View Full Version : 19 round CZ 75 magazine

01-26-2009, 08:42 PM
I have a Cz75b and I was wondering if the Mec gar 19 round 9 mm magazine will fit it or is it just made for the PO 1?

mike in co
01-27-2009, 02:16 AM
no those mags are not interchangable...BUT....CZ MAKES A 25 RD FOR THE 75.85 SERIES....MY GUESS IS THEY ARE SOLD OUT AT THIS POINT...thanks obama.

you can buy an aluminium 3/5 round extentions for the std mags. mill out the indentations on the bottom of the mag....clearance the follower to move smoothly into the extension.....20 rds!

mike in co

01-27-2009, 09:31 AM
Those mags look slick in the movies, in real life it makes you feel like you're carrying a rake around.