View Full Version : In Praise of the Master Caster

07-24-2022, 04:47 PM
I bought one used a little less than two years ago (thanks 4719Dave!) when my health was a problem in casting with my Pro-Melt. I used it a few times, but then the health issues worsened and my casting stoped. Health is greatly improved, and I have been using the MC the last few weeks.

I don’t know why I waited so long to buy one and how I lived without it for so long.

BD got the first MC I ever used in a buy we made together. I knew how much he liked the MC, but I was faster with four cavity moulds and even “more faster” with six cavity Lee moulds. Plus, I had way too many moulds to really use a MC. I have now seen the light.

The MC can be turned on to heat up while I do something else, then will start producing good bullets from an oiled but cleaned mould faster than I can get with the RCBS. It just cycles faster to heat up the mould and burn off any oil I missed. There is no physical stress at all, other than that imparted by my soon to be corrected initial bench build/setup. I can walk away if something interferes and be back faster than anything else. The MC makes a one-hour casting session worthwhile, where I used to wait for at least three-four hours of uninterrupted time with the Pro-Melt. And the MC doesn’t get tired and sloppy in technique; the mould is always in the perfect spot for the pour.

I have ordered a few moulds from Accurate set up for the MC and will order more. I hope to have all my major handgun bullets moved to the MC, and I have even seen HP conversions on them. My regular moulds will still be around for tinkering amounts of bullets, but the MC will do the majority of the work.

If you ever considered a MC, yesterday was the time to buy.

07-24-2022, 05:50 PM
If you have time, check the threads here for automating the master caster.

07-24-2022, 06:57 PM
Good post AnthonyB.

BTW, I purchased mine for the same reason...health. I had about 50k bullets when I bought mine, but I knew I would need something "easy" to use down the road.

I did not know Accurate made molds for the MC and that is great news. Magma is backed up about a year out. I have been trying to find used molds but they are expensive and most look beat up and cost as much as new ones. I will check out Accurate.

08-02-2022, 09:19 AM
I have had mine since around 1986 and it is still going strong!
I moved to 3 Bullet Masters and a Ballisticast for 12 years but still have the Master Caster!

08-02-2022, 07:00 PM
Magma wants you to call for pricing, which is a sales tactic I don’t care for. How much do these machines cost?

08-02-2022, 09:13 PM
I'm glad to hear you got one Tony!