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09-20-2022, 08:07 PM
New World Record Set for Farthest Long-Range Rifle Shot: 4.4 Miles
John B. Snow - 3h ago


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The long-range shooting world record was broken yet again when a team of spotters and a shooter hit a target at 4.4 miles (7,744 yards) in the Wyoming desert earlier this month. The marksmanship feat was orchestrated by Scott Austin and Shepard Humphries, who run Nomad Rifleman, a long-range shooting school out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

This is the rifle that set the new record for the longest hit on a target—a 4.4 mile shot using a highly customized .416 Barrett.
This is the rifle that set the new record for the longest hit on a target—a 4.4 mile shot using a highly customized .416 Barrett.
© Matthew Mellor
Together with a group of friends they spent several hours launching bullets downrange before connecting on their 69th shot, according to a release on Nomad Rifleman’s website.

Making that many shot attempts isn’t unusual when trying to set records of this type. Humphries noted that the previous record, a four-mile shot made by Paul Phillips in 2019, required 69 attempts as well before the shooter connected.

World-Record Shot: Skill, Luck or Both?

With a 1.44 percent hit ratio, a shooting exhibition like this does raise an obvious issue: What does it signify in terms of actual marksmanship? That’s a somewhat difficult question to answer as a lot of skill, engineering, and prep work—more than 1,500 hours, according to Humphries—went into the feat, which required an element of favorable probability (aka luck) to come to pass.

The highly modified scope system used on the rifle that set the new world record for the longest rifle shot.
The highly modified scope system used on the rifle that set the new world record for the longest rifle shot.
© Matthew Mellor
The target they shot at was constructed of thin sheet metal and measured 10 feet wide by 7.6 feet tall. It was also placed at a steep angle so it would be more in line with the fall of the bullet as it came back to earth. The target’s dimensions (120 inches by 92 inches) made it 1.54 MOA wide and 1.18 MOA tall at 4.4 miles. At 1,000 yards that would be a sporty target—basically 15.4 by 11.8 inches—but by no means difficult to hit consistently with a good rifle and ammo. But there’s a world of difference between ringing steel at a grand and doing it at more than 7,700 yards.

09-20-2022, 08:30 PM
I'm not sure I'm impressed. After 69 shots they hit it. I'd like to know if the spotters corrections gave the expected result in the next shot, stuff like that. Why not shoot a string "for record" once it was dialed in with an army of helpers. 2 hits of 5 shots, I'd be impressed. 1 in 69 I'm not. I'd like to know the angle of the barrel to ground at firing. OK, let it boil...

09-20-2022, 10:55 PM
I'm not sure I'm impressed. After 69 shots they hit it. I'd like to know if the spotters corrections gave the expected result in the next shot, stuff like that. Why not shoot a string "for record" once it was dialed in with an army of helpers. 2 hits of 5 shots, I'd be impressed. 1 in 69 I'm not. I'd like to know the angle of the barrel to ground at firing. OK, let it boil...

You are not alone. If they spent 1500 hours to get one hit in 69 attempts, I pity them for not having anything better to do.

Half Dog
09-21-2022, 06:59 AM
Probably had someone like me as a spotter saying “I didn’t see that one, shoot it again”.

09-21-2022, 10:38 AM
No comment.....At least they had a day out shooting.

Bent Ramrod
09-22-2022, 10:27 AM
If, once he’d connected, he’d put the next 69 shots onto the target, that would indicate something beyond mere luck. There’s probably an equal chance of a quarry having a heart attack as being hit one time in 69 at that distance.

It might even notice a few of those misses and light out of there before that last shot connected.

I very much fear that the firearms community has discovered the equivalent of flagpole sitting or phonebooth stuffing.

09-22-2022, 03:15 PM
Why not just use a mini-gun, fire 5,000 rounds in the general direction of the target, get a few hits, and call it a win? Helluva lot quicker and easier.

Mal Paso
09-22-2022, 11:10 PM
Not enough range with a minigun.

I think it would be hard not to pick up some practical knowledge from this project.

09-23-2022, 12:38 AM
I think it would be hard not to pick up some practical knowledge from this project.[/QUOTE]


09-23-2022, 12:51 AM
This was nothing more than proving if you have enough perseverance you will get lucky. Reality is this is well beyond any human's ability to read wind.

09-23-2022, 12:03 PM
All luck aside Time of flite and total elevation interest me. Also interesting is driving at the 55 MPH speed limit it would take almost 5 minutes to get from rifle to target. :)

09-23-2022, 11:48 PM
All luck aside Time of flite and total elevation interest me. Also interesting is driving at the 55 MPH speed limit it would take almost 5 minutes to get from rifle to target. :)

lots more info and videos here: https://www.westernjournal.com/record-breaking-sniper-watch-new-world-record-shot-nearly-4x-chris-kyles-longest-kill-shot/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2022-09-23&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR3zj7_9g8TfpzS3tQaxpDoGJFxnHDXP6xYGlLmGV wMivc_oLPvJOcDeGfc