View Full Version : A nother dump dog I can't keep!!!!

07-23-2022, 09:53 PM

I was there where you left me for two whole days. Sleeping right on the side of the road. I was terrified of the noise from the cars but I did not move.

Last night one of those cars stopped and she got out. She invited me to lunch but I said no. She invited me to come sleep at her house and I also said no. I tried to explain to her that I was waiting for you but she wouldn’t listen. She pulled out a leash and said I couldn’t stay there any longer. I bit her several times and ended up peeing on myself as I growled and cried! She didn’t understand that she was separating me from you! She took me against my will and we drove off! I was so sad because I knew you were going to be worried. We ended up at her house.

I kept screaming hoping you would hear me but you never came. I vomited because of my nerves, feeling so sick. I kept telling her I had to go back because you were going to think I abandoned you when you saw I wasn’t there! I, who love you with all my heart and soul have not stopped crying since we separated a few days ago. I want you to know, I would never do that to you.

I don’t know where you are now or why you stopped the car and left me there. Surely you had something very important to do. Can you come find me now, mommy?

Today I ate because my tummy was hurting. I also slept on a very soft bed. And by accident I also wiggled my tail a bit. I’m so sorry, please forgive me. She’s just being really nice to me. She said I could stay forever. She’s calling me Milo but I already have a name. When you pick me up you can tell it to her. You’ll see how surprised she’ll be when you explain to her that this was a big mistake.

Because mommy, you’re coming back for me, right 😢🐾?

Author unknown 🐾🐾

“Pets are not disposable when we don’t want/need them anymore. They are a lifetime commitment. They are family! Thank you so much to everyone who adopts and rescues them until their last loving breath. Because of you this world is a better place.”

I live in the country, no close neighbors, so people think I need dogs and cats. Most cats don't make it as we have a yote problem. I get 40-60 yotes every year. Some of the dogs get attacked and chewed on. I have a soft heart and the ones hurt go to the vets to get treatment. Sometimes I would like to see the people dumping the animals have to survive the way their animal has to try. House keep animals do not have the fear needed to survive in the wilds.

RANT Over!!!!

07-23-2022, 10:24 PM
Oh how I understand your post.

I have folks dump animals around here too. And all but one of my indoor only cats was "found" on my property. The one who was a shelter adopted cat is a sweet thing, and what my wife wanted at the time. He's a good one too.

But one thing I always say; "If God decides we need another pet,, he sends one our way. Because he knows we'll do the right thing, and take care of it, forever."

07-23-2022, 10:43 PM
I have the problem where I live. City folks dump unwanted pets on the back roads and it is so sad. In the 10 years I have been here, one cat survived. She was adopted by a guy who was visiting from Ohio.

The "hermit" who lives 3/4 mile from me has shot a few of the drop-offs.

I am at the end of dead end road and so far have not had to deal with one.

Milky Duck
07-23-2022, 11:02 PM
dumped cats are a huge problem over here for our native wildlife,so unfortunately its shoot on sight for cats...we dont have dogs dumped....holy smoke Batman I cannot even begin to imagine what goes through minds of people who would dump a dog...Ive shot a few for people who couldnt rehome them and could no longer keep them,not something I enjoyed at all. my dogs are like my children,and the cat...well we are her house slaves,talk about having a catatude...even the dogs get looked down the nose at...

07-24-2022, 12:03 AM
OUR Independence Day consisted of having our 16-year-old dog put to sleep. We're STILL torn up about the loss, and I'm afraid of my probable reaction if I see someone dumping dogs. EVERY dog is a gift from heaven.

Milky Duck
07-24-2022, 12:51 AM
sorry for the loss Kosh.......I feel your pain.

07-24-2022, 05:08 AM
Man, that was hard to read.:(

07-24-2022, 10:24 AM
Oh how I understand your post.


But one thing I always say; "If God decides we need another pet,, he sends one our way. Because he knows we'll do the right thing, and take care of it, forever."

We lost our German Shepard two months ago. She was in the doldrums for a week, but constant loving eyes until she went to abetter place late one night as the wife and I spent the night with her. Our Chocolate lab has cancer and hip displacement; but is being cared for as he slowly becomes less and less mobile. Our vet is a gem as she provides med's with a slight mark up and reduced vet bill each month. When he departs us, the wife says "We are going to take a break and not get another dog"; yet she knows that every dog we have had - sought us out; not the other way. When we are ready; the lord will send another to our home. After all; they care for us - and let us think we are caring for them.

07-24-2022, 11:11 AM
We live very close to a veterinary clinic so I think people drop cats off closeby thinking the clinic will take care of them. Our two (originally four) 14-YO cats were dropped off at the clinic as kittens and our son's wife adopted them and we took them when they moved to town. We've had several cats show up over the years, one a kitten so sick it coldn't walk. The vet examined it and euthanized it. strays I trap and take to the county animal shelter where they make an effort to put them up for adoption. I've also trapped a couple of true feral cats that were obviously unadoptable because they were crazy wild in captivity. Oddly, almost all of the stray animals turn up on weekend days.

I've learned that feral cats are large, muscular, and the scars on their faces tell the story of their life. They definitely aren't starved as one might expect. They run and hide when they see people at distance while a stray will let people approach. Fortunately, we haven't had a problem with abandoned or feral dogs. Just the neighbor dogs that occasionally get out.

07-25-2022, 02:40 PM
My little Sophie was dumped. Some friends saw her and picked her up. They told my son about her because I was looking for a friend after five years being without. I went to their place to have a talk with the little lady. She and I agreed to give it a go. She was very young. Figured right at 3 months. She turned out to be quite a cuddler. She was a breeze to house break. Not sure what breeds she is but at least a quarter pit. She is the most loving dog I have ever had. At this writing she is in one of her fave places in the whole world. Laying across my shoulders as I sit in my big overstuffed chair. She will never go hungry. She will always be loved. Six years on.

07-25-2022, 05:17 PM
There is a special place in hell for those that abuse animals - including those jackwagons that abandon unwanted animals in the country.
I burn with rage at these stories.
Semper Fi.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2022, 05:34 PM
I love animals especially dogs and cats.
If I were Dictator there would be a death sentence for anyone who abandoned or abused them.

07-26-2022, 10:04 AM
I was born to a Ranch / Farm. One thing you learn very early on is that problem animals must be dealt with and quickly. If you love animals, and I do, it is never an easy task.
Throw out animals can be easy going or like be like a rabid street gang in a metropolitan city, destroying every other animal they come across just for fun. Dog packs are rarely together to be peaceful. They hunt in packs and can get carried away in a chase, killing or injuring livestock
We have livestock, ducks, chickens, turkeys and deer. A lot of fun to see a pack of stray dogs kill new born fawns or 10-15 chickens, just for fun. Our area is not blessed with a pound or shelter. We have leash laws but few, if any, observe the law. They sure do throw them out though, when they become a problem, without food or water. It is curious as to what these folks might ever think will possibly happen to their discarded animals.

07-26-2022, 12:50 PM
We do not get much snow here and what we do get usually comes and goes. This last fall/winter after every light snow I would see cat tracks in the yard I thought belonged to a local wandering cat. One day I was looking out the window and saw a cat sitting on the retaining wall behind my loading shed. It looked skinny so that night we put out some food and I called it. After awhile it came onto the back porch and ate the food so we opened the door and put more food out. It ate that and then came inside. We got it checked and no chip. No one answered the "found" add so, she got fixed, shots and we have a new cat!!

07-27-2022, 09:22 PM
Every now and then my wife and I are getting asked to come over to a friend or relative's house for lunch. Sure enough there is a stray dog or cat in the invite. We have also gotten pets from the local county shelter and one time our tax lady asked us to take a cat for her. In fifty and more years we haven't turned anyone down yet.
Ole Jack

07-27-2022, 09:50 PM
I once saw a man, deliberately swerved his car in order to hit a turtle that was crossing the road! As I voiced my verbal disapproval he was foolish enough to back his car up and confront me. Let me just say that someplace in Brevard county Florida there was a dentist that is now able to put one of his children through college because of my actions that followed.

My wife and I worked as volunteers for the American bull mastiff rescue Association for many years when we lived in Florida. I could tell you stories that would literally make you quite ill! Even if the offenders information was known I was never privy to that information. I once questioned the woman that ran the local chapter as to why anyone I asked would never tell me the information as to who the offender was. I was told in no uncertain terms that it was for my own good, and that it would be no good for anyone if I was behind bars!
If you do the research, most serial killers, serial child abusers, evil psychopaths in general start out by torturing animals! I am of the belief that a stout tree and strong rope would help to cure many anti-societal issues.
I have always said and I quote “dogs I like people not so much”

07-27-2022, 10:46 PM
I know some of you will judge me for this, but I'm really not a dog person, or animal lover in general. I'd be fine without them. I begrudgingly allowed a cat due to the pleading of the kids, and really drug my feet on getting a dog, finally giving in because my daughter REALLY wanted one. I'd still rather he wasn't a house dog; I don't like the smell and abundance of hair everywhere. It irritates me when he sticks his nose in my crotch every time I come home, and it makes my skin crawl when he touches me with his nose EVERY time I walk be. That and the fact that he destroyed absolutely EVERYTHING for the first year and a half. I understand that pets are wonderful, loving companions for most people. I have my wife and kids; the animals are a nuisance. That's what I say, anyhow. (grumble, grump) :)

That said, I would NEVER hurt an animal unless absolutely necessary. It's infuriating to hear of people who dump domesticated animals out in the country. Do they think they'll survive and "Be Free!" out in the wild somehow? Idiots!

Now that some of you hate me for that first paragraph: we got our cat about seven years ago, from someone giving away rescue cats in front of Walmart. My wife donated to the cause and brought home a skittish white fluff-ball about two years old. She had been feral and was scared to death of us and our house, for about two weeks. She wouldn't let us near her, and we found her in the weirdest hiding places in the house. She got used to us after a couple weeks, and gradually became queen of the castle, with us as her humble servants! She'll lay on the back of the couch watching people walk by on the sidewalk out front. She'll even lay out in the front yard, waiting for passers-by to pay attention to her. Sometimes when we're out front in the evening, people we don't know will walk by and tell us how much they love our cat. She's a special one.

My daughter LOVES her dog, and he's growing on me too. He thinks I like him, for some reason, and follows me around. I'll scratch his ears and pet him, telling him to stop bugging me, but that only seems to make it worse. :confused: Now, the cat... I didn't think she would ever forgive us when we brought home a demonic little puppy. You could see the anger on her face whenever she came in. WHY was this nasty creature in HER house?! She would hiss at him, and he would follow her around with his nose stuck to her butt. After a time they came to something of a truce, and seem to tolerate each other now. I have a feeling that the dog and I will be fine too, as time goes by. I just wish he'd lay off the nose thing.

Eh, he's a dog, it's what they do... :)