View Full Version : Arsenal molds - my bad experience so far

07-14-2022, 06:26 PM
I purchased a mold from Arsenal molds for the first time in early June. The mold arrived after July 4th and I started casting to find out that the sprue plate was hogged out on the bottom side by some power tool and it was cupped down the middle of the sprue holes. 4 out of 5 bullets had bad fins on the bases.

I emailed Arsenal and they sent me another sprue plate. This one was just as bad! With a straight edge across the plate, the sprue holes were arched up over the mold surface by 4-5 thousandths. I screwed up by laboriously hand lapping the sprue plate for at least an hour today then trying to cast again. I ran 10 pounds of lead through the mold this afternoon and didn't get a single bullet without wrinkles. Now it apparently has a venting problem. I am fed up! The mold was clean when I got it and I washed it with Comet and a toothbrush anyways before I started casting.

I contacted Arsenal just now and asked for a return shipping label. I will hopefully get my money back and just pick up my bullet the next time NOE has it in stock. I only ordered from Arsenal because it has been out of stock at NOE. My impression is that Arsenal is closer to Lee quality but double the money of Lee.

You ever go out to the shop and cast for over an hour and not get one good keeper bullet? Super frustrating and it happened to me twice with this mold, plus all my effort dripping sweat lapping the plate for over an hour.

07-14-2022, 06:57 PM
Sorry you had a bad experience but your the exception not the Rule.

Why would you wash a Mold with Comet never heard of that before??

I got a mold from them last Saturday my fifth and it worked find out of box.

There instructions say don't wash them I don't and they work just find. I wash the NOE one's in Dawn soap per their instructions.

Looking at both NOE and Arsenal molds right now and with two expectations for engraving and lock screws locations they are the same.

I am sure Arsenal will give you your money back.

07-14-2022, 07:22 PM
i have 1 arsenal mold and it is one of my best molds. aluminum molds cool off a lot faster than steel molds. you may have to turn the temp up on the casting pot or adjust your casting speed. mine was brand new and totally clean. sorry for you bad experience with arsenal molds.

07-14-2022, 07:42 PM
I have five and they are excellent. All dropped useful bullets very quickly and all cavities drop identical weights and diameters. Hopefully they'll take care of you.

07-14-2022, 07:46 PM
I like both NOE and Arsenal; been buying more from Arsenal because NOE has been out of stock.


07-14-2022, 07:53 PM
I'd like to see photos after your modifications and cleaning regimen.

07-14-2022, 08:29 PM
Also which mold was it?

07-15-2022, 09:57 AM
I have several of their molds and all was fine until the last one I bought. I asked for a certain dia. with a certain alloy and all boolits are .005 oversize and they wont reply to my emails. I will say the good ones are very good just no customer service. Of course that is the new America so I should expect it. Shoot em while you can boys it aint never coming back.

07-15-2022, 10:26 AM
I ordered the Ranch Dog 9mm in plain base . I already have this bullet with a GC from NOE. I have casted successfully with more than 30 molds and have cast between 800 and 1000 pounds of bullets in the last decade. I can make molds work with the right temp and cadence and even make bullets rain out of 4 cavity HP molds. I have Leemented about 20 molds and know what it takes to make a mold last a long time and work well.

I took some photos of both sprue plates. The rainbow patina sprue plates is the one that I lapped for a long time. You can see in the center near the sprue holes that it is still arched over the mold surface, but one hole near the pivot screw has finally been flattened all the way. The other 4 holes are now within 1-2 thou of touching after more than an hour of lapping on a coarse diamond stone. The shinier sprue plate is the original. I touched it on the lapping stone before the pic to higlight the contact areas. It is only touching in the middle on one side, and on the other side it is only touching on the front and back. 3 points of contact and the rest of the plate is arched 4-5 thousandths.

Maybe my mold is wrinkling because the uncured plastic on the sprue plates. Cavities all appear clean though. The first sprue plate's coating has been melted from the initial casting session and when I picked it up for photos the black was peeling off on my fingers. The coating on the second sprue plate started to dissolve from my honing oil on my stone and was getting black goo everywhere, so I hit it with some carburetor cleaner and all the black goop came right off.

I heard from Arsenal and it looks like they want ME to pay return shipping. Ha! 302135302136302137

07-15-2022, 10:33 AM

07-15-2022, 11:48 AM
Try running your melt hotter and increase your cadence.
Their coating on the sprue plate does suck though, mine flakes off too.

07-15-2022, 12:07 PM
Try Smoking the mold it definitely helps the NOE and Lee molds.

07-15-2022, 01:40 PM
Well I heard back again and they are sending me a return label. I gotta say they stand behind their product and I have no hard feelings against them.

07-29-2022, 09:57 AM
The return went very smooth. I wanna say again that they stand behind their product and I hope my experience shows others that their products are a safe buy.

07-29-2022, 10:16 AM
The return went very smooth. I wanna say again that they stand behind their product and I hope my experience shows others that their products are a safe buy.

Definitely safe to buy just got another one in Great molds from the box to pot in minutes.

07-29-2022, 10:45 AM
Definitely safe to buy just got another one in Great molds from the box to pot in minutes.

Did you cast with your new mold yet? I wonder if they have a bad run of sprue plates because I got 2 in a row that were badly cupped. I was getting 40-45 caliber fins on my 356 bullets.

07-29-2022, 10:48 AM
I've only got two Arsenal molds but both work well. I wondered about the black stuff on the sprue plate but since it didn't cause a problem, I ignored it. it seems to be wearing off though. Anyone know why it is used?

07-29-2022, 10:51 AM
Did you cast with your new mold yet? I wonder if they have a bad run of sprue plates because I got 2 in a row that were badly cupped. I was getting 40-45 caliber fins on my 356 bullets.

Yes I casted with the day I got it worked fine. Same sprue plates just like the ones NOE uses. I don't clean Arsenal molds just a little smoke and start casting.

Jeff Michel
07-30-2022, 05:36 AM
Bought one a couple months ago, casts .002+ undersized. Contacted them, never heard back. Main reason I stick with Tom and Al.

07-30-2022, 10:54 AM
your boolits are wrinkled because you aren't running your mold hot enough.
That isn't a Accurate molds issue.

As far as the sprue plate not being true, I don't know what to tell you. I haven't had that issue and I think I have five or six of their molds. I have a 2C 30 cal 240 grain blackout mold that is setup on my master caster and it casts like a dream.

07-30-2022, 02:40 PM
I have several arsenal molds with no issues. The black stuff on the sprue plate wipes right off if you spray it with brake cleaner- appears to be just plain carbon.

07-31-2022, 06:26 AM
Bought one a couple months ago, casts .002+ undersized. Contacted them, never heard back. Main reason I stick with Tom and Al.

At -.002" I'd probably just lap it. Once you get the process dialed in it's a lot faster than sending a mold back.

Jeff Michel
07-31-2022, 09:15 AM
True enough, I'll probably go that route. Part of the problem that I have is I didn't order an undersized mold, and yes I know things happen and things can be rectified. The fact they didn't bother to answer my e-mail expressing my issue is really the troubling aspect. The thing for people to remember that there are quite a number of custom mold makers out there, not like thirty years ago. Poor customer service doesn't have to be endured. Thanks for your input.

07-31-2022, 05:37 PM
your boolits are wrinkled because you aren't running your mold hot enough.
That isn't a Accurate molds issue.

As far as the sprue plate not being true, I don't know what to tell you. I haven't had that issue and I think I have five or six of their molds. I have a 2C 30 cal 240 grain blackout mold that is setup on my master caster and it casts like a dream.

I have casted successfully with more than 30 molds and have cast between 800 and 1000 pounds of bullets in the last decade. I can make molds work with the right temp and cadence and even make bullets rain out of 4 cavity HP molds. I have Leemented about 20 molds and know what it takes to make a mold last a long time and work well.

Like I said in this thread above your comment, I know what it takes to cast good bullets, but thanks anyways. When the sprue plate stays liquid for 4 seconds and you still have wrinkled bullets it is a venting issue. When the mold is so hot that it smokes your synthetic 2 stroke oil and you still have wrinkled bullets, it is a venting issue. When you dip the hot mold in lead for 30 seconds, your sprue stays liquid for 10 seconds and you still have wrinkled bullets, it is a venting issue.

Jeff Michel
08-01-2022, 09:46 PM
If you haven't do so yet, give a dipper a try. That has mitigated venting and turbidity problems for me in the past. So much so, I seldom use the bottom pour spout, the bullets are that much better.

08-02-2022, 08:06 AM
Or try holding the spru plate against the pot nozzle. Seeme like most of my problem aluminium molds settled down after a while.

08-02-2022, 10:18 AM
Well the mold is already returned, but I did try pressure casting. The vents must have been half plugged because the lead preferentially went under the sprue plate and, since the sprue plate was still arched over 4 of the cavities, it just squirted out there and made fins on the bases of 4/5 bullets.