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08-13-2022, 05:29 AM
Blue Angels practicing for a show near my house.
Not to good at taking pictures.
A few times they flew right over, but the pictures didn't come out.

08-13-2022, 06:24 AM
They are very impressive to watch.

Half Dog
08-13-2022, 06:49 AM
Very impressive!!

08-13-2022, 06:51 AM
I have seen them twice at their home base in Pensacola. I was on the 10 th floor of an apartment building. There is another one less than 100 yds away. One of them came buy in a tight turn at about the 7th floor. You can clearly see the pilot. I have a picture of it somewhere.

08-13-2022, 09:04 AM
I too have had the distinct pleasure of seeing the Blue Angels perform. Beaufort SC. My BIL was a Marine officer,, and we were able to go to the Officers Club with him, (as guests,) and the pilots were there socializing as well. A super good time was had by me,, !!!!!

Their skills are impressive.

08-13-2022, 09:57 AM
I saw them back in the early 80's at Millington naval base just outside of Memphis.
Pretty Awesome.


08-13-2022, 10:07 AM
Blue Angles practicing for a show near my house.
Not to good at taking pictures.
A few times they flew right over, but the pictures didn't come out.

ANGELS! :) Angles are either from Anglia in Britain, or geometric figures. First airshow I ever saw was at NAS Miramar with the Blue Angels. They do a great airshow! And I say that as a 24-year USAF veteran who spent five years at Nellis, where the USAF Thunderbirds are based. They're great too, but I think the Blue Angels are just a bit better.

08-13-2022, 11:58 AM
But the picture shows them making an almost perfect 90 degree angle.


08-13-2022, 02:10 PM
It's for a show at the Marine Base Kaneohe Hawaii.
Years ago, our club did a display at the show.
They let us camp on the tarmac over night.
Saw the show for the two days, plus all the aircraft and other military displays.
The Marines were great host.
We have a display for this show, but can't go this time.

Winger Ed.
08-13-2022, 03:41 PM
They are a sight to see.

While on active duty, I was asked by my Commanding Officer to put in for them when they put out the word they
needed a new Parachute Rigger on their maintenance crew.

Being 20 years old and single--- I was tempted.
A year or two tour with them would sure look good in my record book,
but the idea of living out of a C-130 for several month a year didn't really appeal to me.

08-13-2022, 08:15 PM
I just moved to Pensacola (their home base) and have seen them practicing a few times. My wife and I are planning on going to their Homecoming Show on Veteran's Day this year. They are very cool to watch.

08-14-2022, 12:56 AM
The Blue Angels winter here at NAF El Centro from January to mid March, practicing new routines and breaking in a new pilot.
For the last two years, the Thunderbirds have been spending a portion of winter here, refining their program. The Blues first air show of the year is here.

08-14-2022, 10:20 AM
Saw them several times in my USMC Career. Also haven seen them numerous times when visiting son#2 in Red Wood City for "Fleet WeeK". The extended family and friends would all sale down to San Francisco and watch from the Sail Boat - "Up close" just outside of the exclusion zone in the water. Of course fleet week brings many others such as the USAF Thunderbirds, the Canadian Flight Demonstration Team, the US Army Golden Knights Jump Demonstration Team; lots of private aviation show Teams/Individuals. Fleet Week is something that everyone should go see if they have the ability to do so (along with the "Museum Ships" at the San Francisco Piers).

I also used to have a good view of the Thunderbirds as they practiced over Nellis AFB, Creech AFB (Indian Springs Nv), and sometimes when wind and weather conditions forced it - they actually practiced over our house in Moapa Nevada. Red flag is always fun; as the USAF, other US Aircraft, and Foreign Guest Trainee's have a part of their training go on over the house in Moapa. Like watching "Top Gun" or some other movie as they do aircraft attack maneuvers.

Being a Marine - I still think the Blue Angels are the best in the world. I will admit prejudice (Prejudgement) and Preference for the Blue Angels having been a part of the US Department of Navy (as we used to say in the Corps - The Best Part).

Thanks for the post abuniato.

08-15-2022, 08:48 PM
I had the privilege of being the entire civilian audience for a Blue Angels practice flight. I was working at NAS El Centro and the manager told me to go watch the show. I was standing just feet off of the taxiway. The most memorable part was the solo high speed pass. As the F-18 approached all I could hear was the desert insects and birds and then the raw power of those engines roaring by. A few moments later the vortices fluttered my shirt sleeves. That would never be experienced at a public show.

08-15-2022, 09:15 PM
You must live in my neck of the woods, saw them as well.

08-15-2022, 09:43 PM
When I see them, the thought of paying my taxes isn't so bad. (That's about the only time, however.)

08-15-2022, 10:27 PM
I saw the Blue Angels in 1970 at the Abbotsford, BC International Air Show. They flew F4 Phantoms in those days.

I saw them around the mid 90’s flying the F18s in my home town at our Air Fair.

I saw the Thunderbirds perform in the early 70’s at an air show just north of Seattle Wa.

The weather was not good for the Thunderbirds but excellent for the Blue Angels both times I saw them perform.

My vote goes for the Blue Angels but I would like to see the Thunderbirds fly with good weather to make a more fair comparison.


08-17-2022, 08:36 AM
ANGELS! :) Angles are either from Anglia in Britain, or geometric figures. First airshow I ever saw was at NAS Miramar with the Blue Angels. They do a great airshow! And I say that as a 24-year USAF veteran who spent five years at Nellis, where the USAF Thunderbirds are based. They're great too, but I think the Blue Angels are just a bit better.


08-17-2022, 01:52 PM
I still prefer the old WWII planes but the angels are fun to watch. They did an airshow not to far form me and I was on the end of their flight path for turn around so got to watch them fly over pretty dang low!

I get to see this pretty often, it is in an air museum not to far from me! The sound of those big radial engines is awesome! And I had a hand in restoring some of the electronic systems! Museum link http://fagenfighterswwiimuseum.org/aircraft/b_25/paperdoll.html


Winger Ed.
08-17-2022, 02:26 PM
The sound of those big radial engines is awesome!

In '74-'75, when I was stationed at NAS Dallas, on one side of the base was a Texas Air National Guard unit.
The had a few of the first generation re-fuelers. The ones made off the 4 engine, B-29 frame with a big swollen belly.

When one cranked up, taxied out, and took off--- you could feel the ground vibrate 1/2 a mile away.

08-17-2022, 02:53 PM
Seen them up several times out on my boat while fishing off P’cola. If you go by Trader John’s you used to could see the team pictures going back to the 50s John’s was the unofficial HQ. After Ivan, I was busy with helping folks with damage, did not get down around the Sanger much, area was pretty tore up though. Eglin, down the road is frequented by the Thunderbirds and Tyndall is the home of Red Flag. Interesting folks live there, in the area.

08-18-2022, 10:55 AM
I was a military brat.

when I was a kid, we got stationed at Pensacola NAS.

I was out riding my BMX bike, getting to know the local kids, doing bike tricks, when the blue angles came over low and slow, gear down on final approach.


Those kids rolled there eyes like I was pointing out a city bus.

I never got over it.

I still love to see them



08-20-2022, 04:25 PM
Pretty cool! There's an air show here this weekend, Thunderbirds are here. We sat in the back yard yesterday, the whole family, watching them fly directly over our house. At one point, a plane flew so fast and loud right overhead that it set off my car alarm. :)

08-20-2022, 06:45 PM

08-21-2022, 12:57 AM
This was the view from my back yard this afternoon:


08-21-2022, 02:46 PM
They are pretty spectacular to see. They did a flyby in Little Rock in May of 2020.