View Full Version : Ian

09-28-2022, 10:33 AM
I sure know how to pick a vacation date. Just got here at Oak Hill Florida Saturday morning to visit family. At least it's cross state from landfall. Hoping all the Florida folks stay safe. Gp

09-28-2022, 01:13 PM
I retired and left NY for FL. In 12 years only experienced 1 hurricane here. Not much damage where I am--Boynton Beach. That was 2017. Never experienced a tornado. Last night there were 2 about 7 miles from where I am. Three buildings were damaged and 35 people had to be evacuated and put up somewhere. I saw on the news 1 overturned car and a tree had its rootball on a roof and the trunk was hanging off the edge pointing down. The other damage was in a Home Depot parking lot. Some trees were uprooted. Lucky again.

09-28-2022, 07:12 PM
I have lived in Florida since 1969 (Clearwater, Davie and Jacksonville) and have never been in a hurricane. A couple brushes, but nothing to get my panties in a wad over. Passing storms have pushed over a few trees, but that happens with strong thunderstorms. Guess I've just been lucky.

As for Oakhill, I had to look it up to find it. Looks like you are still likely to get some tropical storm rains though. Good for the aquifer IMO.

09-28-2022, 07:29 PM
We went on a cruise during hurricane season many years ago with two other couples.
The ship had monitors about the ship showing the storm.
We had to leave St. Thomas early as the storm was hitting.
Nice and calm and sunny and all of a sudden it got dark and windy.
We were always about two hours in front of the hurricane, it was quite exciting, I loved it.
My wife insisted I wear a suit to dinner, which I loathed, but as she is not very sure footed, she clung to me, and I had a cappuccino in hand.
Well, she tripped going thru a bulkhead and the cappuccino went all over me.
That's how, by sheer accident I got out of wearing a suit.
I have been on two other cruises since, but they were not as fun as the first.
I don't ever see me going on a cruise again.

09-28-2022, 08:28 PM
Another thread was started last month about how quiet the storms have been this year I said thanks for jinxing me... Well Saturday morning I was supposed to start a month renting a house on Fort Myers Beach from what I see it has water in it!

In 2017 we just missed a hurricane I like October down there as the water is nice and warm but storms do happen. In 2017 I also got stung by a stingray that hurt like heck for a while.

09-30-2022, 02:07 PM

Watch it on a "live" view. Very cool map

09-30-2022, 04:24 PM

I like the weather map on nullschool. I enlarged the map but could reduce it. How do you reduce it?

09-30-2022, 07:20 PM

I like the weather map on nullschool. I enlarged the map but could reduce it. How do you reduce it?

Just use your mouse to spin it. On my laptop i pinch or expand it with two fingers. Its pretty cool and has a number of settings like wind, ocean currents etc

09-30-2022, 08:32 PM
Ive lived in Palm Beach County Florida since 1957. Ive been through all of them except one we fled from. It missed the house we live in and hit the place we fled to. They will be what they will be no need in doing anything but put up shutters and get gas for the generator.

10-01-2022, 11:41 AM
Feeling lucky and blessed that we came through Ian with minimum damage. What an experience for me being from Idaho where the weather does nothing of these extremes. My RV here at Oak Hill is usually about four feet above the intercoastal, yesterday small fish were swimming under the trailer! Unreal. Gp

10-01-2022, 12:25 PM
Sis-in-law is near Palm Coast, lots of rain and wind but no real damage to her place. Saw the old Augustine fort was flooded. I was in Corpus day after Carla, what a mess! Aransas was even worse. Went out to the island, nothing but remains of the bait store.