated!!) I handled the deal with D&R Sports and they were a bit slow on the uptake, but I mainly put it down to being a busy business. Of course, I was GIVING money, not asking for some. If you end up needing my credit card info or anything, let us know.

I did notice on his ad there was a casual disclaimer to the effect that they run out of stuff occasionally. I guess that's so we can't really complain about his business practices.

01-21-2006, 01:57 AM
I got a killer deal from D&R on a nice Nikon Monarc scope, brand new.

They had the best price on the market. Shipped on time.

FWIW.. :violin: :mrgreen:

01-21-2006, 03:23 AM
TrooperDan's Wife:

I appreciate the offer to help, hoepfully it won't get to that point. I really have nothing but praise for your efforts. Its D&R that needs to get their act together. With the mould being sent back, I am in "wait and see" mode.
