View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Tuesday, September 20

Pine Baron
09-20-2022, 06:25 AM
Good morning all. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! I feel renewed. Have a safe and blessed day.

Hagee Ministries
Today's Scripture

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage - Galatians 5:1

Daily Truth

With freedom comes responsibility. Until we confront our issues, nothing can change. If we do not confront them, we will suffer the consequences of ignoring them.

For too long, we have disregarded the rising tide of sin in our nation, but we cannot do so anymore. In our churches, we have abandoned declaring the power of God’s Word for debating doctrine. We have replaced Holy Spirit conviction with the condemnation of judgment. We have traded a zeal for reaching the lost for the indifference of apathy.

Declaring separation of church and state, America finds God offensive. We have removed prayer from our schools and eradicated the Ten Commandments from public places. We are now called a post-Christian nation.

If Jesus is our true source of freedom, and we are intent on eliminating His name from our culture, the only other alternative is bondage. When the Prince of Peace is no longer welcome, we can expect conflict and confusion. Rather than living in the fear of God, we now live in fear of one another.

We are the called and commissioned! We must devote ourselves to prayer. We must study and stand upon God’s Word. We must speak out in the voting booths and the streets. The faith-filled, Bible-believing Christian has a charge to keep!

Today's Blessing:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May you be filled with the conviction and courage to contend for righteousness. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

09-20-2022, 07:04 AM
The covid thing has put us in a world of hurt! Just as Satan has planed. All the church's have gone to the Zoom crap which has cut church attendance way down and it will never come back! It was okay for Bars to stay open but church's had to close! People got used to not going to church so they won't be back now!

09-20-2022, 08:11 AM
Amen, I totally agree.

09-20-2022, 10:22 AM
The covid thing has put us in a world of hurt! Just as Satan has planed. All the church's have gone to the Zoom crap which has cut church attendance way down and it will never come back! It was okay for Bars to stay open but church's had to close! People got used to not going to church so they won't be back now!

People who stop going to church have many reasons. Little to do with "getting used to not going". I agree the "bug" gave some people a good excuse to stop attending. And they found a "better way" to spend the time....at least in their minds.

BTW churches are in for some real trouble IMO. I have lost over 20% of my IRA in the last 9 months. But the cost of everything is up. Being retired, the only option is to find a job or cutting back. At 72, I had hoped to do a bit of traveling. But in the last year we have made one car trip to visit an old friend in MN...that is it. My church continues to ask for more money. Not just regular contributions but also a "special" Elder Fund, and funding of "special projects" which we seem to get almost every year with most being over $100k. I might be in the minority, but I am tired of the constant "need for more money". It has not driven me away...yet...but it could affect some.

Many of our church members are elderly and on fixed incomes. It is not a good demographics for funding needs.

As to the OP, I see the same deterioration of society. What was wrong is now right, and what was right is now wrong. But that is how IT MUST BE!! It is what God knew would happen and we cannot stop it. If evil is stopped, there will no reason for Jesus to return, and scripture tells us Jesus will return.

It does not mean we should accept evil as "normal", but we must accept it will "win" until God decides to conquer it forever. We might be able to delay God's plan, but we cannot change it. JESUS WILL RETURN.

I WILL NOT ACCPET EVIL AS NORMAL. That is about all I can do. I have little desire to storm the streets in protest. It is a waste of time that may make me feel good (in that I have done something), but it is silly. I cannot change the destiny of man. It is in God's hands. His will...will be done.

09-20-2022, 10:24 PM
Amen and well said!

09-21-2022, 05:41 AM
I agree Don but, being a Mr. Fix It, it riles me to do nothing and see things deteriorate.