View Full Version : Donated Meat

09-25-2022, 07:15 PM
I should have posted this before
But I guess I never got around to it

Long story short
My dad , my brother and I all get crop damage deer permits
One bad part of the permits is that we can shoot deer and just let them lay and rot

I got 8 permits this year

But we want to use the deer
So this year we got with 2 people from my brothers church
One of them is a butcher

We got a list of days that they could process deer
As Sept 24 Bow season started , the crop damage permits were good till Sept 23 11:59 PM

So we would use my 308 Win with a can and a Thermal scope to harvest 3 deer a night for them to process

A total of 14 deer were donated , 12 does and 2 spikes
All of them in late August to mid September
So any fawns of the does could survive without the doe

All of the deer were sub 60 yards and we picked easy shots

Not sure how much meat there was
But most of the meat was made into burger and sausage
As those are what everyone knows how to use

So the reason I am posting this
I know others on the Forum also get crop damage permits
So I figured I might give everyone another outlet for deer meat


09-25-2022, 07:21 PM
yes good to use in this way helps many

09-25-2022, 07:47 PM
God's blessings on you Johnch, you have done a good lot to your fellow man. I see people every day that think only of them selves.
Ole Jack

09-25-2022, 08:18 PM
the problem for us (we get the same damage permits) is there are no places that can process, you have to do it yourself and we dont have the time. all the local lockers can not take them due to the wild game/ domestic livestock separation laws, and the only time the lockers can do wild meat is during hunting season and like you our permits are not valid during the season.

09-25-2022, 10:10 PM
the problem for us (we get the same damage permits) is there are no places that can process, you have to do it yourself and we dont have the time. all the local lockers can not take them due to the wild game/ domestic livestock separation laws, and the only time the lockers can do wild meat is during hunting season and like you our permits are not valid during the season.

Perhaps volunteers at a local church with a kitchen would be willing to take on the task of processing the deer for those in need. There is a large Mormon presence in Colorado. Look for a Bishop's Storehouse in your area. They will help anyone in need, not just Mormons.

09-26-2022, 01:37 AM
Contact local agencies in your area that run kitchens that feed the poor. If you field dress and skin the deer out, some of them will take the carcass and do the rest for preparing meals for the poor. You might get lucky and find one.

09-26-2022, 02:57 AM
I got a call from the local Helping hand Mission about donating money to feed the poor. Told the lady that I didn't have money to give but could donate some deer since I had nuisance permits. She said "Do you mean like venison?". I told her "Yes Ma'am." She wanted to check. Came back after a couple minutes and said they had no way to butcher them. I asked if they had a knife and a water hose? She said they did. I told her they had everything I had to clean deer. She admitted that all they were looking for was money before ending the call. They've never called me back for the past 20 years.

I do have families that I drop deer off that have no trouble cleaning deer and are grateful for the food. I usually get a plate with some really good fixins' in return.

09-26-2022, 04:53 AM
Contact these folks. They can distribute all you can donate;
I see you're in Ohio. These folks are listed as working there;

09-26-2022, 08:36 AM
Excellent John! The way things are going, there are so many that would be grateful for whatever food and help they could get to see them through all of this unnecessary inflation and ever increasing food cost. People helping people . . . that's what it's all about.

09-26-2022, 08:56 AM
Some states have donation programs, I know KY and WI do. Check with your state game deprtments. Only caveat is donated venison must be processed by licensed butcher shps. Many years ago, maybe 1999-2000 I was hurt on the job and cleared for "limited" work. The company I worked for was concerned about that so had me help out at the local Red Cross, which was in the same building as the food pantry. This was while I still lived in WI and there were several deer procesors in the area and a year when doe tags were very liberal (herd reduction). After talking with the lady who ran the pantry I went around to the deer processors and asked would they set up a bin in their lockers for people who wanted to donate meat (burger). The pantry picked up over 800 pounds and per the lady who ran it people would ask for it. The state started a similar program, they paid a flat rate to participating locker plants and you would drop off your deer. Don't know how much meat they get each year but know it was a lot.