View Full Version : 50th Wedding Anniversary today . . . where did the time go?

08-12-2022, 11:20 AM
Today, my wonderful wife and I are celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary . . . . and as I look back, I have to wonder where the time went. We got married while we were still in college and we began our adventure in Married Housing. We both were taking a full load of classes, I was working sometimes two jobs and we ate a lot of soup and hamburger helper, but it was fantastic!

We returned to my hometown after graduating from college, my wife ended up teaching over 30 years in the local district and I was self-employed. We never had kids but we have always had dogs along with a couple of cats along the way that brought much joy to our house and still do. Like all couples, we had "lean times", but we never lost the ability to laugh and know that tomorrow would be a better day.

When I look at my "bride" today, I still see the beautiful girl I fell in love with and I have never lost that feeling. Like all couples, we have had "bad times" as well . . . . the total of 23 years in helping to care for parents as they became ill and the loss of each of them but we faced those things as a "team" and somehow managed to get through those times.

Marriage is not something that a person should ever take for granted. It is something that has to be worked at each and every day. Success comes through the love and respect that each partner has for the other and putting the other before yourself. Of course there are ups and downs along the way but nothing that cannot be overcome if the two of you have that love and respect for each other.

We have no great plans for the day, but we are going to go for a drive and out to lunch at a nice restaurant that we have heard a lot about but never have tried. But, we don't need a big celebration - we have each other and every day that I am able to wake up and sit across fron my beloved wife, is a day that I treasure. Yea . . . 50 years today and I don't know where the time has gone, but if there were just one thing that i could wish for that would come true, it would be that I could have another 50 years with my wonderful wife that I was blessed with. I know that that wish won't come true, but every minute that we have together is treasured more than anything else and just that is worth living each day to the fullest. My congratulations go out to everyone else who have been as lucky as I have been.

08-12-2022, 11:29 AM
May I be the first to offer congratulations - we passed 43 years on May 14th. Your comments are spot on for those of us who were fortunate enough to find our "true love". I fully realize divorce is necessary at times so it's a blessing when you find the right one the first time.

08-12-2022, 12:27 PM
Congrats on 50 years. Not many marriages make this mark. My wife and I will make the 54 year mark Christmas Eve.


Der Gebirgsjager
08-12-2022, 12:35 PM
Congratulations, BBB--and to your Mrs. also. This Dec. will be 53 for my wife and I. Your write-up about marriage is a very good one. Success is truly based upon both working at the relationship. Enjoy your special day.


08-12-2022, 12:51 PM
Congratulations!! We just passed 41.

08-12-2022, 12:55 PM
Congratulations to you and the Mrs! Great post, by the way!

Texas by God
08-12-2022, 01:21 PM
Congratulations on 50 years of marriage!
Your post is spot on for the formula of marriage success.
Have a great day.

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08-12-2022, 01:36 PM

08-12-2022, 04:51 PM

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08-12-2022, 05:07 PM

08-12-2022, 05:32 PM
Congratulations on 50 years of marriage!
My wife and I celebrated 49 years yesterday.

08-12-2022, 05:46 PM
Congratulations!That's quite a milestone in today's day and age. Well celebrate our 52nd this December.

Tom Trevor
08-12-2022, 05:50 PM
Our 57th will be next February

Milky Duck
08-12-2022, 06:49 PM
gee we are still newly weds only 25 years of bliss so far...and we will stick together like glue forever...happy wife=happy life
enjoy your day together and may the good Lord grant you many more to follow.
one tip for you newly weds out there...make a point to contact your good wife at least once a day,and find something good to praise her for....dinner last night was great,
thanks for mowing the lawns yesterday,
the new curtains look great
I ma lucky man having you by my side .....etc etc
it will boost her up and make bond stronger.

08-12-2022, 08:27 PM
Congratulations. You are a blessed man to have had a friend and life mate for half a century. Enjoy your life together.

08-13-2022, 08:44 AM


08-13-2022, 10:30 AM
Congratulations! I have only 37 years together. Life can be hard but if you work as a team great things can be accomplished. Time can pass by very fast enjoy each others company.

08-13-2022, 10:47 AM
57 for us come November - not many marriages have a long duration now adays - for the 50th i surprised her and rented rooms at historic hotel Bethlehem in Pa. - daughters , grandson , her WWII vet father , + her brother - great family memories fo all

08-13-2022, 11:34 AM
Congrats on going that long and staying together through everything.

08-17-2022, 03:57 PM
Congratulations to you folks! Mainegirl and I celebrated 49 years of marriage last month and look forward to the milestone 50th. We've had many blessings along the way and are so grateful for each other.

08-17-2022, 04:17 PM
Congratulations ! Just passing 25 years together. I wish I had met her 25 years before.

08-18-2022, 09:17 AM
Jim, congratulations to you and your bride on this landmark occasion. Hope you enjoy many more.

08-18-2022, 11:56 AM
Congratulations !
You and mrs must be doing something Right ... Half a Centry and still going strong ... Awesome !

:drinks: Have a drink with that nice lunch ... y'all Deserve it .

08-18-2022, 11:59 AM
Congratulations !
We just passed 53 the 9th. Few rough spots makes it interesting.

Bad Ass Wallace
08-18-2022, 06:34 PM
Congratulations on that outstanding achievement!

We had our 48th this year.


08-20-2022, 07:53 AM
Hang in there guys.
My wife and I will celebrate our 60th on November 17th.