View Full Version : gawd durned it!!!

07-20-2022, 12:45 AM
one year, way back then...lol, my dad, my youngest brother(13 or 14yo at the time) and me were out hunting for deer. i shot a doe earlier in morning and i went up to dad asked for the key to his truck so i could put my rifle in (you were only allowed to shoot deer one per day). he gave the me key and i told him you and him should go to my spot to get a deer for my brother. when i'm done, i'll push deer to you guys. they went to the spot and i left dragging the deer out.

when i got to the truck, i put the doe into the bed and then i put my rifle into the truck. then i ate a sandwich and drank my bottle of soda and then i go will back to the same spot. i was about 75 - 100 yards away from the spot, when i heard my brother's rifle go boom. so i stop and wait a couple of minutes. then i see my dad and brother get up and go to the spot where my brother shot at a deer. so i keep on walking to meet them....i walked and walked and walked because they walked. i go to myself, "what the heck are they doing? did wound the deer? dang it, i know he did." (heck and dang were NOT used, i'm remind myself that this a family forum) finally they stop and and i walk up to them. my brother is gutting a doe and my dad says and points "look over there." all i can see is a half pattern of many, many spots of blood on the snow. i looked further at the trees and they are blood spattered. everything in 8 foot half a circle was blood spattered. jeez, i loaded up a 150gr hornady fn in '06 at about 2500fps or so. "where did shoot her?" i said. my brother goes red in the face, "in the neck, but i was aiming for the chest." i go "well you got her, but remember that the bullet could have gone into her guts and then you would see me mad."

my dad said "he must have been lucky, look at where he shot her." i look back thru the woods and i swear to God, that shot has to be 120-130 yards, thru the woods!!! that has be first time i ever heard "i shot him at 125 yards thru the woods." the only thing it needed was running thru woods would make me suspect. i can't believe he shot it, off hand at 120 some yards...some guys have all the luck.

now this is the part that the scope comes in. while me and my brother are resting on the drag, a small group of deer shows up. my dad still as tag so i whisper to my dad, "go ahead and shoot one of them." "you sure? you're the one who has to drag it out." he says. "go ahead" i say. he picked the biggest doe, which was about 25 yards or so, and bang........the deer ran off, including her. well, my dad had problems with his back and leg, so its up to me to track her. i tell him "gimme the gun and keep on dragging while i get her." i was about 150 yards into it, when i came up to steep gully, it was 7 or 8" deep. well the tracks are there, so i follow them up and over. except the over part, i seen the doe laying there under some brush like 4 or 5 feet away, staring at me. so i quickly brought gun up to shoulder and i looked thru the scope and all i seen was brown. i looked at the scope and it was set to 9x......gosh durned it!!!(family forum) so i look for black eye, found it and boom. i drag the doe out of the brush and i began to look for where my dad shot it. well, he shot the front of the brisket. the bullet trail was on the outside of the doe. well, i said a few choice words about him and the shot and then i gutted it. i was dragging it back to the truck when i seen them, my brother was dragging the doe shot while my dad was limping on his cane. "why on earth do you have 9x?" i says. "oh" he says, "i never backed it down to 4x when i shot gun in." i said some more choice words and i dragged the doe out.

yes, i used choice words back then and i was angry and mad about everything and everybody. now it's more like calm and thoughtful, but it's once in a while some more choice words come out. my dad has passed this year, but not the stories about him.

07-20-2022, 08:33 AM
Sorry about your dad passing. Mine passed over 40 years ago and still miss him.

07-20-2022, 09:56 AM
I'm Thankful to God that I had a dad that helped me to live a lifetime of stories & still doing it outdoors. Thank You Lord!

07-20-2022, 01:09 PM
Never had a day like that but I have had a few "come on y'all shoot better than that" and a couple " (colorful, metaphor) were you thinking" days .

4 yr next week since my Dad passed . He lost an eye very young , someplace here I related the story of our last hunt , events that in the moment weren't the least bit humorous but in hindsight make great camp stories .

Treasured moments.

07-21-2022, 07:13 PM
this one reaches far back into my archives.......

i was 10 or 11yo when i'd go to centre county, pa for fishing/hunting camp on the Penns Creek. my grandpap and dad didn't have "the camp" (modified A frame) even built just yet. all pap had was a trailer with the skirts made from board foam insulation. he had a box built of board foam and grandpap had a kerosine heater that he'd light up when it got cold out (heat the floor). then he got a 40 lb propane tank for heating and cooking.

my dad had a 1978 blue chevy pickup with a straight 6 cylinder and a three on tree transmission as his work truck. oh, he used a screwdriver to get it started. other than the motor and transmission, it was a piece of junk. there was bondo everywhere and holes in the cab. Dad loved that truck. anyway, my grandpap and me, with dad's truck, go down to the local hardware store to buy another propane tank. he starts the truck with a screwdriver, pops off the parking brake and then he GRINDS it into 1st. the motor is running all out and he GRINDS it into 2nd and then 3rd. and he's swearing at the truck!!! i just kept my mouth shut and i looked out the window. we go to the store, buy another tank and then he proceeds to grind and swear till we got back to camp. my dad goes up to to my grandpap and he goes "you know, they have a thing called a clutch that makes the grinding noises go away." i think i fell over and laughed while my grandpap swore and he in to the trailer.

it was in the afternoon sometime when it happened. when i was 12yo, i, my dad and late uncle were on a road in the same blue pickup, during buck season. the road was a washed out, bumpy mess of a trail thru the woods. my dad was driving, i was in the middle and my uncle was shotgun. i don't know how long we had to get the place, but my neck and head sure were loosened up!!! when all of the sudden my dad slams on the brakes, begins to open the door and says "i gotta go now!!!". the next thing i am looking at is my dad squated down and i heard wettest fart and crap ever. oh, but wait, there's more. not only did i see and hear it, a second later i smelled it. i've been about everywhere and smelled alot of things, some good, some bad. but the baddest, worst thing i ever smelled was my dad's farts and crap. i quickly tried to open the passenger door over my uncle. he looks at me a says "what in the.....oh GOD!!!!" and he tries to open the door too. now picture it, you see a guy squatting to take a crap, two people desperately trying to open the passenger door and then you see them fall out of the truck, gagging and spewing. i can picture it, because i've been there!!!!! my God the smells he put out........