View Full Version : Major CMP Screw-up

08-26-2022, 09:00 PM
Anyone else ticked off at seeing this in your email this morning? The follow-up apology 4 hours later claiming it was all a mistake seems pretty weak. Why would the CMP even consider asking their whole subscriber base to surrender their personal information based on a demand from antigun bureaucrats in California?


08-26-2022, 09:21 PM
Is it a scam i though the cmp's headquartered in Alabama.

08-26-2022, 09:24 PM
It's a scam the cmp's headquartered in Alabama.

^^^ Yup ^^^ I smell a hack. Does the CMP really maintain a farcebook account? I wouldn't know, I don't have a farce book.

08-26-2022, 09:44 PM
I considered it phishing and simply deleted. The CMP already has my info when I got my Garand.

08-27-2022, 02:36 AM


08-27-2022, 02:45 AM
It's not a scam, at least not what we received. We got a legitimate request from CMP to surrender our personal data that would be given to California bureaucrats to misuse. Why did they send this out to us, their CMP subscriber base, without proper vetting? This is a huge breach of trust. California is known to misuse the personal data of the unfortunate gunowners living in that FU State. If CMP were to sheeply comply, all CMP subscribers that complied nationwide could have had their personal data exploited!

Randy Bohannon
08-27-2022, 06:28 AM
Who is surprised that a American Marxist regime would have a stooge government bureaucrat send out such a inquiry ? I’m not surprised at all, goes with the territory .

08-27-2022, 07:46 AM
the moment i saw it had anything to do with California i hit trash button.

08-27-2022, 10:24 AM
Being previously employed for a pretty long stretch with a gooberment agency nothing surprises me at this point. One idiot has an idea that is then passed on to the next idiot convincing themselves what a great idea it is and then that great idea gets pushed down. Then all the idiots from on high pat their backs with their great idea but have no concept of implementation or shall we say, cause and effect. And with this attitude I can proudly say I have spent decades in Principals offices! Or as stated could be one of the coward hackers. I deleted it.

08-27-2022, 05:05 PM
The CMP was going to assist California in exposing our personal data. Why??? People forget things too quickly. Look at what the California Dept of Justice just did a few weeks ago. Although the CMP issued a retraction and a weak apology, we deserve answers from the CMP as to why they were so quick to comply with California's request and have it apply to all CMP subscribers nationwide.



charlie b
08-27-2022, 08:19 PM
From what I can tell, no one is releasing any personal data. Before you view anymore 'news', read the actual legislation. Several of the 'news' reports and many of the online videos about this law seem to be wrong.

CA is restricting the material that can be viewed by minors and now they have included guns and gun accessories. So, CMP has to have a DOB for anyone to receive advertising or gun related material. Online tobacco companies do this as well as other online sales of age restricted products.

From the law itself: "(d) This section shall not be construed to require or authorize a firearm industry member to collect or retain age information about users or subscribers of products or services offered."

Yes, it is a stupid law, but, it's California. I always expect them to do stupid things.

08-27-2022, 11:42 PM
.................Naw, the poor CMP will have to do certain things in order for people in Californicashun to use them. When I went to log in at Midway, a POPUP appeared in the middle of my screen and advised me that I had to be 18 years old or older to access the site. All I had to do was to check YES I'm 18 or older, and Midway popped up. This is solely California's BS.

It's all government "ANTI GUN" BS. They cannot rule us, until they take all our means of resisting. ON the way home from town this evening on the radio news (This is in So Cal) They reported on a 5 Y O ( In Florida) who had found his dad's pistol and shot himself. Now THAT is a Horrible thing to happen, but it isn't NATIONAL NEWS unless there is an agenda out there. The LIBERAL cry babies and the useless handwringers can cry and tremble and shout that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

They do not report similar instances like if a kid tumbles down the stairs to the basement floor and busts their head, or out of their treehouse and break their neck, or fall off their horse or bicycle or front porch or off their roof. Nope, but if there is a firearm involved, it's national news.

You don't hear ANYTHING about ANYONE having used a gun to save THEIR, or anyone else's life, do ya? Nope, as it doesn't fit the agenda.


08-28-2022, 06:40 AM
Written law doesn't seem to mean anything at all to the California Left. Or any of the Deep Staters, for that matter.

08-28-2022, 12:02 PM
To be perfectly blunt, I have more important things to do in my life than get spun up about the CMP asking for my address.

If they take me off their mailing list, that's fine too. They are pretty much out of stuff to sell anyway.

08-28-2022, 08:38 PM
This posting is about identity theft. I'm spun up about how willing the CMP was, at first, to contribute to possible identity theft, assisted by eager antigun elements in the California Department of Justice who have recently exposed considerable personal information of hundreds of thousands of gunowners. If you don't care, fine. When I give my personal info to what I hope is a reputable entity, I do so with the expectation they will safeguard my data. The CMP was far too quick to demand the verification our birthdays just to be a subscriber to their website. https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/dont-let-id-thieves-ruin-your-birthday-or-any-other-day/

08-28-2022, 08:59 PM
Imma let you in on a little secret...

All your information is already out there. Go live your life.

Edited to Add:

Experian is responsible for leaking the PII of tens of millions of people, and those ass monkeys over at Equifax are single handedly responsible for the data of almost half the population of the US being leaked onto the dark web. No giving addresses to the CMP required.

It's already all out there...

William Yanda
08-28-2022, 09:01 PM
As a NY resident I ignored the initial email. I got a second, telling me the first was in error. NY legislators don't need any ideas. The have already made ID mandatory to purchase aerosol whipped cream. Allegedly some were misusing the product.

08-29-2022, 06:54 AM
I am surprised that the pinheads in DC haven’t eliminated the CMP and started crushing and scrapping milsurps. And I as a prisoner here in NYS agree with WmYanda

08-29-2022, 09:43 PM
WELL at least my son won't "HALF TO TAKE ME TO THE HOME ", instead he will half to take me down to "GET IN THOSE TRAIN BOX CARS".... I hope a old fashion stream engine is pulling them. I really liked those...

09-08-2022, 08:57 AM
As a NY resident I ignored the initial email. I got a second, telling me the first was in error. NY legislators don't need any ideas. The have already made ID mandatory to purchase aerosol whipped cream. Allegedly some were misusing the product.

The purchase of the nitrous oxide chargers used by commercial whipped cream dispensers are what is affected by the NY law. Not Reddi-whip. The law is being mis-read by people who want to, pardon the pun, whip up hysteria.

And it's not allegedly abusing nitrous oxide, it's pretty much fact. Quite common to see the empty bottles on the side of the road. They are the same container that are used in CO-2 pellet guns.


09-08-2022, 01:16 PM
Imma let you in on a little secret...

All your information is already out there. Go live your life.

Edited to Add:

Experian is responsible for leaking the PII of tens of millions of people, and those ass monkeys over at Equifax are single handedly responsible for the data of almost half the population of the US being leaked onto the dark web. No giving addresses to the CMP required.

It's already all out there...

CMP's screwup aside, the problem I have with the logic above is that it's sort of like saying that just because Edward Snowden released a bunch of classified material, we should throw up our hands in futility and quit protecting all classified material going forward.

Keep in mind that lots of sensitive data rarely remains static, regardless of the nature (PII, HIPAA, etc). If someone gets hold of my credit card data, and I get issued a new credit card as a result, I'm not going to just throw up my hands and say, "well there's no point in protecting this new credit card since the last one was compromised!" That just doesn't make any sense.

You should guard and protect your personal information always, regardless of whatever PII compromises occur.