View Full Version : moving into the big time

07-30-2022, 08:22 PM
been wanting to automate my dillon 1050 ever since i got it, and the better half said to go for it. been watching videos of all the versions and reading up on them for years, narrowed it down to the ammobot or the mark7. the ammobot is out of stock, the mark 7 is on sale and in stock, sometimes the stars align. still need to do some upgrades to the 1050 to make it work with an autodrive better. got fw decapper and swage hold down on the way. anybody think of anything i should add or change to make processing brass eaiser.

08-02-2022, 11:26 AM
what are you setting up for ? are you trimming in the same setup ?
so far I setup four presses on mark 7 drives for a friend two s1050 two rl1100

08-02-2022, 11:54 AM
I have Mark7 drive for sale if you're interested. Downsizing due to health issues