View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Saturday, September, 17

Pine Baron
09-17-2022, 06:29 AM
Good morning all. I love this message today, as I can relate to it on a personal level. Also, I'm old enough to know (and have seen) Alice Cooper! Have a safe and blessed day.

Never Out of Reach
by Greg Laurie on Sep 17, 2022

I am the LORD, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?
—Jeremiah 32:27

Alice Cooper was at one time the most famous and successful rock star in the world. His given name was Vincent Furnier, but as a young man, he joined a rock band and changed his name to Alice Cooper.

At his concerts, Alice Cooper was known for spectacle and for being a dark figure. In reality, though, much of it was only an act. Over time, however, Vincent Furnier turned into the character Alice Cooper. He became an alcoholic and then a drug addict.

The amazing thing was that Alice Cooper was the son of a pastor, and he was running away from God. He ran so far away from God that people thought he had reached the point of no return. But God wasn’t done with him. One day, when he was overdosing on cocaine, he looked into a mirror and thought he saw blood coming out of his eyes. He was hallucinating.

Alice Cooper cried out to God. He then took the softball-sized rock of cocaine that he had and flushed it down the toilet. God heard his prayer and turned him around. Since then, he has been walking with the Lord. He has been clean and sober for many years. Today, he seems to be addicted only to golf. He loves to get out on the course. But his faith in Jesus Christ reminds us that no one is beyond God’s reach.

Maybe you’ve made some bad decisions in your life. Maybe because of some things you’ve done, you’re thinking, “It’s too late for me.” But it’s never too late for you. God can turn your life around, just as He turned Alice Cooper’s life around. God can forgive your sin. God can refresh you, replenish you, and revive you. But you must turn to Him.

09-17-2022, 07:11 AM
Amen, God alone can turn anyone around at any time in their life.

09-17-2022, 07:44 AM
All is possible through God! I had a good friend that has long passed....but when he was approaching his death a number of us talked with him about his salvation since he never went to church, read the Bible, went to Bible Study, or spoke of God! He would merely talk about he had his salvation covered! He finally got bad enough he had to have full time care and a home keeper moved in. In two weeks he was reading the Bible and saying prayers. I believe God sent this lady at the right time and she showed him the path to peace and salvation....thank You God for what You did! Amen!