View Full Version : How to build a brass annealer for rifle brass

Steve Steven
08-25-2022, 02:26 PM
This is a post to attach a PDF file of a construction article for a brass annealer. With the help of Steve O'Brian, who reduced the file size so it would fit, it is attached. Administrator, can this be made a sticky?

I noticed one thing, on my desktop computer which has Adobe fully installed, Adobe would not let me open the links to AliExpress, I had to copy and paste them, but they worked.

Let me know if there are any errors or omissions in the article, I will address them. Several people have asked for copies of this, they got the original Word version.



08-25-2022, 10:23 PM

it downloaded and opened on my Kindle fire fine, but the links did not work like they did on my office computer.

high standard 40
08-26-2022, 06:46 AM
A few years ago I found similar plans online and built my annealer. It works great. I have since had to change one of the little electric motors. All of the specified electric components were Chinese.

08-28-2022, 08:01 PM
if you goggle "making brass anealer" you will find a DIY brass anealer for $100.00. very good video. i made 3. for myself and 2 friends. something that is not mentioned or shown; due to the depth of the pan used; you will not be able to aneal shorter brass such as 223. i made a "ring" out of 1/2 in. plywood that acts as a spacer at the back of the pan and attached with 2 screws. aneal dosen't look right, i think its anneal.

08-28-2022, 10:40 PM
made mine using an old record player, an angle food cake pan and bernz O matic propane torch. Have annealed thousands of brass for varmint rifles, works great!

Steve Steven
08-29-2022, 11:23 AM
Porthos, the video you mention was one I viewed while researching my build. A good simple version. I wanted an automatic feed on mine, so I decided to couple the feed and anneal functions with a cog belt. The metal box used was about twice the price of the plastic one from China, or I might have used it.

GC45, good use of available resources!
