View Full Version : lee mold

01-29-2009, 01:21 AM
I got a lee mold c309-170f the two have do not line up even if I take a pencil and got accross one side is higher than the other not much but enough that I can see the difference in nose. before I take a hammer to the mold any idea on how to fix it.

Dan Cash
01-29-2009, 07:16 AM
Get your money back. Some of the Lee one and two cavity moulds leave a bit to be desired, Unfortunately, casting can be a spendy occupation and good moulds seem to be a major portion of the cost; yet they are cheap when one considers the cost of jacketed projectiles.

01-29-2009, 07:50 AM
before I take a hammer to the mold any idea on how to fix it.

Yes, send it back just like you would anything else that is defective. :roll: Why is it everyone wants to take a hammer to a mold when it arrives defective but wouldn't think of doing this to anything else! :confused: