View Full Version : Gunmakers Fair in Kempton PA

07-23-2022, 08:30 PM
Just found out the old Dixons fair is being held again. Now called the Gunmakers Fair, just down the road from the Dixon's Fair. Just a heads up for anyone interested.

Address of the fairground: Kempton Community Center , 83 Community Center Drive, Kempton, PA


07-23-2022, 10:42 PM
Glad to see this happened I know the nmlra has been offering to help Chuck Dixon with the fair for about a decade now. I guess Chuck said finally said ok.

07-24-2022, 07:21 AM
Dixon's is not involved in the Kempton Fair. Chuck Dixon passed away last winter.

07-24-2022, 08:09 AM
Thanks OP. Saw this posted on another forum (https://gunmakersfair.wixsite.com/gunfair). I may make a trip - looks like plenty of seminars.

Dixons website isn't working for some reason.

08-04-2022, 02:23 AM
Made it down for the weekend. Amazing what some of those people can do. Saw some beautiful rifles, horns, etc. Came home with a new possibles bag and a few odds and ends. Also stopped at Dixon's before coming home. That place is awesome. Could have spent all day in there, real nice folks also.

Not sure how the fair compared to Dixon's as I was never smart enough to go down to it. But I thought this one was good and hopefully it will continue and grow. Seemed to be a good turn out I thought.

Anyone else make it there?

Got me inspired being there and spent the day Monday shooting my flintlock .32. Getting a load worked up for squirrel season in less than a month.