View Full Version : How to avoid this ?

09-17-2022, 03:09 PM
What should I do to avoid this ? I honestly can't stand it. Is there something I could use on my little basket ? Some kinda anit stuck spray possibly?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/193a49ea9eb9fcbefc45a0acf87d5a34.jpg https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/f5af2f06710dd7b39ceab9d2e0655f24.jpg

Sent from my motorola one 5G UW using Tapatalk

09-17-2022, 03:20 PM
I havent found any way to avoid it by using the dump and bake. I started using silicone pot holders that have the little cells in them for anything above 223 like these.


09-17-2022, 03:26 PM
Shoot them the way they are, and find something that's more important to worry about.:-P jd

09-17-2022, 04:01 PM
357,44,45's I stand up on parchment paper. My .30's I set nose down in the silicone trays linked above. It helps that these are the only calibers I cast for and powder coat.

09-17-2022, 04:10 PM
Use a flat teflon [ non-stick ] coated baking tray.

At half-time, remove from oven and shake / separate any stuck, then resume.

09-17-2022, 05:48 PM
I stand mine up. It's a pain but my boolits look petty. If I put them on a silicone sheet the bottoms do get colored with what ever PC I had previously used.

Budzilla 19
09-17-2022, 06:11 PM
I use the silicone trays with the small cell for 30 cal.,nose up, works good.ive also done “ shake and bake in a pile”, couldn’t tell any difference in accuracy,but......... I’m not chasing the smallest group either! Just shooting for a good accurate load, at least acceptable to my standards, anyway. Good luck.

09-17-2022, 06:14 PM
I havent found any way to avoid it by using the dump and bake. I started using silicone pot holders that have the little cells in them for anything above 223 like these.


+1 on this.

Use the mats above for .223.

Use the trivet mats with larger cells for .308 caliber boolits.

The Dar
09-17-2022, 07:40 PM
I use silicone mini ice cube trays on cookie sheets. The trays have 160 cells in them.

Similar to these:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/334025078360?hash=item4dc5723658:g:WmsAAOSwxBxgt7S F&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4PxXH5XbScXHQAi0Nk07W08E%2BA5 WlNNf8%2Fee4xdLvyIWPTZ%2BlPns%2BgqSdvmICK41iwVTlRg XvnoQgdN%2F4GgvihD5mRI7xcG1WwZcJD72eEB%2FAjSXo%2Fl Je4ul85CN7%2BwSD2NGbVkAyohB7Om1zhEqretxUaWv%2B1n%2 FueKleBzA***DalTv4moeeAc67fECgpD3itApFH%2FoMzRAwzg 3wGyL6SQk8FfNb9Efno7smgT3K13hZ%2F2IouUOjHfyg%2BspM hN%2FVQBTCbwQPNI3kKp5SVA2mRsWFwfhHcCKpk0Fcbvwnm6J% 7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4atlN3pYA

09-17-2022, 07:43 PM
I drilled holes in sheet metal to sit the gas check area of the boolit into when I sprayed them. They got checks anyway so it wasn't necessary to coat that area. I used the non-stick foil on top of the tray and just push the boolits through the foil. Makes for easy transfer from spray booth to oven.


09-17-2022, 07:58 PM
You can see what I am referring to with the bottoms get other colored PC from previous bakes. The old PC gets baked to the silicone mats. You don’t see the bottoms when there loaded anyways. Did these purples today. Had orange on the mat from previous bakes stick to the bottoms. Still like nice though IMO.


The bottoms…


If I run GCs they cover the bottoms up anyways.

09-18-2022, 12:49 AM
Silicone baking sheets. Absolutely non stick.

09-19-2022, 03:37 PM
I’ve been using Reynolds nonstick aluminum foil and stand the boolits up. Works about the same as silicone mats but cheap enough to replace.

09-29-2022, 02:17 PM
What should I do to avoid this ? I honestly can't stand it. Is there something I could use on my little basket ? Some kinda anit stuck spray possibly?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/193a49ea9eb9fcbefc45a0acf87d5a34.jpg https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/f5af2f06710dd7b39ceab9d2e0655f24.jpg

Sent from my motorola one 5G UW using Tapatalk

I bet those boolits shoot as accurately as any that are coated perfectly!

Silvercreek Farmer
09-29-2022, 06:11 PM
They’ll probably shoot just fine, but if it really bothers you, try another color. I shake and bake everything and they usually coat better than that.

09-29-2022, 06:31 PM
I havent found any way to avoid it by using the dump and bake. I started using silicone pot holders that have the little cells in them for anything above 223 like these.


How big are the openings? Big enough for a forty?


09-30-2022, 08:58 PM
try mixing a couple of colors- that often yields better coverage, for some reason. Basically, ignore the color divots- will have no effect on anything.

white eagle
10-01-2022, 05:03 PM
What should I do to avoid this ? I honestly can't stand it. Is there something I could use on my little basket ? Some kinda anit stuck spray possibly?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/193a49ea9eb9fcbefc45a0acf87d5a34.jpg https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220917/f5af2f06710dd7b39ceab9d2e0655f24.jpg

Sent from my motorola one 5G UW using Tapatalk

yeah stand em up
take the time it pays in the end

10-02-2022, 08:45 AM
I use that copper grilling matt inside my wire rack, and STAND THEM UP. I get complete coverage.

Walter Laich
10-04-2022, 07:30 PM
Need some data on this:

what temp to you heat to?

how long do you bake?

I have similar trays and don't get the missing PC areas

I do mix colors mostly for enjoyment of wondering what I'll get but that does seem to help

I only layer one-deep, don't have them piled on one another

I heat to 400°

when I put them in I start a 20 minute timer. At about 10 minutes I notice vapor coming out of the oven.

At 20 minutes I pull the trays out and dump the bullets in a non-stick baking pan 305317

I lightly bang the pans on the concrete floor and will move them to cooler spots a few times as they cool

I don't get these marks

10-04-2022, 08:00 PM
That’s why I stand up all mine on a silicone pad. If they have too small of a diameter, I often just use gas checks and LLA.

10-24-2022, 02:33 PM
306029 Wolfdog: I saw this photo on a different forum today and it reminded me about the question you asked about keeping PC bullets from sticking together. This is not my photo, just something I pulled off the web. This looks like a good solution to the question you were asking.

10-28-2022, 12:13 PM
I will look after the initial shaking and coating. If not completely covered, I shake again and that nearly always give a complete coating.

10-31-2022, 11:54 AM
I stand mine up in silicon ice trays I found on Amazon. I have a set of fine needle nose I use to pick them up with and drop into the tray. The trays will accommodate .358 and down. Anything larger I can easily set up on a silicon baking mat. They look almost as good as using my ES gun but not quite. Yes, it's a bit of a pain, but worth it to me.

11-30-2022, 06:45 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F9mousai.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F07%2FStand-Up-Comedy-Concept.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e91218c3d0956eaf56cb8338700d76533bd9adee3eda98 d1a17c9a41a407092e&ipo=images

As the others have said.

I prefer the non-stick aluminum because the silicone eventually gets a bunch of powder on it and it tends to stick to the bullets or make the bases nasty. Another reason I like gas checks on my PC'd boolits. Same reason girls wear sweaters tied around their waists (to hide their booties). :mrgreen: